(327): Colds (Hiro)

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I'm feeling a bit better now. I started to catch a cold the day after Halloween and I ran a fever Monday and Tuesday. Since I'm still slightly miserable, here's a Sick Hiro x Reader.


You're walking downtown with your boyfriend, Hiro. He's taking you to the movies tonight. You tell him about your day at school. He's unusually quiet as you speak, just nodding every few minutes in response to what you say.

"Honestly, I'm so tired of my biology class. I don't get how you're good at it! I'm glad you're there to tutor me, because at this rate, I won't be graduating-" You're interrupted as Hiro lets out a loud sneeze. Each sneeze is followed by another until he's forced to stop. "Whoa, Hiro. Are you okay?" He keeps the sleeve of his hoodie in front of his mouth and nose.

When he's finished, he says, "Sorry. I haven't felt the greatest today."

You frown. "I think that you're getting sick," you comment. You place your hand on Hiro's forehead. His skin is just a bit hotter than it usually is. "Yeah, you're definitely a little warm. We should get back. You need to sleep."

"What? No way!" Hiro pulls away and shoves his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. "I'm fine, ___. We need to get going if we're going to catch that movie." He stops and coughs harshly into his hoodie. You wince at the sound of it.

"We're not going," you say. You grab his hood and pull him back to you.

"Why not?"

"You're running a fever, Hiro," you say. "I care about you too much to keep you out. It's cold outside, for one, and for two, you need to sleep." You hold your hand out for his. He smiles a little and slides his fingers in between yours. "We can reschedule our date."

"Alright," Hiro says. He keeps your hand and walks alongside you back home. Halfway there, he shivers. You reach your arm around him and pull him against you. When you step through the doors of the cafe, Aunt Cass is making a cup of coffee for one of her customers.

"Aunt Cass, can I get a cup of hot tea?" you ask.

She looks over at you. "What happened to your date?"

"Hiro's not feeling too well," you say softly.

He blushes. "It's just a cold," he says.

"Aw, sweetie," Aunt Cass reaches her hand out to brush it through his hair.

The fifteen year old gently pushes her hand away. "Aunt Cass," he whines.

She laughs. "I'm sorry," she says. "Go on upstairs. I'll bring you the tea." She pats Hiro on the back as you help him back upstairs. You lead him to his bed. He kicks his shoes off and pulls his jacket off before laying down on the bed. You pull the blanket up over him and take a seat.

"You won't leave, right?" he mumbles miserably. He reaches for your hand and pulls it to his face. He lays his cheek against it.

"I won't leave," you say gently. "I'll be right here until you fall asleep."

Aunt Cass walks up the stairs and hands you the white cup of tea. "Here you go. Hiro, I also brought you a cold tablet. I want you to take it right now, okay? I'll make soup and grilled cheese for dinner. ___, you're welcome to stay if you'd like."

"Thanks, Aunt Cass," you say. She smiles and leaves the room. You hand Hiro the pill. "Come on, Hiro. Take it."

"My throat hurts," he grumbles.

"Oh, you poor thing," you joke. Hiro glares at you. He sits up and hesitantly sets the pill on his tongue. He takes a sip of the tea to wash it down. When he's finished, he hands you the cup.

"When I get sick, you better offer to take care of me," you say.

"When you get sick, I'm going to laugh at you."

You pout. "After all I've done?"

Hiro smiles. "You know that I'll end up taking care of you. You always act like getting sick is the end of the world."

"I do not," you defend yourself.

"Yeah, you do," Hiro says.

You lean forward. "I do not," you insist before kissing his lips gently.

Hiro sighs. "Now you're definitely getting sick."

"You kissed me earlier today," you remind him. "I was bound to get it, anyways."

Hiro laughs. "True. I'm sorry."

"You can make it up to me," you say.

"How?" he asks, squeezing your hand in his. He presses his lips to the top of your hand. You smile and lean forward again. You press your lips to his again quickly. He smirks as you kiss him once more after that. "Are you just going to keep kissing me? Is that how I make up for it?"

"You did ruin my date, so yeah." You kiss him again and pull away. "Okay, I'll let you sleep."

"No," he mumbles, "you'll leave." He pulls the blanket over his head as he erupts into another fit of coughing. You run a hand gently through the hair on the top of his head.

"I'll stay for a while. I'll wake you up for dinner," you promise.

"Okay," he whispers. You squeeze his hand and pull away. "I love you," he says.

Your heart skips a beat. Hiro never says that he loves you first. You always have to, and sometimes he feels too awkward to reply back properly. "I love you, too, Hiro." You turn the light off and head down the stairs.

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