(323): Baby's First Halloween (Tadashi)

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Tadashi x pregnant Reader requested by luckylightgamer.


You lift yourself off of your pillows and stretch your arms out. You yawn and look around. The bright morning sun is shining through the white curtains. Your husband's side of the bed is already made. This isn't a surprise. He tends to get up early into the morning. You used to, but you've been sleeping a lot more now that you're pregnant. It's your first baby, and you're beyond excited to be a mother.

You stand up and turn to your bed. You gently lift the blanket and straighten it out. It's much more difficult to make a bed when you're nine months pregnant. Your bedroom door opens and Tadashi steps in. "I thought I heard you up," he says. He sighs when he sees you making the bed. "___, what did I say? I'll do all of the housework. You need to rest."

"I can't have you do everything," you say. Tadashi takes the pillow from your hands.

"Yes, you can," he says, planting a kiss between your eyebrows. "The baby could come any day. I want you to be well cared for until he or she is delivered safely."

You sigh and step aside. Tadashi finishes making the bed and then takes your hand. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast."

During breakfast, Tadashi says, "I really need to stop by the store today. We need to make sure we have everything we need."

"Can I come?" you ask.

Tadashi sighs. His hand runs up and down your arm slowly. "I'd rather you rest."

"It's just a short shopping trip," you say. "Besides, Halloween is in a week and I'd like to look at the costumes and decorations." You take a bite of your pancake.

"That's right. And we don't have a costume for the baby yet!"

"The baby might not be here until November, Tadashi," you remind him.

"But what if he or she is born on Halloween? We can have a Halloween baby! Just think about all of the themed birthday parties!" Tadashi beams.

"You're so cute," you tell him. You kiss his cheek. "I'm going to get ready and then we'll go."

Later, you're at the store. Tadashi holds a basket full of candy to hand out next week. You're looking at all of the decorations.

"Do we really need more pumpkins around the kitchen, ___?" Tadashi asks as you pick up a pumpkin centerpiece.

You purse your lips. "You're right. Maybe we should have a couple of scary decorations. I'll pick up the bat centerpiece." Tadashi smiles at you. After a few minutes of browsing the collection of decorations, you've picked out two welcome signs. "Tadashi, should we get a welcome sign shaped like a gravestone or a witch's broom?" He doesn't answer. You look around you. "Tadashi?" You're in the aisle all alone. You sigh and start to walk around the corner.

Tadashi looks up at you when you find him. He's on his knees, searching through the aisle of costumes. "Sweetie! Look what I found!" He stands up and holds out two costumes. One is a scarecrow, the other a princess. "Kind of lame, yeah, but they don't have a huge selection for newborns. And our baby will look amazing anyways."

You smile. "What if the baby doesn't come until the first of November?"

"Then we'll give these away," Tadashi says. "We just have to be prepared."

You sigh and take his hand. "I'm glad you're excited for the baby's first Halloween. Go ahead and get them."


Four days later, you're laying in your hospital bed with your newborn son in your arms. Tadashi is on his knees at your bedside, his chin resting on his crosses arms. You smile at your baby, (Name), and gently brush your finger against his cheek. His black hair is already thick on the top of his head. He lets out a quiet yawn, opening his (your eye color) eyes.

"He's perfect," Tadashi whispers. You smile and nod. "I'm so proud of you." He reaches up and kisses your cheek. "I love you so much."

There's a light knock on the door. You and Tadashi look up and see Aunt Cass and Hiro. "Hey, guys," Aunt Cass says quietly. She looks down at the baby and places a hand over her heart.

"It's a boy," Tadashi announces.

"Yes!" Hiro says loudly. He runs over to your bedside and looks over at him. You move the blankets from the sides of his face so he can see him. "Wow. He really looks like you, Tadashi."

Aunt Cass walks to your side and gasps. "Oh! He's so beautiful!"

"Would you like to hold him?" you ask her.

"Yes! Of course!" You set the baby in her arms and lay back. Tadashi drapes his arm over your shoulder and kisses you. She grins at (Name). "Tadashi, he does look a lot like you."

The next group walks in. Honey Lemon grins at you. "It's a boy," you tell everyone. They all cheer quietly and surround Aunt Cass.

"Oh, he's so cute!"

"Congratulations, guys!"

Honey Lemon walks up to you and Tadashi. "I made you two something for (Name)." She pulls out a small orange hat that reads: Baby's First Halloween.

"It's amazing, Honey Lemon. Thank you," you say. She nods and walks back to the group as they pass around the baby. "Looks like we're going to be having a scarecrow for Halloween."

Tadashi laughs. "I told you that we would have a Halloween baby," he says. He leans forward and kisses you lightly. "Now we can take him trick-or-treating!"

"Not this year, silly," you say.

"Right. Sorry. I'm thinking two years ahead." He shakes his head. "Next year?"

"Next year." Honey Lemon gently hands you your baby. You kiss his cheek and lean into Tadashi's embrace. Honey Lemon puts the hat on his head.

She pulls out her phone and says, "Everyone say, 'Halloween'!"


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