(357): My Sister (Sibling Honey Lemon)

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I'm feeling much better today!

It's been a while since we've had a sibling Honey Lemon x Reader, so here we go!


Your head is still spinning as you think of how far you've come today. Just this morning, you and your group of six friends were sure that the man in the kabuki mask was Alistair Krei. Now, you're following the path of Professor Callaghan.

You didn't know him well. All you knew was that he was your friend's professor, and he was adored by many. And suddenly he's an angry and cruel man who is only driven by his own selfish revenge. What happened?

Now, you're sitting on top of Baymax between two of your closest friends. Honey Lemon, your older sister, is nervous. You can tell.

You take her hand and offer her a small smile. "We'll get him, Honey."

"I know." She smiles back. "I'm still just worried about Hiro, though."

You look over at Hiro, who catches your eye and smiles. It's been a while since you've seen that happiness on him, and it makes you beyond happy. You return the smile and look down, a light blush on your cheeks. "Don't be. He'll be fine."

"I guess you're right," she replies. "Thanks. You always know how to get me happy again, sis."

"Anytime," you say, bumping your shoulder against hers.

"There he is, guys!" Hiro exclaims. You look over and see Callaghan holding a terrified Krei hostage in a cocoon of microbots. Much to your horror, the portal is already on and working. Chunks of the building fly up and go into the opening of the machine. You gulp. "Callaghan! Let him go. Is this what Abigail would've wanted?"

"Abigail is gone!" Callaghan snaps.

"I know," Hiro continues. "It doesn't change anything."

"J-Just listen to the kid, Callaghan!" Krei pleads. "Please, I'll give you anything you want!"

"I want my daughter back!" Callaghan growls as he throws his hand out towards you. You gasp as a wave of microbots shoots out towards your group. Hiro knocks himself into you, pushing you out of the way. You immediately sit up and look for Honey Lemon.

"Honey Lemon!" you shout.

"We don't have time to look for her," Hiro says, tugging on your arm. "Come on, we have to get off of here before Callaghan destroys everything!"

"No! That's my sister! I have to go!" you scream. "You know what it's like to have an older sibling. I can't lose mine, Hiro. I'm not strong enough."

Hiro's expression softens. He nods and squeezes your arm gently. "Be careful, okay?"

"I will," you promise. You run to the other side. After lowering yourself off of many pieces of the broken structure, you finally see her. She's tossing her chemical balls at the stems of microbots that Callaghan throws at her. Your power, which is just the ability to run quickly and easily in your light blue suit, is coming in handy. "Honey Lemon!" You sprint towards her.

"___, no! Stay back! It's not safe!"

"Of course it's not," you shout back, dodging a couple of stems. "We're super heroes!"

She smirks at you as she dodges one of the stems. She throws one of the blue chem balls and smiles as it freezes. While she types up another code quickly into her purse, one shoots out from behind her.

Your eyes widen in terror. "No! Honey Lemon, move!" She looks up in horror as you dive on top of her, blocking her from the shot. She shoots her hand up and covers the two of you in a pink dome, but it's too late. The impact on your head causes you to black out. You lay limp on top of her.

Honey Lemon wriggles out from under you and turns you over. "___?" she asks with a small voice. She touches your cheek and chokes back on her tears. "___, you've gotta get up! Please!" Suddenly, one of the stems breaks through the hard pink shell of the dome. Honey gasps and ducks. It happens again, and again. She grabs your limp body and cradles you close to her chest. "Stop!" she screams in a strangled voice. "Wait! Stop! You can't-"

"Honey Lemon?" Hiro's voice echoes in her earpiece. "Where are you and what's going on?"

"I'm in a pink dome," she explains through her tears. "You've gotta help; ___'s hurt!"

"We're on our way," Hiro says quickly.

Honey Lemon screams as another stem breaks into the dome. They're getting closer and closer to your body and hers. She's terrified that she'll die, but she leans over you to shield you anyways. She shuts her eyes tightly as the dome continues to break. Then, it stops.

Suddenly, the entire side behind her breaks open. Honey turns and sees Fred. "Freddie," she whispers. Fred lifts the top of his suit up and holds out his arms. She takes them and slowly slides herself out. Fred then scoops your body up into his arms and runs away from the scene, just as Baymax and Hiro land with Callaghan.

"Did you get the portal?" Wasabi questions.

"Yeah, it's destroyed," Hiro says breathlessly.

"Baymax, help ___!" Honey pleads.

Hiro and Baymax run to Fred's side. Go Go touches Honey's shoulder and squeezes it gently, silently letting her know that she's okay. Baymax scans you and looks at Honey Lemon. "___ has blacked out due to an impact on her head. She does not have a concussion. She will wake up, and she will need ice."

Hiro breathes a sigh of relief. Honey Lemon smiles, and her tears become tears of joy. Fred grins. "I knew she'd be too tough to go out already!" he exclaims.

"We'll get her ice," Honey says. "Go Go-"

"On it," she says happily. She speeds off.

Wasabi grabs ahold of Callaghan's arm and holds him tightly as the police sirens let out. As Callaghan is placed in the vehicle, Fred and Honey sit next to each other on the pavement.

You begin to stir. Honey leans over and takes your dented and shattered helmet off. "Honey," you breathe.

"I'm here," she says, brushing her fingers across your forehead gently, swiping all of the hair away. "I'm here, it's okay."

"Did you guys get him?" you whisper, wincing at the pain in your head.

"Of course we did," she says. "You're the one that made it happen."

"You're a hero, ___," Fred agrees.

You smile at him. "Yeah, she is," Hiro agrees. You turn your head and see him and Go Go. She hands Hiro the bag of ice. He kneels down next to you and holds the bag up to your head. "You were awesome!"

"Don't encourage her," Honey Lemon says.

You laugh. "Hey, I'm alright."

"I know you are," she says. She leans down and kisses the top of your head. "And I'm proud of you."

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