(261): You're Safe

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Wasabi x Reader because we need to add some more Wasabi in this. c:

Thank you, PrincessLindsey for helping me out with my killer writer's block! ^-^


"Thank you for taking me out to dinner," You say to your fiance, Wasabi.

"Anytime," He says.

The rest of the drive home is quiet until the car starts making sounds. You look over at Wasabi in alarm. "What is that?" You ask.

"I. . . don't know," He says. Wasabi pulls over to the side of the road. It's getting late; it's quiet and empty. "Stay here." Wasabi climbs out of the car and lifts up the hood. You wait patiently. "___?" He calls.


"Will you start the car for me, please?" He asks.

You jump over to Wasabi's side and turn the key.

Nothing happens.

You try again.


"Uh. . . ___?"

"Nothing's happening," You say.

Wasabi walks over to your window. "Try again."

You turn the key and shrug.

Wasabi drops his face in his hands and steps away. "Of course. Of course!"

You open the door and climb out. "Don't freak out, Wasabi. I'll get ahold of Tadashi or someone to come. Just try to figure it out."

Wasabi nods. "Okay. Call Tadashi." Wasabi goes back to work and you take out your phone.

No service.

"Ugh, of course. Okay. Wasabi, I don't have service. I'm going to walk down by the gas station down the road."

Wasabi looks over at you. "Be careful."

"I will," You say. "I'll be right back."

You keep your head down and eyes on your phone, trying to find somewhere where you'll get service. Finally, at the edge of the parking lot, you have three bars. "Finally," You mutter. You dial the number. "Hello? Hey, Tadashi. Yeah. Um, we have a problem. Wasabi's car broke down and it's probably way too late for anyone to come down and fix it. . . can you come get us?" You're too busy giving Tadashi your location to notice the two guys parking near you. "Okay. Thank you, Tadashi." You hang up and start walking back.

"Hey," A voice says.

You turn your head and swallow. "What?"

They laugh. You take three huge steps back as their eyes scan your body. "Come on," One of them says. "We're not going to hurt you."

You take off running. You run as fast as you can back to the car and will your legs to move faster. "Wasabi!" You shout.

Wasabi runs around the side of the car, looking alarmed. "___? What is it? ___?"

You keep running until you slam into him. Wasabi's hands grab your arms to steady you. You look behind you, praying that those guys don't show up. "They- they-"

"What happened?" He asks.

"Two. . . guys. . ." You say, taking quick and panicked breaths.

"Did they touch you?" He pushes your hair out of your face and looks into your eyes.

You shake your head. "No. But they said-" You shake your head again and press your face into Wasabi's sweater.

"Okay. It's okay, sweetie. ___, look at me." You raise your head up. "You are so important to me. I will always protect you." You smile. Wasabi was always afraid of little things: germs, messes. . . but he was always there when you needed him or you were in possible danger. "I will never, ever, ever let something happen to you. You're safe." He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head. "You're safe."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now