(269): I Want To Remember (Part One)

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Part One of a Hiro x Reader requested by forever_ella_b.


"___, it isn't scary. I promise," Hiro tells you for the millionth time.

You bite your lip. For the last two days, Hiro has been trying to get you to climb on Baymax and let him fly around. You can't bring yourself to do it.

"Hiro, I could fall off!"

"You won't fall off."

"I-I don't have armor-"

"It's not like you're going to battle anyone. You're going to fly down the road. He won't go that high and he'll take it slow."

You pause. "Promise that I won't get hurt?"

He pats your arm. "Promise."

"Okay," You say in defeat.

"Yes!" Hiro leaps up. "To the garage!"

You're shaking as Hiro puts the armor on Baymax. "S-shouldn't I wear a helmet or something?"

Hiro shakes his head. "Baymax is taking it nice and slow. Right, buddy?"

"Right," Baymax says. "But wearing a helmet could reduce the risk of bodily harm."

"You're over thinking this," Hiro says calmly. "Look, it's just a couple of minutes. Come on, ___."

You sigh. "I'd really feel a lot more comfortable with a helmet or something."

Hiro groans. "Fine. Okay." He grabs the purple helmet from his armor and tosses it to you. "Put it on."

You put the helmet on and frown. "Are you sure this will protect me? It doesn't seem to fit right."

"Of course it'll help," Hiro lies. "With this on, nothing can happen. You two happy now?"

"I guess so," You say.

"Alright. Come on. I'll help you up."

Once you're on Baymax's back, you take a deep breath. "I can do this," You whisper. "I can."

While Hiro is clearing the way of the garage door, Baymax says, "Hiro. There seems to be a problem with my thrusters."

You blink. "What did he say?"

Hiro waves it off. "It's nothing. Ready guys?"

"No," You say.

"___, it's completely safe. I wouldn't lie to you. Okay?"

"Okay. Fine. Ready."

Hiro grins. "Go, Baymax!"

You close your eyes as Baymax shoots off of the ground and out the garage door. You start to hyperventilate. "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. B-Baymax? How high up are we?"

"Fifteen feet," He answers. "Would you like to go lower?"

"Um. . ." You swallow your fear. "No."

"Higher?" He asks.

"No!" You shout. "I-I mean. . . no. T-this is fine." You open your eyes. "Okay. I'm actually doing it. I'm flying! This is- this is great!" You grin. "Baymax! Faster!" Baymax increases the speed. You look around. "San Fransokyo looks so different from up here," You say. "It's gorgeous."

After a few more minutes of circling the neighborhood, you pay Baymax's shoulder. "Okay, buddy. Back to the garage. But speed it up."

Baymax obeys. For a few minutes, everything is going fine. When you see Hiro in the doorway, you grin and wave. "I did it!" You exclaim.

"Yeah!" He shouts. "I knew you could!"

Then, Baymax swerves. "Whoa," You say. "What's wrong?"

Baymax drops towards the road and swerves up. "Whoa! Baymax!"

"My thrusters are inoperable," He says. He starts swerving everywhere.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Baymax!" You scream. You're heading straight for the garage. Hiro runs outside. "Hiro!"

"Guys!" He shouts.

You fly through the garage door. Baymax doesn't stop. You close your eyes as he crashes through the wall.

Everything goes black.

Hiro runs through the garage door. Everything is destroyed. "___!" He shouts, running through the clouds of dust. "___! Baymax!"

He digs through the rubble, completely panicked. He finds you, laying a couple of feet away from Baymax. Baymax slowly climbs out of the mess. Hiro runs to your side. Hiro's helmet is in pieces around you.

"___!" He says. "Wake up! ___?" Hiro pulls you into his arms.

"Hiro!" Hiro hears his aunt shout. He turns around and sees her standing in the doorway, her mouth wide open. "Hiro, what happened?"

"Aunt Cass! ___ needs help!"

Aunt Cass runs to his side and helps him stand. She checks your pulse. "A-Aunt Cass, I didn't mean to hurt her. I-I didn't mean it-"

"She needs help. Quickly. I'll call 911! Hiro, just. . ." She shakes her head. "Stand there. Don't move."

Hiro looks down at you. "I-I am sorry, ___. Don't leave me. Please." He blinks tears away. "I'm sorry."

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