(235): Boy Or Girl? (Tadashi)

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Tadashi x Pregnant Reader because why not? I think gender reveal parties are ADORABLE so here is a quick one shot with one.


"Alright you two," The nurse says as she views the monitor. "Looks like your baby is completely healthy."

You smile at your husband, Tadashi. He is beaming back.

"And you're sure that you don't want to know what you're having?"

"Nope. Not yet. We have a gender reveal party for everyone. We're leaving it to our friend."

"Alrighty then," She says cheerfully. She places all of the pictures and information in an envelope. She wipes the gel from your stomach. "Congratulations on a healthy pregnancy."

"Thanks," You say. Tadashi helps pull you up. He keeps an arm around you on the walk back to the car. On the way back home, you call Honey Lemon.

"Hey," You greet. "We got all of the information for you."

"That's great!" She says with delight. "I bought all of the pink and blue party favors. I'm setting up right now. I'll need the information soon so I can pick up the right cake. Could you stop by the cafe?"

"Totally," You say. "We're on our way. See you soon, bye."

"We're stopping by the cafe?" Tadashi asks.

"We might as well just stay over. The party is in a few hours." You take Tadashi's hand. "And then we can find out if our baby is a boy or a girl. . . "

Tadashi smiles. "I'm so excited to find out."

"I know." You squeeze his hand. "Can you believe that we'll be parents in just a few months?"

"We could have a son."

"Or daughter," You add.

"Whatever he or she is. . . our baby will be perfect." Tadashi pulls into the cafe. He steps out of the car and walks you inside. Honey Lemon is scattering pink and blue confetti over the tables. The tablecloths are pink and blue. 'It's A Boy!' and 'It's A Girl!' posters hang off of the windows. Presents line the back table. All of them are from Aunt Cass.

"Cass," you say, "you don't even know what the gender is."

"I know. Half of the things are for boys; the other half for girls. Whatever isn't needed this time can be used whenever you have another baby."

Tadashi smiles. "Aunt Cass. . ."

"I don't want to hear it, Tadashi. This is my first great niece or nephew. It's my job to spoil him or her as much as possible."

"You hear that?" You say to your stomach. "You're going to be spoiled."


Honey Lemon is overly thrilled about this party. After all of the guests arrive; your friends and Tadashi's, his family and yours, the party begins. All of your favorite food, little party games, gifts. Honey Lemon takes the cake out of the kitchen and sets it on the table in front of you and Tadashi. It has white icing. Below the thick frosting is either a blue cake or pink cake.

You and Tadashi eagerly pick up a knife together. Slowly, you make your way to cutting into the cake. You're excited and nervous. The knife slides out of the cake and the end piece falls onto a plate. (pink/blue) is revealed to the crowd.

People gasp, cheer, laugh. Tadashi grins and kisses you. During the kiss, Cass screams, "You're having a (boy/girl)! I knew it!" Tadashi pulls back and his smile grows.

"A (son/daughter)," He whispers.

"Yeah," You whisper back. Tears spring into your eyes. It all feels so real now.

Tadashi gently takes your face in his hands and kisses you. You melt into his embrace. You're going to be a mother. He's going to be a father. "I love you," He whispers against your lips. "And I love our little miracle."

You touch your stomach. "Our little baby (baby_name)." The baby kicks your hand. You press you hand harder against your stomach and smile. "I love you, baby. You're so loved already." Tadashi leans down and kisses your stomach.

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