(333): Awkward (Hiro)

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Hiro x Reader requested by Heart_Harmony~


You met Hiro and his friends right after you applied for a job at Lucky Cat Cafe. As soon as you got it, you were introduced to Hiro as he snuck into the display of sweets. He immediately became a good friend. He took you in and showed you his friends, who quickly accepted you as one of them. Just three months after you met Hiro, he decided to tell you his biggest secret: he was the leader of Big Hero 6.

You were beyond shocked that the leader of San Fransokyo's very own team of supers was actually a fifteen year old boy who happened to be your best friend. Still, you were thrilled to hear this news, and you begged Hiro to let you join in. He was reluctant at first; you were very new and sometimes the job was very dangerous, but in the end, he allowed it. And now you're standing in the garage, slipping your custom fit helmet over your head.

"Are you about ready?" Hiro groans from the other side of the garage. He's facing the other way as you change.

"Yeah, just about," you answer. "This is just so unreal!" You shake your head and look down at your (f/c) suit that allowed you to have (ability/power). "Okay." You turn around. "How do I look?"

Hiro spins around in his rolling chair and his eyes widen. This was quite the change from your usual t shirt and jeans. You raise your eyebrows and wait. "W-Well. . ."

You frown. "That bad, huh?"

Hiro shoots up. "N-No! It's not bad at all. You look. . . wow, you look great," he admits, his face burning a bright red. He shakes his head to clear his mind. "We'll test out your powers in a bit. How does the suit fit? You have to make sure it's perfect. If one piece of your armor doesn't fit exactly right, you could break something."

"I think it's okay," you answer. Hiro nods. "Thank you."

Hiro doesn't look up as he examines the armor plates on your shoulders. "For what?"

"For making me this," you say, "and for including me." You flash a bright smile, and when he sees it, his face burns red again. He immediately looks down. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He clears his throat.

"I mean, you're acting a little awkward, and that's really not you," you answer. He doesn't say anything. "Hiro, what is it? Please tell me."

With a sigh, he stands up straight in front of you. He scratches the back of his head as he speaks, "I-I just, well- I kind of- I didn't- I just-" he sighs and looks at you with his big brown eyes. "I really like you, okay?"

"You like me?" you ask quietly.

He nods. "Yeah. I mean, you're amazing at videogames, you're goofy, you're fun, you're willing to be a super hero, you buy me gummy bears," he smiles when you laugh at this, "and you're just really beautiful." This time, it's you who blushes. "I guess what I'm trying to ask is. . . will you be my girlfriend?"

You smile again. "Yeah." Hiro's hands find yours. You look into his warm chocolate brown eyes and feel the butterflies fill your stomach. "I really like you, too. I like that you play videogames with me, you're nice, funny, sarcastic, and even though you always steal the gummy bears that I buy, you're really sweet." He laughs. "So are we going to practice?"

Hiro takes a deep breath. "That's another thing, ___. It's really dangerous out there-"

"Ugh, Hiro," you roll your eyes, "look, I'll be okay. I can take a couple of villains."

"I know. I thought that, too. Last year, I was so caught up in thinking that I could do it all and I almost lost my friends and myself. I just want you to be careful."

"I will be," you promise. "Just don't be overly protective."

Hiro smirks. "I'll try my best to let you be reckless. I want you to be a hero, ___. Do you know how awesome it would be to have you fighting by me? I just want you to be careful, alright? I don't want to be lame, but I'm not kidding when I say that I like you. You mean a lot to me." He blushes again.

"You mean a lot to me, too," you say. You reach up and kiss his cheek lightly. He looks at you in suprise. You giggle as the grin spreads across his face. He smirks for a moment, and then gently takes your face in his hands. He pulls your face to his and his lips fall on yours. Your eyes widen in shock and your hands grab his shoulders. You hesitate before melting into the kiss, sliding your arms around his shoulders and tilting your head.

He pulls away and brushes your cheeks with his thumbs. "Wow," he says softly. You blush and smile. "Do you want to go ahead and practice now?"

"Practice what?" you ask.

He laughs. "Your powers . . ."

You shake your head as if to clear it. "Oh, yeah. Right. Actually, I'd rather practice kissing you again."

He raises his eyebrows. "Well, I won't object to that," he replies. He kisses you again. You can feel his smile against your lips as you pull him closer.

//Hey, guys. I'd hoped that I wouldn't have to do this, but I won't be writing any Thanksgiving or Christmas one shots this year. I'm sorry; I'm struggling with the holidays, and I don't even think we're having a thanksgiving this year. I'm having a really hard time, and I hope that you can understand that I won't be accepting any Christmas or Thanksgiving requests. If you have any winter requests, I'll gladly take them.

ily all ❤❤❤

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