(266): Jurassic World

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A Tadashi x Reader (with a dinosaur attack) requested by SapphireWolf143.

This is basically just a scene from Jurassic World. I guess this counts as a spoiler.


"We're almost there!" Your husband, Tadashi says excitedly. "Aren't you excited?"

You smile at him. The two of you just got married a couple of days ago. It had been Tadashi's idea to come here for your honeymoon, and Fred encouraged the idea. He even gave Tadashi his family chopper to take him there. "Yeah," You say. "I'm pretty excited."

"Great," Tadashi says. As he steps through the gates, he scans the park. "So what should we do? We can go see the Indominus Rex. I think it's open."

"Um, I'm actually kind of hungry. Can we find something to eat first?" You ask.

Tadashi takes your hand. "Sure. Come on."

You walk around with Tadashi until he finds a restaurant. You take your time eating. Tadashi studies the map, creating a schedule to follow.

He looks up at you as you stack your trash. "Are you ready?" He asks.

"Yup," You reply. You stand up.

"I'll throw this away. Wait for me outside."

You smile and kiss his cheek. "Okay."

You step outside and are immediately swept up in the crowd. Your mind starts racing. Something is wrong. Everyone is screaming, children are crying. You trip over your feet and look around. Screeches echo in your ears. You look up and see the pterodactyls swarming overhead. Your eyes widen in terror as they swoop down and pick up people.

Terrifed, you run off to the side and crawl under one of the tables outside of a restaurant. You look around for Tadashi. What are you going to do? Where is he?


As Tadashi is walking towards the doors, eyes on the map, he hears a loud scream. He looks up and sees a lady picked up by a pterodactyl. He throws the doors open and looks up.

"Oh my gosh," He breathes. He runs off. "___! ___, where are you?"


You're still under the table, debating on what to do when you hear your name. You freeze. "Tadashi," You whisper. "Tadashi!" You crawl out from under the table and run against the crowd. "Tadashi! I'm here!"

You slam to a stop as you see the woman in front of you yanked off of her feet and into the sky. You stagger back and find yourself face to face with a pterodactyl. It screeches and you prepare yourself for the worst.

Then, someone slams a metal chair down on the dinosaur. The dinosaur collapses and squeals in pain. You look up and see Tadashi. "Come on!" He shouts. He grabs your hand and runs off. He yanks you forward and shoves you ahead. "Don't stop! Don't look back!"

You do as you're told. You will your legs to move quicker and you try your hardest to not look back. You see two employees waving people towards the bus stations outside. You run through the doors and slam into the crowd in front of you. You turn around, grinning.

"We made it, Tadashi!" You exclaim. Your smile disappears immediately. He isn't here. You see the employees closing the park doors. "No!" You scream. "No, you can't!" You slam against the doors. The employees grab you and drag you back. "No! Wait! My husband is still out there! Stop! Let me go!"

"Ma'am," One of the workers say calmly. "You have to stop. There's no one else out there. All of the survivors are here. I'm sorry."

You choke back a sob. "He's gone?"

Your legs give out and you drop your face into your hands. Your cries make your body shake.

He's gone.


Early the next morning, the paramedics arrive. One of them tends to a wound on your arm that you didn't even realize was there. You stare at the floor, feeling so empty.

"What's your name, ma'am?" He asks.

"___ Hamada," You whisper, your eyes filling with tears.

You look up when you hear a cry of joy. A mom and a dad run to their sons and hug them. You wipe a tear away. Then, someone steps into the room. Your eyes widen.

"Tadashi!" You scream. You shoot up and yank your arm away from the paramedic. You sprint to him. "Tadashi!"

"___!" He shouts. You throw yourself in his arms.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" You say. "I thought you were dead."

"Someone needed my help," He says. "I had to go back."

You smile. Typical Tadashi. "I'm just happy you're okay."

Tadashi kisses you. "I love you."

"I love you so much, Tadashi."

The two of you sit side by side, arms around each other.

"Some honeymoon, huh?" He laughs.

You grin. "It's definitely different. Lots of adventure."

He shrugs. "You're okay. That's all that matters." He kisses the top of your head.

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