(367): Valentine's Day! (Fred)

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I'm in a fairly good mood today since I received 2 awesome grades in Algebra II!

(BTW - shout out to all of you guys who have been think of me + have been writing Fred x Reader stories for me. You all know just how to make me feel better ♡♡♡)

{Inspired by this Valentine}

Fred throws his arms up as he pushes himself off of the lab table. The leather chair spins quickly, making the entire world before him a blur. He laughs to himself, loving the feeling of his stomach dropping and his head spinning.

"Fred," Wasabi snaps violently, looking up from the laser he's trying to create. "Would you please act normal for just one minute?"

"'Fraid not, my friend," Fred answers, slowing his spinning so he can see his friend. "Normal isn't something I'm capable of being."

"Apparently," he mutters.

Honey Lemon sighs and walks over to her friends. "Oh, leave him alone, Wasabi. You've already pushed him into 'Fred's Circle," she pauses, laughing lightly as she looks at the small area of flooring that was marked with a circular form of tape. Fred was hardly ever allowed out of it during working hours. "It's Valentine's Day! Learn to love a little! Leave him be."

Fred grins. "Why thank you, Honey Lemon. There's a reason your nickname is so sweet."

She smiles softly at Fred before turning back to her work area. As soon as Fred starts to spin again, the doors of the school open and you walk in, shaking snow out of your hair and laughing with Go Go.

"Hey, ___!" Fred stops immediately, shoots up, and starts walking towards you. His head is spinning, and he ends up tripping. He nearly falls on you.

"Hey, Fred," you greet, holding your arms out to support him. "Whoa. What's going on?"

"Sorry," he says bashfully. "I was spinning on Wasabi's chair and..."

You laugh. "Ah. I see." You pull your coat off, revealing your light pink sweater and your red leggings. Blushing, you say, "Valentine's Day is the only day I can get away with wearing these two colors together."

Fred's jaw drops and his heartbeat quickens. It was difficult for him to hide his feelings from you; he'd been head over heels in love with you from the start. "Holy mother of megazon, you're gorgeous!" he suddenly exclaims.

You freeze and look up at him, as well as everyone else in the room. "T-Thanks."

He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah..."

You force a smile on your red face and wave. "I'll see you later, Freddie."

"Yeah, see ya," he says, raising his hand and offering a slow, half wave. Once you disappear, he lets out a huge breath of air and shakes his head. Way to screw that one up, Freddie. He turns around, only to be stopped by Honey Lemon as she takes his arm and hooks it with hers.

"Freddie," she says calmly. "You like ___, don't you?"

"Only a lot," he mutters.

"Well, I'm not telling you what to do, but I do know that ___ absolutely adores Valentine's Day, yet she has never had a Valentine. Maybe you could be hers this year, yeah?"

"I can't! Didn't you see how badly I messed that up? I completely embarrassed her back there!" He shakes his head at himself and pulls his arm away. "Face it, I'm a joke. Why would she want to go out with me? She's sweet and quiet and I'm... well, I'm..."

Honey Lemon sighs. "You're Freddie. And she's ___. There's not a right thing or a wrong thing to be. You didn't embarrass her, silly! She was flattered!"

Fred's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "She was?"

"Definitely! Do you know how often she gets a compliment from guys like that?" Fred shakes his head. "Not often."

"What? That's crazy! She's... she's beautiful!"

Honey Lemon places her hand on Fred's shoulder and says, "Then tell her that!"

Fred nods. "Okay! I will. But first, can I borrow one of your pink gel pens and a piece of stationary?"

She smiles, knowing exactly where this is going. "Definitely."

You come back into your lab after a quick break and trip to the vending machine. You set your bottle of Coke and bag of chips down on the table and pull your chair out. Before sitting down, a light pink piece of paper catches your eye. You pick it up and quickly unfold it.

Holy mother of megazon, you're gorgeous

Then, on the back:

Will you be my Valentine?

Your lips curl up into a nervous smile. Only one person could be responsible for this. You turn around and see him, standing awkwardly in the doorway, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"So, will you?" he asks.

You've never seen him so nervous. You place one hand on your hip and nod. "Nice idea, using your own words in a card. Original."

"Thanks," he says with a grin. "I really didn't mean to say it out of nowhere like that, but I did. And I meant it, too."

You smile and drop your head, gathering up the courage to say, "So, are you going to ask me something else, or do I have to ask you?" You look back at him and almost laugh at his face.

"S-something else? Uh- well-"

You roll your eyes. "Fred, calm down. It's okay!" You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his torso, smiling when he returns the hug. He drops his head down and presses his cheek against the top of your head. You feel so comforted, so loved in his arms, so you say, "Freddie, I really like you."

"Freddie likes you, too," he replies.

You tilt your head up and smile. "Are you going to do something about it?"

Suddenly, he realizes what he's supposed to ask. "Oh, right! Duh! ___, will you be Freddie's girlfriend?"

Your smile widens until it hurts your cheeks. "There's what I was waiting for." You reach up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Of course I will."

"And," he adds, "would you like to accompany me on a date to a fancy restaurant that my parents will recommend because I have no knowledge of classy restaurants?"

You giggle. "Sure."

"Awesome," he says. "So-"

"So pick me up at five, okay?"

"Y-Yeah," he says, slowly stumbling out of your lab. "I'll text you."

"Sounds great." You smile before shutting the door behind him.

Once he's gone, you can hear him shout, "Yes! Honey Lemon, it worked!"

Your stomach flutters. For the first time ever, you have plans with your favorite person on Valentine's Day.

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