(239): Mother's Day (Wasabi)

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I know it's the day after Mother's Day, but whatever. There will be a couple more of these because I think that they are totally adorable.


"Ready, (son_name)?" Wasabi whispers to his three year old son.

He nods eagerly, clutching the teddy bear in his hand. "Ready."

"Okay. When I open the door, go wake up your mom. Got it?"

"Uh- huh."

Wasabi opens the door and your son runs inside. "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!" He jumps on your bed. You smile and open your eyes.

"Aw, hey, sweetie."

"Here, Mommy." He hands you the bear. "That's from me."

"And your sister," Wasabi interrupts. He sits on the bed with your daughter in his arms. She's almost one.

"Aw, thank you, guys," You say. You kiss your son and daughter on the heads and then kiss Wasabi.

"We also have a breakfast to get to. So let's get ready." He pats your knee and stands up.

"Okay," You say. You take (daughter_name) from his arms. "Let's go get ready, then." You dress your daughter in a (f/c) sundress that matches yours. You carry her to the living room, where your son and Wasabi are both cleaning. You laugh. "Are we going to go to breakfast or cleaning?"

"It's Mother's Day cleaning," Wasabi says.

You smile. "Mother's Day cleaning can wait. I prefer breakfast, honestly."


At the restaurant, you're feeding (daughter_name) applesauce and eating your favorite breakfast meal. Wasabi sits across from you and keeps his hand on yours during most of the breakfast.

Your son colors you a picture on the kids menu and gives it to you. Wasabi gives you a card that's signed by him and both of the kids: your son's is written in a dark blue marker; the ink bled through the back. Your daughter's is just a couple of messy scribbles on the bottom. Wasabi's says, 'Thank you for being a wonderful mother to our two beautiful children. I love you.'

You look up at him and smile. "I love you, too." You kiss him quickly.

"Bleh. Mommy, Daddy, stop it," Your son complains. (Daughter_name) giggles and claps. You kiss your daughter's cheek.


That night, you sit on the couch with Wasabi. The kids are asleep. You lean your head on his shoulder. "Thank you for breakfast."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," He says. "And thank you for being a great mother."

"I couldn't do it without my wonderful husband." You kiss Wasabi's cheek.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," He whispers. "You and the kids. . .  you guys are my whole life."

The two of you sit in silence for a while. When your eyelids get heavy with sleep, you and Wasabi head up to your room. You curl up next to him. You begin to drift off.

"Mommy?" Your son squeaks from the doorway.

You and Wasabi sit up and see him standing in the doorway, pale in the moonlight that is coming through the curtains. He clutches his favorite stuffed animal in his arms. "What is it, sweetie?" You ask quietly.

"(Daughter_name) is crying in her sleep. I think that she's having a bad dream."

"I'll get her," Wasabi says. He yawns and pats his son's head. "Get back to bed."

When Wasabi walks away, your son asks, "Can't I sleep here?"

"Why don't you want to sleep in you room?"

"Because. . .  cause it's Mother's Day," He lies.

You smile. "Yeah. Come here, sweetie."

Your son climbs on the bed and lays beside you. Wasabi walks in a few minutes later. "I can't get her to sleep," He says quietly. "What's he doing here?"

"He wants to stay the night with us," You whisper. "And so does (Daughter_name), I guess." You take your daughter from Wasabi and rock her. Wasabi lays on the other side of your son.

"Mother's Day sleep over," Wasabi says with a yawn.

"My favorite kind of sleep over," You reply. You kiss your son's head and lean against the pillows. Your daughter's head rests on your chest. "Goodnight. I love you."

"Love you," Wasabi says wirh a yawn.

"Love you, Mommy," Your son whispers softly. You smile as you close your eyes.

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