(217): Finding A Family (Part Two)

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Obviously didn't get all of the characters in one day. I probably would've if I didn't have to celebrate a late Easter. And I had to work on a project (over Spring Break, too! LAME) Anyways, I got the Fredzilla & Wasabi Tsum Tsums today! Eeek! They're so cute and they look wonderful on my small pile of Tsums.

Here's a part two of Finding a Family. ^-^


It's been four weeks since you found your new family. You fit right in with your new brother. He made sure you were always comfortable and happy. He never stopped reading you comics and showing off his action figures. He even gave you a couple of figures and a box of comics.

Today, you're starting school. You can't help but be a little nervous.

"You'll love school! We'll have class together and we'll eat lunch together and we'll play at recess-" He pauses. "Speaking of lunch, we'd better go get ours from Heathecliffe."

"No need. Here they are." Fred's mom, your mom, leans down and gives both you and Fred brown paper bags. She kisses your head and then Fred's. "I love you two. Heathecliffe is going to drop you off."

"You're not coming?" You ask sadly.

"I would, sweetie, but I'll be late for work. Have a good day." She turns to her son and pats his shoulder before picking up her purse. "Oh, Heathecliffe. Order a pizza for dinner. We won't be home tonight."

Heathecliffe nods.

"Get your backpack on, ___." Fred helps put the straps over your shoulder.

You frown against the weight. "It's heavy."

"It's okay. Half of this stuff goes in your desk at school. I'll show you. C'mon, Heathecliffe! We're gonna be late!"


At school, Fred helps you put everything in your desk. "There you go. I sit right over there." Fred points across the classroom.

"I can't sit by you?"

"No," He says. "It's okay. Just listen to the teacher. Pay attention, be nice, don't fight."

You nod as your brother walks off. The school day is mostly just reading and coloring.

You go out for recess. Fred still hasn't come out. You decide to go play, since he's probably in the bathroom or something.

You walk around until you find a group of two. A boy and a girl. They kick a ball around.

"Hi," You say. "Can I play?"

"No way. This is our game," The boy says.

"Oh. I won't take the ball."

"Go away," The girl says. "We don't want kids like you here."

"What's wrong with me?"

"You don't have a family," She says.

"Yes I do," You argue.

"No. 'Cause they didn't want you!" She steps forward and pushes you down. You cry out in pain when the pavement cuts your knees.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" You hear Fred shout. He runs to you and kneels at your side. "Are you okay?"

You're crying. Fred notices and starts to panic. "I-I'm okay," You stutter.

Fred stands up and glares at the kids. "You hurt my sister!"

"Who cares? Go away, or we'll push you, too!" The boy shouts.

Fred doesn't hesitate to run into the boy. He slams his body against his and starts punching him. The boy hits back. "Fred, stop!" You shout. The other girl runs away. She's probably afraid of getting in trouble.

"Both of you, enough!" The teacher screams. She pulls the boys away from each other.

The boy cries. "He hurt me! He hurt me for no reason!"

"You know as well as I do that isn't true," The teacher says. "Now let's go." She drags them away, back into the school.


On the way home, Fred is quiet as he holds an ice pack to his swollen jaw.

"Are you okay?" You ask him.

"Uh-huh. Are you?" He points to your knees.

"Yeah. I'm okay." You smile at Fred. "You stuck up for me even though you were going to get in trouble."

"Of course I did. You're my sister, ___. I wasn't going to let them hurt you. I won't ever let anyone hurt you."

You smile again. "I won't ever let anyone hurt you, either."

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