(319): Favorite Show (Fred)

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What do I do when my second favorite character on the Walking Dead (probably) dies? Write a one shot with my favorite Big Hero 6 character, of course!

This isn't just about the Walking Dead. Any show that has ripped your heart out and viciously broken you will work.


You settle down on the couch and clutch the bowl of popcorn in your hands. "Freddie, we have two minutes! Come on!" you exclaim. You shove a handful of the snack in your mouth. You're preparing to watch your favorite show with your boyfriend, Fred. You always invite him to come over and watch it with you because he's known as being a fanboy.

"I'm coming," he announces. He leaps over your old sofa and plops down beside you. "I have a feeling someone isn't going to make it."

You shoot him a confused look. "What are you talking about? It's barely into the middle of the season. If they wanted to kill someone that we cared about, they would do it during the season finale. That's how it works."

"I don't know," he says, draping his arm across your shoulders and moving closer beside you. "I'm usually pretty sure about these things. I am Fanboy Fred, after all."

"Shh!" you silence him as the show begins. "Eat some popcorn and be quiet."

The show starts out smoothly. A few people lost, but that's okay. They're extras, after all. You can move on since you hardly even knew their names. But then you start picking up clues. All of the clues lead to one of the major characters dying. It couldn't be. Not now anyways. It's too soon.

But when all hope is lost for (him/her), you begin to think that Fred was right. No. No, he wasn't. (Character) has always been awesome at getting out of tough situations. That's what made you favor (him/her). But this time, (he/she) doesn't. It's hopeless. You watch in absolute horror as (he/she) is killed.

"I knew it," Fred says sadly. He shakes his head and squeezes your shoulders. "Are you okay, ___? I know how much you liked (him/her)."

"P-pause it," you stammer out, clumsily reaching for the remote. Fred snatches it before you. He pauses it and leans back. "This can't be real."

"It looked pretty real to me," he says. "There's no way (Character) got out of that one, ___. Believe me."

You shake your head and bite your lip. "(He/she)'s okay. (He/she) has to be. If not, then the entire show is pointless, right?"

"Not exactly," Fred replies. "(Character) was a major character, sure, but (he/she) wasn't the main character. Besides, we were due for another lost one soon enough."

Your heart breaks as you lose hope for (character). Your eyes fill with tears. You look at Fred. "I don't want to finish this episode."

"We have to," he says, reaching for the remote.

"No," you say. "I'm done. I'm never watching this show again."

Fred gives you a sad smile. "You said that last time one of your favorites died. You'll change your mind. You always do."

"Fred, I-I can't watch anymore," you whisper as the tears spill over. "This is- this is the saddest thing I've ever watched. I'm done. I just-" You drop your head and let out a sob. "I don't want to watch anymore."

Fred pulls you into his lap. "It's okay, it's okay."

You let out a loud sob and clench your boyfriend's t shirt in your fist. You press your face against the cotton and take in a deep breath. "This is too sad. Why aren't you crying? Aren't you sad?"

"Of course I'm sad," he says, his hand rubbing your back gently. "Freddie loved (Character) very much, actually. But one of us had to hold it together, right? And you're not doing too great of a job. Besides, it's not manly for a guy to cry in front of his girlfriend."

"You cried when you read one of your comic books. Right in front of me."

"It was a moment of weakness during the shock," he says. "I knew that something bad was going to happen in this episode. I could feel it. We've been getting off the hook too much." You nod and wipe your eyes. Fred looks down at you sadly and kisses a tear away on your cheek. You press your forehead against his and try to hold down your tears. "Freddie understands your pain. I'm here for you, ___."

You smile a little. "I love you."

"I love you."

You let out a shaking breath and lean against him. "You can play it."

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Yeah," you reply. "But don't let go of me. I need you."

Fred smiles and kisses your temple. "I've got your back, ___. Even during the darkest of episodes."

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