(256): Happy Father's Day! (Fred)

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Father's Day with Fred!

I'm posting another one today because I am extremely heartbroken that the Hiro and Baymax face characters at WDW officially left to go back to San Fransokyo today. I am very grateful that I got to meet them in May, but I am very disappointed in Disney because they don't seem to realise that there is more to do than milk out Frozen for all it's worth. It's literally everywhere in every park. -- I know that Frozen isn't replacing them but still -- Big Hero 6 is something that they should keep around.

I went to the Disney Store today and found the whole BH6 shelf was replaced with yet another Frozen. And all of the BH6 stuff was on the clearance shelf.

Don't get me wrong, I love Frozen, but really. Rethink what you're doing, Disney.




"___, sweetie. Are you almost ready? Mom and Dad are already-" Fred enters the bedroom the two of you share and stops talking. He's completely speechless at the sight of you in a beautiful, floor length (f/c) gown. Your hair is twisted up in a perfect updo.

"Do you think this is good enough? I know how fancy your parents dress and what they expect me to look like. . ." You glance in the mirror nervously.

"___," Fred says, walking over to you. "We've been married for five years. My parents think you're awesome. They don't expect anything of you. They like you for who you are." Fred wraps an arm around your waist. "Besides, you look breathtakingly gorgeous."

You smile. "I do?"

"Yeah, you seriously do. Is (daughter_name) ready?"

"She's in her room. She went to get the Father's Day present she wants to give you." You take Fred's hand and walk down the hallway to your daughter's room. She's standing in front of her small bookshelf, picking out a book. "(Daughter_name)? Do you have Daddy's present ready?"

Your three year old daughter picks up the crumbled comic book that sits on the shelf in front of her and walks to Fred. "Here, Daddy. For you," She says sweetly. Fred takes the old comic book - that once belonged to him - and gets down on his knees.

He kisses (Daughter_name)'s cheek. "Thank you, sweetie. I love it." He stands up and takes her hand. "You look beautiful, (Daughter_name)." She looks down at her (f/c) dress that matches yours. "Just like your Mommy."

"One day I'm gonna look just like Mommy and be as big and strong as (favorite_female_superhero)!" She says.

"Of course you are," He says. "But let's not rush it, okay kiddo?" He laughs.

You reach down and pick up your daughter. "Ready to go see Grandma and Grandpa?" You ask her.

"Yeah!" She says excitedly.


"Ah, there's my son," Fred's dad says from the table of the extremely high class restaurant. "And my beautiful granddaughter!"

"Grandpa!" Your daughter squeals. You set her down and let her run to him.

Fred's mom leans down and kisses your cheek. "You look beautiful, sweetie," She says, giving you a gentle hug.

"Thank you," You say. You take your seat next to Fred and your daughter.

The conversation is light and fun. The food comes quickly. While Fred talks to his parents, you help your daughter keep from getting spaghetti sauce all over her dress.

"Son," Fred's dad says as he eats. "When do you think you'll be a dad again?"

"Oh, well, I don't know," He says. "We want another-"

"Seven months," You interrupt. Your cheeks burn a bright red.

Everyone stops eating. Fred looks over at you, wide eyed. "W-What?"

"I found out a couple of days ago. I figured that it would be a good Father's Day gift. For you and for your Dad. Because you get another baby, and he gets another grandkid." You kiss Fred's cheek. "So . . . Happy Father's Day!"

Fred grins. "I-I don't even know what to say. This- this is. . . this is so great," He says. He kisses you quickly.

Fred's dad stands up and, laughing, goes over to you and gives you a hug. "Thank you," He says. "This is one of the best Father's Day I've ever celebrated."

Meanwhile, Fred picks up (Daughter_name). "Did you hear that? You're going to be a big sister!"


That night, you and Fred both tuck an exhausted (Daughter_name) in. You kiss her forehead and sit on the floor before her bed, brushing her hair back and humming. You walk out and close the door. Fred follows behind and gives you a hug.

Fred runs a hand up and down your back. "You are the best mother ever. And I am thankful everyday for you. I never thought that I would get a wonderful and perfect family. I love you so, so, much."

You smile. "And you're the best father ever. I always dreamed of having the perfect husband and the perfect kids. . . and you've given them to me. Thank you." You reach up and kiss him. "I love you, too."

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