(365): Do Something (Sibling Hiro/Tadashi) (Part Three)

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AH I'M FINALLY UPDATING PART 3 OF THIS!!! Warning - sad and a bit gruesome.

I've been trying to talk my parents into buying me a Tadashi hat and a Hiro shirt, but they think that's a dumb waste of money. HEARTACHE bc I've been wanting them for a year and I don't have the ability to order things online and I'm so untalented so I'll never be able to make one. UGH.


"Hiro, we can't be superheroes," you tell your little brother tiredly. It's been a year of this. You're done; the problem at hand with the microbots was solved, your relationship with Hiro restored, your heart slowly healing after the loss of your brother. You've been spending all of your time at home; you left school, got a job at the café, and spend every day with your brother and his group of friends.

"I can do it. I got Callaghan locked up, why can't I get the Fujitas or even that kaiju-like thing that keeps harassing the entire city?" he insists.

"How are we not sure the kaiju wasn't just Fred?"

"Because Fred was with us, ___. Are you going to help, or are you going to ditch me like you always have?"

"That's not fair," you reply through clenched teeth.

"It's not? Wow, so it's fair that I had to watch our brother die while that guy was going through with his plan and you were living it up in your dorm room with your friends and your art?" You wince as his question reaches its end. His expression immediately softens and he takes off his helmet, pulling you into a hug and squeezing you gently.

"Y-You said you forgave me," you shakily reply as the tears begin to fall.

Hiro winces at your sad voice. "I do forgive you."

"Then w-why-"

"Don't do this," he whispers. "Don't do this ___, please. I need you to stay focused with me."

"I'm sorry," you reply.

"No," he says. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't bring that up. I love you."

"I love you, too," you say. "I'll fight with you guys, Hiro. I just don't want this to be our entire life, you know?"

Hiro pulls back and pats your shoulders, grinning. "Hey, we've got out entire lives in front of us! I'm gonna graduate from SFIT and become insanely rich, you're gonna get back into art school-"

"No, I'm not," you insist. "I'm going to stay with my family."

Hiro nods. "Thanks, sis."

Go Go suddenly steps into the garage, her helmet balanced between her hip and her arm. "Hey, kids, we've gotta get movin'. The Fujitas are stocking up on explosives at the firework store as we speak."

"Great," Hiro says sarcastically. He puts his helmet on and looks at you. "Ready?"

You nod. You're ready. And you'll do anything to make your little brother safe.


"Stop! Get your hands off of her!" Hiro shouts as the Fujitas laugh and hold you down, beating you cruelly with the ends of their maniacal weapons. You cry out with every hit against the soft parts of your suit.

You only wanted to protect him, and because of it, this is happening. Honey, Fred, Go Go, and Wasabi are all unconscious, Baymax deflated and immobile - all because of you. And now you were going to die and leave Hiro completely alone.

"Stop, please!" Hiro says. He's crying; something he never does. Especially about you. You scream as the end of the weapon breaks through the glass of your helmet; cracking through and cutting your face in a million sharp slices. "Stop, you're hurting her!"

You look over to where he's sitting, half of his armor torn from his body, the handcuffs holding his hands to the pipe above him, the tears streaming down his pale face...

"It's okay," you croak. "You'll be okay, Hiro. Don't cry."

"No," he sobs, shaking his head as you smile a little.

"Okay?" one of the Fujitas hiss. "This is okay? Oh, no, this isn't going to be okay for you, and certainly not for him." She stands up and turns towards Hiro, her hand reaching for something in her belt.

Everything happens so slowly. You screech as she pulls out the small gun and points it at him. You're released from the other's hold; but you're bruised and broken and far too weak to stop the Fujita. Hiro glances at you in fear as she pulls the trigger, ending his life immediately.

"No!" you scream a blood curdling scream, your hands rising to your head in pure shock as your little brother falls to the pavement, the blood dripping from his mouth and his head horrifically.

The Fujitas laugh and flee the scene, leaving you with just yourself.

You shakily stand up and walk to your brother's body. You fall to your knees and, with a garbled cry of pain, disgust, and pure anger, turn him over onto his back and pull him into your lap. "Oh, God, Hiro - no!" An inhuman sound comes from your throat as you brush your fingers down his face, smearing blood against his cheek. His brown eyes are closed, and you'd give anything to see them open again. "Hiro - Hiro, I'm so sorry. I let you down again." Without taking your eyes off of him, you drop your forehead to his chest, where you sob. You can feel his face pressed against your neck and you comb your fingers through his blood soaked hair. "I love you, Hiro! I'm so sorry!"

When you pull back, he's suddenly three again. He's sleeping in your arms at noon because he couldn't sleep when it was dark. "Mommy and Daddy died in the dark; I don't want to, too!" he would cry.

How sick is it that he died as soon as the sun went down?

You lost two brothers. Your mom always told you to protect them at all costs; and you didn't. They're dead because of you.

"Ohmigosh," a voice above you breathes. You look up and see your friends, all standing there with wide eyes. "___-" Honey chokes, covering her mouth and shaking her head. Wasabi turns around and throws up, and you realize how disgusting the scene is; you sitting in a pool of your brother's blood while holding his lifeless body against yours.

"I can't leave him," you whisper.

"___," Go Go whispers, the tears flooding out of her wide eyes. "We've gotta... we've gotta call the police and t-tell Cass."

You gulp and shake your head, looking down at Hiro. So young, so innocent... Your anger boils.

"There's nothing we can do," Honey Lemon says hopelessly.

You stroke his cheek, gently setting him down. "No," you say. "You're wrong." You reach over and grab the handgun that killed him. Clicking the safety off and looking towards where the Fujitas took off, you say, "I can do something."

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