(377): Valentine's Day Mistakes (Hiro)

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Also, this is the last of the Valentine's Day themed. If you're going to complain, read through the updates again. I've incorporated each request that were similar to each other into one. It might not have your name, but it's there.

Hiro shifts the lollipop around his mouth with his tongue as his fingers move rapidly across the keyboard. He types out the plans quickly, as if every minute was crucial. In a sense, it was. He has a Robotics II essay and project due next Tuesday, and he's no where near finished.

You, however, being a chemistry major with more free time than any other college student, were excited. It was Valentine's Day, and you were excited to visit your boyfriend. You've spent all day wondering just what he's planning for this special day; not only Valentine's Day, but your first anniversary.

You keep your hands behind your back, holding the small cherry blossom flower that you picked. The cherry blossom isn't something normal girlfriends gave their boyfriends, but it happened to be very important to both you and Hiro. He asked you out on the eve of the San Fransokyo Fall Dance last year. It was such a rush to get everything ready since he completely put off asking you until Honey Lemon finally pushed him to do it, that he forgot the corsages. He was upset that he'd forgotten one of the most important things of a dance, but you simply took him out to the garden and picked a few from the nearest branch. With a few pieces of grass and vine, you had a corsage and Hiro had a small bloom himself.

Your relationship went perfectly after that. Your time with Hiro has been the best time of your life, and you pray to be able to stick by his side more.

You knock on the glass window of Hiro's lab door. "Come in," he says, and the doors automatically open.

You step inside. "Hey, you."

"Hey," he mutters, his eyes never leaving the screen. "Whatcha doing here?"

"Just wanted to stop by," you say happily.

The fifteen year old sighs and runs a hand through his messy black hair. "I appreciate it, ___, but I've got a lot of work to do and I can't afford any distractions." He blindly searches for his soda can and takes a huge gulp. "And right now, you're a distraction."

Slightly annoyed, you cross your arms. "Since when am I a distraction?" you scoff.

"Um, since you started distracting me," he says angrily. "Keep up."

"Keep up?" you repeat in disbelief. You shake your head as tears prick at the corners of your eyes. "Fine. Happy Valentine's Day, you jerk." You throw the cherry blossom down onto the ground and turn to leave.

"Wait..." Hiro turns around in his chair and blinks up at you. "It's Valentine's Day?"

"Yeah. That means it's our anniversary," you say bitterly. "Keep up." With that, you storm out of the room.

"Wait," Hiro chokes out. He stumbles out of his chair and starts towards the door until he hears a snap! beneath his shoe.

He slowly lifts his shoe and frowns as he sees the crushed cherry blossom. He slowly bends down and picks it up. It falls apart in his hands. "Great. What kind of boyfriend am I?" he mutters. With a sigh, he shoves the gift into the pocket of his hoodie and looks around.

How is he going to fix this?


Meanwhile, you're laying across your bed, clutching your pillow to your chest as you violently sobbed. He treated you as if you were nothing, as if your relationship was nothing. Maybe it wasn't anything. Maybe he didn't care for you the way you did for him. Maybe these things weren't a big deal.

You glance up at the picture frame on your nightstand. It's of you and Hiro, his nose touching yours, his fingers intertwined with yours, his crinkly-eyed smile the brightest thing in the picture. In the corner, a little note from him.

I'll love you forever and always, dork.

- Hiro

You sit up and grab the frame. You angrily shove it into the drawer of the table, unable to look at it any longer. It's over.

There's a knock on the door. You rise and start downstairs, assuming that it's the pizza guy with the extra large pepperoni you just ordered. But when you open up the door, it's Hiro.

"H-Hiro," you whisper in shock. Your face burns. "What do you want?"

"Come with me," he pleads.

"Why? I thought I was nothing but a distraction to what's important."

Hiro sighs and leans against the doorway. "That's not true and you know it."

"Do I?" you ask, tears springing in your eyes.

His expression melts into pure sympathy. He grabs your hand and pulls you forward. "Come with me."

"No!" you snap, jerking your hand out of his grasp. "Go away!"

"Fine," he says calmly. "You don't have to come, but I really want you to. I promise that I'll make everything up to you."

"I don't know..."

"Do you trust me?" he asks, holding his hand out.

Your expression hardens. You step around him and start towards Tadashi's mo-ped that bow belongs to Hiro. Your boyfriend sighs but doesn't say anything. He simply hands you his helmet and waits for you to board the vehicle with him. Once you do, he speeds off towards the café.

"Hiro," you say once he parks in front of the doors, "I don't know what this is about-"

"Trust me," he says, pulling off his helmet.

You sigh and take off your own, ignore his out held hand, and walk into the café.

As soon as you do, you're taken aback. The entire room is dimly lit with red candles, the tables moved to the corners, soft music playing in the background, and a fancy table setting in the back.

"Happy anniversary," he says from behind you. "Look, I don't expect you to stay or even forgive me. I was a real jerk earlier and there's not an excuse for that. Just know that our relationship means a lot to me. I... I love you, ___, and I would do anything to make you happy."

With a shaking hand, you wipe a tear from your cheek. You slowly turn to face him. "This is the most anyone has ever done for me. Thank you."

Hiro smiles. "No, thank you for putting up with me." You laugh lightly and look down. He takes your left hand in his and puts his left hand on your waist. You look up at him in alarm. "I know I'm not the greatest dancer, but our first date was at a dance."

You grin and place your right hand on his shoulder. As you both gently began to sway back and forth to the soft music, you lay your head on his shoulder. "I hope you realize how much you truly mean to me."

"I do," he whispers. He kisses your cheek. "Happy Valentine's Day, ___."

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