(362): Comic Book Writing (Fred) (Part Two)

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Day 4 of semester two and I am already struggling in algebra II. isn't school awesome? everything's so encouraging and easy!!

Sorry there wasn't an update yesterday; you can probably tell that I had an awful couple of days.

Here's part two as requested!


Will you marry me?

The shock is all you can feel right now. You're frozen to your seat, eyes stuck on the words. He's going to propose! Your mind is screaming with excitement. He wants to marry me! He's going to propose in his house!

Then, you stop.

Fred invited you to his house for dinner today. That was usually a normal thing, but now that you have this comic in front of you, it's different. The guilt is finally settling in. He asked you not to look. He was going to give you this comic during dinner and propose the moment you saw that last page. Should you tell him? Should you pretend to be surprised? Pretending is probably the best thing you can do.

Maybe you should find him. The fight has to be over soon, shouldn't it? It's just a robbery, after all. With a shaking hand, you pick up the comic and close it. You slowly rise to your seat and walk to the front counter, where Cass is ringing up an order.

"Hey, ___!" she greets. "Sweetie, are you okay? You're looking a little pale and shaky. Are you sick?"

"No," you croak. You clear your throat and shake your head. "No, I'm fine. I was wondering if you could change the channel to the news? I heard that Big Hero 6 just took down one of the criminals and I just want to know how that went."

"Sure," she says cheerfully, pulling the small remote out of the pocket of her apron. She changes the channel to the local news and turns up the volume. "There you go."

You read the bottom of the screen:

Big Hero 6 Puts Armed Robber Behind Bars

You force a smile on your face and turn back to Cass. "Thanks. I'd better get going. I've got a dinner with Fred tonight."

"Oh! Well, have a great time!" She flashes a huge grin.

Does everyone know that you're getting engaged? You nod and wave, quickly walking out of the café. You know that they'll all be in Hiro's garage, as usual. You step inside as they're putting their armor away.

Hiro turns to you and grins. "Hey, ___!"

"Hi," you say as normally as you can.

Fred grins when he hears your voice. He crosses the room quickly and wraps his arms around you, pulling you in for a tight hug. "I missed you! You should've seen us take down that guy! It was awesome!" You pull away and smile a little. Fred frowns. "Oh no. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," you say too quickly. "Nothing's wrong. Are you okay from the fight?"

Fred sighs. "Yeah, I'm fine. Something is bothering you, though. You should tell me what it is."

You swallow. "I can't."


"Okay! Okay, fine. Can we go outside and talk about it, though?" Your stomach twists. You've never seen Fred angry, but this is probably going to be the first time you do.

"Sure," he says, the concern clear in his voice. He turns back to his friends and calls, "I'll see you all tomorrow, okay?"

"Bye, Fred," Honey says. "Bye, ___! Have fun on your date!" Everyone nods and grins at Fred, sneaking in a couple of thumbs-up and clapping.

Fred wraps his arm around your waist and says, "Are you ready for dinner already? I asked Heathcliffe to start dinner up, but I promise that it's still the same lasagna I make." He kisses the top of your head. You force a smile. "Okay, something's definitely wrong. What is it-" He stops you and you look up at his pale face. "Oh, great- if you're going to break up with me, please-"

Your eyes widen in horror. "What? No, I'm not breaking up with you!"

He lets out a relieved sigh. "Whew, that's a relief. Freddie was scared for a minute there! Then what's bothering you, ___?"

You look down and mumble, "I looked at the comic."

"You what?"

"I looked at the comic," you repeat. "I looked at it and saw the last page and I'm so sorry, I ruined it all and I just- I'm sorry."

Fred's silent for a moment. You're mentally cringing, waiting for him to yell at you or walk away, but he doesn't. "Well, guess there's only one thing we can do, then."

You look up. "What?"

Fred takes both of your hands in his and gets down on one knee. "___ ____, I love you more than anything else in the entire world, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" He pulls out the velvet box and opens it.

You choke on a sob and cover your mouth with one hand. "Are you seriously proposing right now?"

He laughs and shrugs. "Yeah, why not?"

"Well, I-I ruined the surprise-"

"Were you surprised when I proposed just now?" he asks. You nod. "Then that's good enough for me! Will you marry me, ___?"

"Yes," you breathe. "Yes, of course."

"Awesome," he replies. He slides the ring up your finger and kisses the top of your hand. He then stands up and hugs you tightly, burying his face into your neck. "I'm not mad that you found out. It's my fault that I left the comic on the table. I love you more than anything, ___, and I want to continue to write that comic for the rest of our lives."

"I do, too," you whisper, blinking away your tears. "I love you so much, Freddie."

He smiles and hugs you tighter. When he pulls back, he cups your face in his hands and leans down to kiss you. You brush your nose against his and grin as the realization that you're engaged settles in.

"We'd better go have dinner," Fred says. "If you want to, of course. We don't have to-"

"And miss out on your lasagna? C'mon, Freddie, this proposal and our first lasagna dinner together as an engaged couple will be perfect for the comic book!"

Fred grins and takes your hand. As he leads you away from the café, he says, "You're right. Hey, you think we can add a part to the engagement where I bravely saved you from a fire-breathing kaiju?"

"One; that didn't happen," you reply, "two; your alter ego is a fire-breathing kaiju, so you're gonna confuse our future kids."

"Ah, you're so smart," he says. "Thanks for always reminding me of what didn't happen and who my alter ego is. I love you."

You giggle and wrap your arms around your new fiancé, content with how your future will look in the comic book.

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