(316): Our Fault (Sibling Hiro & Tadashi)

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Just a short Sibling Hiro x Reader x Tadashi ~


You finish getting changed after your shower. You take your time brushing out your hair. There's a rapid knock on the door. You jump.

"___, you've been in there for almost an hour," you hear your younger brother complain.


"And I seriously have to use the bathroom!"

"Too bad, knucklehead. You'll have to wait."

"Ugh! Aunt Cass, ___'s hogging the bathroom again!" Hiro calls.

"___, let your brother use the restroom," Aunt Cass calls back from the kitchen downstairs.

"Fine. Just a minute." You grab your dirty clothes and hang up your towels. It's quiet outside of the bathroom, so you figure Hiro went downstairs or he's on his computer. You open the door. He's not in his side of the room. You shrug and step out. Just as you shut the door closed, your brother leaps out from behind it and scares you.

You scream and drop your clothes. Your heart skips a beat. "Gah! Hiro!"

Hiro erupts I'm laughter. He holds his stomach and leans against the wall to keep from falling over. "You should've seen your face when I jumped out!"

"Ugh! You're such a pain!" you scream in anger. Hiro continues to laugh. You grit your teeth in annoyance and shove him. He stops laughing and shoves you. "Knock it off!"

"You started it," Hiro says.

"You scared me!"

"You locked me out of the bathroom!" You groan in anger and lunge at him. "___, wait- whoa!" You push into him. Your strength was more than you thought it would be, and you find Hiro tumbling back towards the staircase.

"Hiro!" you say. As he slips off of the first step, he grabs you. You fall with him. You bounce roughly off of every other step. The fall is hard but short. You land at the foot of the steps. Your head slams against the wall. A picture falls next to you. You won't when the glass shatters.

Aunt Cass gasps. "Hiro, ___! What on earth- you two!" Tadashi leaves the kitchen and sees you and Hiro.

"Guys! What happened?" He drops to your side and helps you up.

You stand up and rub your head. "Hiro started it."

"Did not!" Hiro mutters as Tadashi helps him stand.

Tadashi rolls his eyes. "You guys are so stupid. Do you realize how dangerous that was? You could've broken your necks!"

"But we didn't and we're fine," Hiro says, jerking away from the hold of his older brother. You look up at him and see the bruise on his forehead.

You gasp. "Hiro, your head!" You reach up and push his hair back, examining the purple mark. You gently touch it. The over protective part of you comes out and you immediately spew out your apologies. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. Are you okay? Nothing else hurts, right?"

"___, I'm fine," Hiro assures you. He pushes your hands away.

Tadashi nods. "It's just a bruise. You two are lucky that there wasn't any permanent damage. Don't pull a stunt like that again. Do you hear me?"

"Yes," you mutter.

Tadashi pats your shoulder and says, "I'll go get you both some ice."

"Oh, you kids," Aunt Cass whispers. You look down at the picture that fell. It's the picture of your mom, dad, and Tadashi. You hold back tears.

"Aunt Cass, I'm so sorry," you say, holding a hand up to your mouth.

"It's not your fault, ___," Hiro says.

"Yes, it is!" you whisper loudly. You rip yourself away from him and dash up the stairs. That picture means so much to Aunt Cass and Tadashi. It reminds them both of the two people you didn't remember much. You were only five when they passed.

You sit on the edge of your bed and hold your pillow. You press your face into the soft cotton and stifle a sob.

"___," you hear your younger brother say a few moments later.

You whimper, "Is 'Dashi mad at me?"

"No, he's not mad."

"Aunt Cass?" you ask.

"I took care of it," Hiro states.

You look up at him and wipe your eyes. "What did you do?"

"I took the blame," he says with a shrug.

"Hiro! Why? It was my fault we fell!"

"Nope. Too late." Hiro jumps down on the mattress. He falls back on your blankets. "I'm grounded for a week. There's no changing it now."

You smile. "But it was my fault, too."

"Let's just agree that it was our fault, but I'll take the blame on this one. You take the next. Deal?"

"Deal," you say. "Thanks."

"No worries. Oh, you owe me your dessert all this week, too," Hiro adds, poking your side.

You laugh, "Alright, alright. Fine. But no more scaring me."

"No promises," Hiro says. He jumps off of your bed and heads down the stairs. "But I wouldn't lock yourself in the bathroom all night for now on!"

As soon as Hiro is out of sight, you sneak over to the wall. You hear footsteps walk up the stairs. When they reach the top, you jump out. "Ha!" But it's not Hiro. It's Tadashi. Tadashi looks at you in surprise, but doesn't jump. He rolls his eyes.

"Already? Unbelievable," he mutters, walking around you. You blush and frown.

Hiro walks up and raises his eyebrows. "You're going to have to try harder than that."

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