(230): Brave (Wasabi)

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Because Wasabi x Reader fluff was requested~

This really isn't good. I just don't have a lot of time. Sorry.


It's the day you and your group of friends are officially going to become super heroes. Today, the seven of you are decked out in your supersuits and heading out to an island.

"Quarantined," Wasabi mutters to you as he reads the signs that line the buildings and ground. "Quarantine! Do these people even know what that means?"

"We'll be fine," You assure him.

"How? Look at this place! It's filthy and empty and has signs with skull faces all over it! Skull faces!"

"Wasabi. Please calm down." You drop your voice to a whisper and lean close to Wasabi's ear. "This is for Hiro, remember? Can you at least pretend that you're brave? For Hiro?"

Wasabi looks around anxiously. "Uh. . . maybe. . . probably not, honestly. I'm not good at this."

You touch his arm gently. "For me?"

Wasabi looks down at you. "O-Okay, yeah."

"Thanks," You say. "I promise, everything will be okay."

Wasabi asks before he can think to stop himself: "Only if you'll be okay, though. Can you promise me that you'll be okay?"

You blush. "Yeah. I'll be okay." You squeeze his arm and smile.

"Okay, guys," Hiro says. "I need everyone to focus. If we're going to catch that guy, we're going to need to work together."


Inside, your group finds a set of TV screens. On each of them plays a video of Alistair Krei and his portals. You gasp. While your group is totally shocked and focused on the videos, Yokai appears. No one even notices.

"Oh no," Baymax says. His voice pulls everyone from the screen. When you turn around, you see a chunk of debris hurtling towards you. Baymax protects your group by taking the hit. Wasabi ducks behind you, which suits you fine. You can't believe that he's even made it this far. Your best friend can't even get through a scary movie without crying.

Baymax tosses the debris away. Yokai is furious to see everyone alive. Baymax is still laying in the rubble. "Baymax!" Hiro shouts as he runs to his robot.

"What's the plan?" Wasabi asks.

Fred starts after Yokai. "Super jump!" He shouts. He leaps into the air. Yokai uses microbots to block his attack. Fred falls to the ground. "Falling hard!"

"What's the plan?" Wasabi asks again. Go Go takes off. Honey Lemon follows suit.

"No plan," You say, starting after Yokai yourself.

"We have to have one!" He screams.

Go Go and Honey Lemon both try to attack Yokai. Honey Lemon coats the floor in a slippery substance. Go Go tries to glide across it, but slips. The disk that she throws towards Yokai hits Honey Lemon in the head. You run towards him again, intent on stopping him before he hurts your friends.

You're not watching your feet, and Yokai takes advantage of this. He trips you with microbots. You fall to the ground and brace yourself against the wall. The floor is slippery, and you can't gain you foothold back. You're panicking as Yokai gets closer and closer. Sweat drips down your forehead. He raises his hand and a wave of microbots and hurls them towards you.

"No!" You hear Wasabi scream.

You clench your eyes shut tightly and push your back against the wall. You wait turn the pressure of the bots against your chest. Nothing. You slowly open your eyes. Shouldn't they of crushed your chest by now? No. Someone has jumped in front of you.

"Wasabi," You choke out. You're relieved and surprised.

He's standing in front of you. Wasabi is hitting the microbots with his plasma lasers. "How about a little of this? And a little bit of that? I'm getting pretty good at this!"

You smile. Wasabi holds off the bots until Hiro and Baymax fly around the corner. They attack Yokai and the microbots. Wasabi takes a deep, exhausted breath and his lasers turn off.

"Wasabi," You breathe with a huge grin on your face. He turns towards you and smiles shyly. "You saved my life."

"Yeah, well. . . you promised me that you'd be okay and you almost weren't and I just. . . had to protect you, ___. I didn't think that I had a choice." He lifts his goggle-type mask and then pulls you up. "I wasn't even afraid or anything. All I could see was you and all I could feel was your fear. I-I had to save you."

"Wasabi," You breathe, blinking tears away. "You don't need to risk your life for me."

"___," He says. "I think that I . . . live for you."

You reach up and touch wrap your arms around his neck. You pull him to your level. He slowly leans in. Just before your lips touch his, you whisper, "I live for you, too." Then your lips meet his. His arms wrap around you protectively. He holds you close to his body and covers you like a shield. You pull yourself tighter against him, wanting to protect him somehow, too. The two of you move your lips in sync, only stopping to take a quick breath and whisper, "I love you." It felt a little silly to be kissing while your friends were all fighting, but you didn't care. All that mattered to you was Wasabi, and you're all that mattered to him.

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