(328): Happy One Year, Big Hero 6!

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I'm probably going to cry at least three times today. One year ago, Big Hero 6 was released in the U.S. It completely changed my life. I would carry on with a life story, but I already added it in my new My Big Hero 6 Rants book. Which you all should totally go check out, by the way. It's up right now. I'll be ranting about anything Big Hero 6, asking and answering questions, and probably anything else rant books are for.

And later today, my new Tadashi x Reader story, Cross Your Heart (Tadashi x Reader) will be up! Keep an eye out for that. :)

Now, here's a team x reader to celebrate the first anniversary!


"It was one year ago today that our city was saved by the mysterious Big Hero 6. They saved us from what might of been a major catastrophe just one year ago, when Robert Callaghan attempted to destroy Krei Tech Industries and kill Alistair Krei himself. The team of Big Hero 6 bravely risked their lives to save the man, as well as all citizens. While their identities still remain a secret, we would like to dedicate a moment to our heroes. Thank you, Big Hero 6. . . or. . . 7, for being so courageous and strong to keep us from criminals, big and small. We wouldn't be here without you."

The TV on the wall of the cafe turns to a commercial. You let out a deep breath and look around at your friends. "One year ago today, guys. Can you believe it?"

Honey Lemon shakes her head. "It seems like only yesterday. And now look at us."

"We're still nerds," Wasabi clarifies, taking a sip of his hot coffee.

"Uh, yeah, totally buff nerds!" Fred exclaims, raising his arms and showing off his muscles.

"Fred, you couldn't have muscles if you tried," Go Go says.

Wasabi shakes his head at the still-flexing man. "Just stop," he pleads.

"We have improved a lot," Hiro comments.

"And we added a member," Go Go says, nodding to you.

You smile and shrug. "That's not that big of a deal."

"Are you kidding?" Fred asks. "You're the entire reason this team is still here! Well, probably not the entire reason, but. . . you get what I mean. You're one of the main reasons." He sits back and lazily puts his arms behind his head.

"Thanks, Fred," you reply with a laugh.

"He's right," Hiro says. "We wouldn't be here without you. You're a great friend, ___, and a great hero."

"No kidding," Go Go says. "As much as I hate to admit it, you have been known to save even me a few times."

Wasabi nods. Fred gasps and holds up a finger. "Do you remember that time the group of ninjas attacked the Halloween store?" Fred asks.

"Those ninjas were actually just teenagers that decided to prank the store," Honey Lemon kindly reminds her friend.

Fred waves it away. "Yeah, yeah, I know, but it still counts. ___ saved both me and Wasabi from silly string. Thank you for your help." Fred nods respectively to you. You roll your eyes.

Hiro laughs and shakes his head at him. "Back to the actual super hero saves. . . remember when we saved the orphanage that caught on fire? ___, you were the one that pulled Honey Lemon and I out in time."

Honey Lemon nods. "And I can't thank you enough for it!"

"And the time the runaway bus couldn't stop because it didn't have brakes?" Wasabi adds. "You risked your life to stop that vehicle."

"I like helping people," you respond with a smile. "Especially you guys."

Honey Lemon lays her hand on top of yours. "And we're very grateful for it. Who knows where this team would be without you." Your heart soars at these kind words from your best friends.

"Well, we wouldn't be here, that's for sure," Fred says. He takes a huge bite out of the scone in front of him and then takes a long drink of his espresso. "She paid for our stuff."

You laugh at him. "He's got a point," Hiro says. "Thanks for joining the team, ___."

"Thanks for letting me join," you reply. The news comes right back on.

"Breaking news!" The newsman says, "A group of prisoners have escaped San Fransokyo Prison and are currently destroying our downtown stores, parks, and restaurants. Three people have been injured. Big Hero 7, we need your help."

Hiro stands up. "Well, guys, we'd better get to work."

Aunt Cass walks into the cafe, carrying the new order of styrofoam cups. "Hey, geniuses. Leaving so soon?"

"We're gonna go head out to labs," Hiro lies.

"Okay. Will you be back for dinner?"

"Can we all be back for dinner?" Hiro asks.

Aunt Cass grins. "Sure! I'd love to have you all!"

"Awesome," Hiro says. You elbow him gently to say 'We're kind of needed, like, now'. Hiro walks around the table and wraps his arms around his aunt's waist. "I'll see you later, Aunt Cass. I love you."

"I love you, too," she replies. He pulls away and starts to walk off. "Wait! Last hug!" She hugs Hiro once again. He rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Aunt Cass, we really have to go," Hiro says casually.

"Okay, okay. You're right. Okay. See you all for dinner, kids!" She waves as everyone walks out of the cafe.

Once outside, everyone turns to Hiro's garage. Hiro leads everyone in and shuts the door. "Here's the deal," he says. "There are nine prisoners and only seven of us. Let's pair up; Baymax, me, and Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Fred, ___, Go Go. Don't leave your group. Take down as many as possible. We can do this."

Once everyone is suited up, you exit the garage on Baymax. In the air, Hiro observes the damage already done. "What do you say, guys?"

"Let's do this!" Honey Lemon exclaims.

"We've got this down, guys!" Fred says.

Hiro looks over at you. "Are you ready?"

You place your helmet on your head. "I'm on the world's greatest super hero team. I'm always ready."

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