(280): Costume Shopping (Fred)

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Fred x Reader requested by myself. I know that I just posted a Fred, but the Tadashi one shot that I had been planning on posting today was deleted, so I have to post this one until I have time to rewrite the Tadashi. Sorry!


"So what should we be for Halloween?" You ask Fred as you walk into San Fransokyo's Halloween store. The two of you are going to be going to Fred's college's Halloween Dance, and each couple is asked to wear matching costumes.

Fred skips ahead of you. "Oh, I know." He picks up two packages and holds them up. The woman's costume is an entire egg, the man's a piece of bacon. "These!"

You laugh. "No."

Fred pouts. "Why?" He asks sadly.

You take the costumes from him and hang them back up on their shelf before taking both of his hands in yours. "Because I guarantee that there are better costumes here." You stand up on your toes and kiss his lips. He sighs in defeat.

"I guess you're right," He says. You pull him down an aisle and scan the costumes that hang against the wall. You stop and look at the accessories at the far end, trying to come up with an idea. Fred wanders down the aisle. He grimaces when he comes across the young adult costumes. "Yuck."

"What?" You ask him, walking to his side.

"Promise me that whatever costume you get, you won't get one of these." He gestures to the line of costumes that could barely even count as a costume, or actual clothing, for that matter. "I've seen how men stare at girls when they wear these, and I don't want anyone looking at you that way."

You place a finger under his chin and smile. "I promise. As long as you promise me that we won't be eggs and bacon for Halloween."

"Hey, that's actually an awesome idea!" He defends.

You shake your head and laugh. "No it isn't." You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him.

When you pull away, he says, "Wait. We can be heroes!" and he removes himself from your hold and runs down the aisle.

You sigh. "Freddie," You say, following him across the store. You catch up and take his hand in yours. "We're super heroes everyday."

He gets on his knees in front of a shelf and picks up random super hero costumes. "Well yeah, but-" He stops before shoving the costumes back into their places.

"What now?" You ask, helping him off of the floor.

"You know, there are two certain hero costumes I don't see on this shelf."

"Really?" You say, not quite catching on. "Which ones?"

"Fredzilla and ___zilla from Big Hero Seven, of course!" He exclaims. "Only the two smartest, strongest, and awesome-est heroes in the world!"

You roll your eyes. "For one," your voice drops down to a whisper, "I never agreed to be called ___zilla. For two, awesome. . . est. . . isn't a word!"

"But I didn't hear a no, did I?" Fred says. He folds his hands together and widens his eyes. "Please, ___? Please, please, please? You know how much I love being a hero. And you know that you're my favorite hero of all time. And you always look awesome in your super suit." He pouts.

You sigh. "Fine!" You give in. Fred grins. "But only because you're a dork. And you look super cute in your kaiju suit."

"Yes!" He throws his arms around you and hugs you tightly. You tilt your head up. Fred touches his lips to yours softly. He then touches his lips to your forehead.

"I love you," You tell him, your voice slightly muffled because your mouth is pressed against his t-shirt.

"And I love you," he says, burying his face in your hair, "___zilla."

You giggle. "I didn't agree to that name!" You say.

Fred let's you go, keeping only your hand. He walks you out the main doors. "But you've gotta admit that it has a nice ring to it."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots (2)Where stories live. Discover now