(358): Reunited (Wasabi)

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Here's a Wasabi x Reader requested by Serinity_Cheshire

He wakes up with on happy thought in his head: It's Sunday. Sundays happen to be Wasabi's favorite day of the week. The reason was the same reason owned a laptop.

To see you.

Wasabi cheerfully turns on his laptop and scrolls through his list of contacts. Once he finds your name, he clicks it and waits patiently. The screen finally pops up, and you're tired face stares back at his.

"Good morning," he greets happily. "Did I wake you up?"

You yawn and nod. "Yeah, obviously," you say. "It's eight in the morning, Wasabi. Why do you get up so early?"

"Because Sundays mean that I get to see you," he says, "and that deserves an early morning wake up. More time to talk to you, you know."

You smile at your best friend through the screen. You two used to hang out together every day from when you were kids to when you were teenagers, and then Wasabi left (hometown) to go to San Fransokyo. You haven't seen him in person in over three years, but you still manage to keep in touch through video chats. Although you could only manage to do it on Sundays, you still have a strong relationship.

"So, how was your week?" Wasabi asks.

You laugh. "Same as last. Lots of homework, lack of sleep..."

"I'm sorry," he says sympathetically.

You shrug. "That's college, I guess. How was your week?"

"About the same as yours," he admits.

You smile at him. "Well, your birthday's coming up on Tuesday, isn't it? That's gotta be exciting, huh?"

"I guess so," he says. "Honey Lemon is throwing me a small party at the Lucky Cat Café. I'm excited to see everyone, I just really wish that you could be there, too."

Your smile falters. "I'm sorry, Wasabi. One day I'll make it down. Until then, just enjoy your group of friends, okay?"

"Yeah," he says. He avoids looking at the screen and instead pretends to fix the sleeves of his green sweater. "I just... really miss you."

"Wasabi," you say. He slowly looks at you. "I miss you, too." You offer a sad smile and touch your fingertips to the screen. He returns the smile and touches the screen where your hand is. As he looks into your eyes through the screen, he doesn't think about how he'll have to scrub the laptop screen to get the fingerprints off. Instead, he thinks about being able to hold your hand in person.


On Tuesday, Wasabi gets out of his car and smiles at the decorations outside of the café. As soon as he shuts the car door, Honey Lemon and Fred run out.

"Happy birthday, Wasabi!" Honey squeals. "Come in, come in! We've got so much to show you!"

"Happy birthday, big guy," Fred says. "For your birthday, I've granted you what you wanted most."

Wasabi smiles at his friend. "For you to take a shower?"

"Ha! Don't be silly, Wasabi. Your wish is a little more realistic than that." Fred shakes his head and laughs.

Go Go opens the door and sighs. Hiro and Baymax poke their heads out and wave enthusiastically. "Nothing you say can make him want to shower or do laundry, Wasabi."

"Yeah," he breathes, "I'm starting to realize that."

Go Go's lips pull up into a smile. "Happy birthday, dude. You're gonna like your gift this year. I guarantee it."

"Is it the new sweeper I saw on that infomercial? Oh, or a new tool organizer?" Go Go shakes her head at her friend as he steps inside. "It's gotta be close to one of those, right?"

Honey Lemon laughs and shrugs. "I don't know. Why don't you see for yourself?"

Wasabi looks out in front of him and everything stops. Standing in front of him is what he wanted more than anything. "___," he breathes in shock.

"Am I better than a vacuum or a tool box?" you ask.

He grins and crosses the room quickly, taking you into his arms. He spins you in a half circle. "I can't believe you're here," he says. "How'd you get here?"

"Honey Lemon and I planned it," you explain. You tighten your hold on his shoulders. "Happy birthday, Wasabi. It's been a while, huh?"

"Too long," he says. "I'm so happy you're here. How long are you staying?"

"Just a couple of days," you say. Laughing, you add, "but I'll be sure to visit your lab, take you to the movies, even buy you that vacuum you want so much-"

Wasabi silences you by cupping your cheek in his hand. "Just seeing you in person is enough."

You smile and place your hand over his. He smiles as you weave your fingers between his. "I'm glad this made you happy."

"It did," he says. He turns his head to thank Honey Lemon, but she's not there. In fact, the entire café is empty.

"Must've wanted to give us privacy," you say.

Wasabi smirks as he turns back to you. "Good. That makes me feel comfortable enough to do this," he says before slowly leaning in. You laugh softly as his lips land on yours and he kisses you softly.

When he pulls away, you say, "This is just going to make it harder to leave."

"Then don't," he says, and he kisses you again.

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