(349): Lipstick (Tadashi)

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Bonus pictures of me!!! Sorry that you have to see my face again buuut ❤ I obviously have this problem/addiction to red lipstick & it's getting out of hand. So now I have this headcannon that Tadashi loves it when (you) wear red lipstick and now I have written a oneshot for it bc I am in desperate need of Tadashi kisses.

Also are any of you artistic because I'd kill for art of me and Tadashi/Hiro tbh. Like, we could be chillin' or kissing. I'm not picky.

if this sounds desperate that's okay bc I am

Much love ❤

"I'm telling you, this color would look fantastic!" Your roommate, Honey Lemon, says excitedly. She hands you the tube of fresh red lipstick. "Especially for the Christmas party. Festive and cute."

"Are you sure?" you question.

"Positive," she says. "Tadashi will thank me."

You roll your eyes. "Sure, sure."

"He will," she practically sings. "That outfit, your hair, your makeup... You're beautiful all of the time, ___, but you look so much better when you're not wearing sweats and a messy bun and drooling on your textbooks."

"Hey! It was finals week, thank you!"

She giggles. "Whatever! Tadashi will love how you look."

You look at your reflection. You're decked out in a casual red dress that's covered with a dark green cardigan. Your dark green flats and small red hair bow finish off the look. You do look pretty good. Well, good enough for the effort you've put in, anyways.

"I hope so."


It's the night of the party, and Tadashi is one of the first to arrive. Usually, you'd show up with him, but you sent him a text saying that you'd be catching a ride with Honey Lemon. Tadashi is left to himself at the table of refreshments. He feels out of place as he munches on a snickerdoodle and sips his hot cocoa. Much to his relief, he spots one of his closest friends near the restrooms.

"Hey, Wasabi," Tadashi says, weaving through the crowd of chatting young adults to reach his friend.

Wasabi grins and nods in a greeting. "Hello, Tadashi. Nice sweater."

Tadashi smirks at his dark green sweater. "Thanks. Same to yours." He nods and holds his styrofoam cup of hot cocoa to his lips.

"So," Wasabi says. "Where's your girlfriend?"

Tadashi shrugs. "I don't know. She's never this late to parties-"

"'Dashi!" he hears you call out from the crowd.

"That would be her," Tadashi says. He turns to see you weaving your way through the crowd. Your eyes meet his and light up, making his heart skip a beat. He takes in your entire outfit and feels his jaw drop.

"Better close your mouth, Hamada," Go Go warns as she steps up to the scene. "You'll catch flies."

Tadashi snaps his mouth shut and steps forward to meet you halfway. You look breathtakingly gorgeous in your outfit, but what he can't stop focusing on is the red lipstick spread across your lips. He clears his throat.

"So," you say. "How do I look?"

"You look..." he searches for the correct word, scratching the nape of his neck as he does so. "Wow."

You grin. "Wow, huh?"

Tadashi blushes and laughs. "Yeah, wow. I don't know how else to explain it." He shakes his head. "In the three and a half years we've been dating... I've never-"

"Seen me look beautiful?" you guess.

Tadashi's eyebrows pull together in confusion. He's hurt by what you've said. "What? ___, you're beautiful every day. What I meant was that I've never seen you wear lipstick."

"Yeah," you say. "Honey Lemon encouraged it. I think it's a bit too much-"

"What? No way! You look... wow."

"I feel like we've established this already," you joke.

"Right." He takes your hand. "Would you like some hot chocolate? It's amazing."

"Sure," you say. He leads you to the table, where he pours you a cup of it. You stand directly in front of him as he sips his own. His hand occasionally brushes your waist, your hand, and your arm. You talk to him about the hard problems on your physics exam. He tries to listen intently as he always does; as everything that you say is amazing in his opinion, but he can't help but focus on your lips. How they move with your words, how they purse together when you pause, how they leave a light stain of red on the cup, yet remain rich in color.

"Tadashi? Did you hear me?" He blinks out of his trance, focusing on your (e/c) eyes.

"No, I'm sorry. What did you say?" he shakes his head and grasps your hand in his.

"I said, 'I have your gift in my car, would you like to come with me and see it?'"

"Sure," he says, beginning to lead you through the crowd. "Ugh, now I feel bad!"

"Why?" you ask.

"Because you brought your gift today and I totally forgot about it," he says with a sigh.

"That's okay," you assure him. "Don't worry about it. Seeing you wearing this green sweater is a good enough present." He rolls his eyes. "Seriously, Tadashi! Green is definitely your color." You reach up and press your lips against his cheek lightly. When you pull back, you snicker lightly.

"What?" he asks. You shake your head and try to muffle your laughter by taking a sip of your hot cocoa. "What's so funny?" You snort with laughter. "Okay, what's up? Whatever it is, it made you snort."

"I, uh, left a lipstick stain on your cheek," you admit with a shrug. "You look cute. That's all."

Tadashi blushes. "Well-"

"Oh, Tadashi, ___!" Honey Lemon squeals from behind you. You both turn to look at her. She's pointing at something above you in the doorway. You glance up and see that familiar branch of green leaves and white berries. Mistletoe. "Go on!"

Everyone is watching. Tadashi chuckles and takes your cup of cocoa from you. "What are you doing?" you ask him as he hands them both to Fred.

"It's not like I need to use mistletoe as an excuse to kiss you, anyways," he says. He hooks both of his arms around your waist and dips you backwards. You gasp in shock and throw your arms around his neck. He grins triumphantly before kissing you. You immediately melt into the kiss. Eyes fluttering closed, you block out the rest of the students that watch you and Tadashi. He pulls back too soon.

You spot some red on his lip. Laughing, you say, "You've got a little lipstick on your lips now." You use your thumb to wipe it off of him.

He chuckles. "Might as well leave it, because I'm not done kissing you yet." He bends down to kiss you again.

"What about your present?" you interrupt breathlessly.

"Thank you, but it's not important right now," he says.

"Hm. Guess I'll have to keep your new mo-ped then, huh?" you taunt.

Tadashi's eyes widen. "As much as I love mo-peds, you're the best Christmas present I could ask for."

"I love you," you say proudly.

"I love you, too," he says, and his lips fall on yours once more.

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