(292): Broken Promises (Part One)

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Hiro x Reader that I threw together. I had a bad day. Sorry this isn't awesome. Part two will be up tomorrow.


"Okay, everyone. Get ready for take off. We'll be taking off soon. We have to go find Yokai," Hiro orders his team. They all obey and walk away. You try to follow them, but a hand grabs your wrist. "Listen, ___. . . you need to stay behind."

Your mouth drops. "What? Why!"

"I-I just think that you should," he says. He kisses your forehead and strokes your hair. "I love you. I'll see you after the fight." He turns away.

"You don't actually think that I'm just letting you go without me, do you?" It feels as if you've been fighting with him forever. The last few months of your life have been the worst. You lost one of your best friends, and at the same time, it seemed that you lost your boyfriend. His carefree, cocky attitude disappeared and was replaced with an empty person. You hated having to raise your voice at him, especially knowing the heartache he's already gone through. "Hiro, I'm not just staying behind while you go fight off Yokai!" You shout as you watch your boyfriend angrily walk towards his robot. "I'm not helpless! I can help you!"

You know what his answer is before Hiro can even turn around. It's obvious from the look on his face that he is aggravated and streased. "No," he says sternly.

"Why?" You ask. "Why won't you just let me prove to you that I'm strong enough?"

"For once, will you actually listen to what I'm saying?" He asks.

Hiro turns away and starts walking back towards Baymax. You run forward and grab his arm. "Hiro-"

"I-I'm not-"

"I can do this! I just don't understand why-"

"Because I'm not strong enough, okay?" He shouts, turning around to face you again. You blink, surprised by the emotion running through his voice. His eyes are wide and his face is red. He grabs your shoulders and shakes you. "Don't you get it? This guy already took my brother away from me. If he takes you. . ." His eyes fill with sadness and he starts over, "if he takes you, I'll be broken forever. You're the reason I still got up every morning. You're. . . the reason I'm still here. I-I can't lose you."

You smile sadly. Reaching up to touch his cheek, you whisper, "We won't lose each other if we stick together, we'll be okay. Besides, you built me a suit, I can't just not wear it."

Hiro smiles. "Alright, but you have to stick by my side at all times. Promise?"

"Promise," you say.

Hiro pulls you into a hug. "I'm sorry for yelling. You just . . . mean so much to me." He kisses your cheek.

"It's okay," you assure him. You grab his hand and smile. "I understand. You mean more to me than words can even begin to explain. Nothing bad will happen. I promise."

// Did anyone watch the premier of the Muppets today? I thought that it would be super awesome but I actually hated it. Way too adult for Muppets. Ugh, maybe the next episode will be okay.

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