(344): Selfless (Hiro) (Part Two)

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Part Two~

This is kind of dark idk

"Hey, it's ___. Call me when you get home so I know that you're safe. And I'm sorry, Hiro, I just worry about you. Just call me back-" He winces at the buzzing, the screaming, and the sound of struggle. "Hiro! Hiro, help me! Hiro!" More struggling. Another scream. And then: "I love you."

Hiro throws his phone to the hard concrete floor and cries out. He rips his helmet off of his head and tosses it far away as his knees hit the floor. His fists pull tightly on his black locks as he bends towards the floor. I'm safe, you're not. He lets the sobs shake through his body to the point where he feels sick.

Where are you right now? Are you with Callaghan? Are you hurt, cold, hungry, scared? Surely you're scared. You're probably alone right now, calling for him in the dark. . .

I love you. Your last words to him. Even though he didn't save you, even though he stood back and watched you and the bots disappear into the fog, you love him. Your last words weren't a cry of help. They were a reminder of how you felt.

He swallows, realizing the selflessness that you truly show. Hiro could live a thousand lives and never deserve you.

"Akuma Island," Baymax states.

Hiro lifts his head and wipes his nose. "What?"

"___ is on Akuma Island."

Hiro perks up. "You scanned her?"

"Yes. I hope that finding ___ will increase your neurotransmitter levels."

Hiro stands up and smiles a bit. "It will, buddy. It will."


You shakily lift your head as the metal door freaks open. "Please," you say breathlessly. "I don't know anything else about Hiro. I told you everything. Please don't hurt me again!" You cover your chest, where you're sure you have a few broken ribs. Callaghan has been using the microbots to hurt you all night; forcing the information out of you that doesn't even exist.

Revenge plans and secrets float around in the conversation. He's obviously lost it in that prison. "This is more than just information, Ms. ______. This is about you being important to the boy."

You let out a soft cry as he lifts a hand up. The microbots flood inside of the room. You close your eyes tightly. "Hiro, help me-"


How long have you been here? Months, days, hours? You haven't moved from your spot. You feel so incredibly broken both physically and mentally. You're starving, you're thirsty, and you're exhausted. Sleep doesn't come to grant you freedom from the pain.

You can vaguely hear Callaghan in the other room. He stands up. You shut your eyes tightly. Stay away, stay away. He doesn't. You can hear the buzzing of the microbots as they follow him to your room. You whimper and cower into the wall. And just as the door opens, a loud banging noise erupts from the other side of the room. You gasp and look beyond Callaghan.

"H-Hiro," you choke out.

Callaghan turns around. Hiro steps forward. "Where is she?" he shouts.

Callaghan laughs. "Let's see if you can keep from killing me when you see her." Callaghan pulls you out of the room and carelessly tosses you onto the floor in front of him. You wince at the light.

"Hiro," you breathe.

Hiro's face twists in pain. "___," he says in disbelief, as if he doesn't believe that the broken person on the floor is you. He staggers forward to grab you.

"Don't move!" Callaghan orders, forming a cage of microbots around you. "I'll kill her!"

"No! Baymax, rocket fist!" Callaghan jumps out of the way as Baymax's fist drives through the bots. "Guys, get the mask from him!" Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Fred, and Go Go all run towards Callaghan. Hiro drops beside you and pulls you out of the pile of bots. "___!"

"I'm okay," you whisper as he pulls you into his arms. You lay your face on his chest and close your eyes. "I'm okay now."

"I've got you," he says, rubbing your back. "I'm never letting you go again." He kisses your forehead and brushes your hair away. "___, I'm so-"

You open your eyes at that familiar buzzing sound and peek over Hiro's shoulder. The broken cage of microbots builds back up. "Hiro, look out!" You shove him away and leap in front of him. The microbots cover you once again, creating a cocoon of the torture you've endured for so long now. You shut your eyes. Hiro, I love you. Hiro, I'm sorry. I tried to be enough. I tried-


When you finally seem to come to, you're automatically annoyed at the beeping that's so loud in your ear. You open your eyes and look down. You're in a white gown and covered with a white sheet. A needle is in your arm. You groan and try to pull it out as the panic rises.

"No," a voice says. A hand locks around your wrist and pulls your hand away.

"Hiro," you say.

He smiles a little. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

"Sore," you answer. "Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone's fine," he assures you. He takes your hand in his. "I was wrong."

"About. . .?"

"You are selfless. You risked your life for me, ___. You almost died." Tears fill his eyes.

You smile and touch his cheek gently. "I love you."

He leans forward and touches his forehead to yours. "I love you, too," he whispers. "Don't forget it." He touches his lips to yours softly. You pull him against you and deepen the kiss, putting all of your pain and fear away. As long as you're with Hiro, everything is okay. He pulls away and brushes your cheeks with his fingers. "You should rest."

"Don't leave me," you plead.

"Leave you?" he smiles and shakes his head. "Never. Never again." He kisses your hand and sits there quietly as you fall under once again.

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