(374): Valentine's Day Letters (Hiro) (Part Two)

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Obviously there's going to have to be a couple of one shots posted after Valentine's Day, but no biggie. Wattpad hasn't been loading well for me the last 3 days, but today's connection was AWFUL.

Here's part two!


"What's up?"

You take a step forward and sigh. With a small smile, you hand the note over to him. He takes it from you, his eyes locked on yours. "It's a note. I've been getting them nearly every day from someone here. It's sweet and all, but I'm kind of scared that it's a prank or a kidnapper or something."

"So you want me to walk you down and what, protect you from potential freaks?"

You laugh lightly and nod. "Um, kinda."

Hiro snickers. "So, what am I supposed to do about it if they are creepy, princess?"

You turn a burning red and cross your arms. "Nevermind." You snatch the letter back and turn away. "I don't know why I even asked for your help."

Hiro's still laughing. "Kidding! Kidding! I'll help you. Jeez, ___." He falls silent. "Seriously, though, I get why you're scared of this. I'll walk you down to - where did he want to meet you?"

"Behind the Robotics building," you reply.

"Okay. Did he say a time?"

"No," you answer. "But-"

"It's probably in the morning," he interrupts. "I mean, each student has different lunch and class times."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Hiro sighs and touches your shoulder. "___, I don't want you to worry about this. Everything'll be okay." You answer with a simple nod. "How about we order takeout after school and just hang out in my garage?"

"That'd be nice," you say with a sigh of relief. "I've been feeling kind of overwhelmed lately."

"Good thing I'm your best friend, then, huh?" He smirks and nods towards the exit door, signaling for you to follow. 

The next day, you're walking next to Hiro on your way to the cherry blossom trees. Your anxiety is through the roof; hands clammy, fingertips ice cold, skin pale, knees shaking. You've been a complete mess all morning. How could you do this? How could you meet a stranger just because they want to me your Valentine or something?

Maybe it's not a stranger. Maybe it's someone that you know, someone that you like. But the only person you like is Hiro, and he's never given any indication that he has any strong feelings for you.

As you round the corner of the Robotics building, your mind nearly explodes. Your heart is leaping out of your chest as your eyes scan the cherry blossom trees around. Where is he, who is he?

He's no where to be found.

You can't help but feel a little bit of disappointment. After all, you've kind of been involved in finding out who this guy is all week.

"He's not here," you announce, struggling to keep the shaking of your voice down. "Let's just go back."

Hiro picks up on your strained words and smiles sadly. "You don't know if he might be late or something."

You shake your head. "Hiro, let's be real-"

"Then let's just wait for him!"

You shake your head. "No way. That's pointless. We should just head back and forget about it." You turn away. Hiro's hand shoots out and snatches yours, holding you back from walking away. "No. Hiro, stop. Let me go!"

"Listen to me!" he pleads desperately.

"Stop. It's a prank, Hiro, and I don't want to deal with it." Tears are threatening to spring out of your eyes. It was a prank. Of course it was! Why would anyone write letters like that to you?

"You don't know that!" Hiro exclaims. He tugs gently on your hand once more.

"Stop!" you snap. You jerk your hand from his and glare into his chocolate brown eyes that are filled with a reflection of your sadness. "It was a prank, Hiro. And I was foolish to even think that it was real." You shake your head at yourself and shove your hands into the pocket of your hoodie. You turn quickly on your heel and start treading back to school.

"It was me," he says.

Your eyes widen and you stop dead in your tracks.

"It was me."

You slowly turn around to look at him. You're positive that he's just tricking you, too, but his smile is nervous, his eyes wide, and he wasn't being his normal sarcastic self. "What?" you whisper.

"It was me; those were my letters." He bites down on his bottom lip before continuing. "Look, I love the way you treat everyone. I love how you sound when you're singing. I love it when you wear that pink lip gloss because I know you only do it when you feel confident in yourself. I love that you never get tired of eating takeout with me on that old couch in my garage. I'm in love with you, but I'm always too nervous to tell you. I love you, ___."

Your eyes widen and your heart picks up speed. You slowly walk back to him and wrap your arms around his neck. Not even half a second later, you lock your lips against his. You kiss him passionately, the words that he just said echoing in your head as you do so. It was so incredible. He loved you, and you were sure you loved him. You pull away and breathlessly say, "I love you. I love you, too, Hiro Hamada."

He lets out a sigh of relief and opens his eyes. Once he looks at you through those thick black eyelashes, you smile. "I'm sorry if you thought that I was some creep. I'm really not, I swear."

You laugh. "I'm glad it was you. You were the only person I wanted to be telling me those things."

"You have no idea how amazing it is to hear that," he sighs lovingly, his fingers stroking your cheeks that are flushed with a deep blush. "___?"

"Yeah?" you ask softly.

"Will you be my Valentine?" He chuckles and blushes before adding, "And my girlfriend?"

You grin as a light, bubbly laughter escapes your lips. "I'd love to be." You shut your eyes and lean in to close the few inches of space between your lips and his.

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