(359): Snowy Afternoon (Tadashi)

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It's snowing today & my hatred for snow is strong, but my love for Tadashi is stronger, so here's a winter themed Tadashi x Reader ♡


With a frustrated sigh, you give the bolt one last twist with your wrench. The project that you've been building is the hardest one yet. You know that you should keep working, but right now, you're dreaming of curling up on your sofa with a book and a big mug of hot cocoa.

You wipe the sweat off of your forehead before packing up your tools. A glance at the small clock on your desk lets you know that it's nearly three in the afternoon. You put all of your homework in your backpack and sling it ovwr your shoulder.

You stop by your best friend's lab on your way out. Tadashi has been your ride to and from school for a few months now. He's on the phone, so you patiently wait by the doorway.

"Yes, sir," Tadashi says politely. "You can't get it to me at all? Alright. No, that's okay. I'll manage. Thank you, sir. Have a great day." He pulls the phone away from his ear and sighs as he hangs up.

"What was that about?" you question, crossing your arms in the process.

"My mo-ped broke down around lunch time today," he explains. "I asked Go Go to help, but she didn't have advanced enough tools, so I had to call someone. The mechanic took it to his shop and it won't be ready until morning."

"Oh. Well, that's okay," you reply with a shrug. "We can walk."

"It's snowing," he points out, gesturing to the window. He turns and begins to pack up his things. Once his books are safely inside of his satchel, he pulls his cardigan on.

"So? It's not like your mo-ped is exactly winter-friendly," you joke with a roll of your eyes. "We'll just take the bus. I'll pay for your ticket. Deal?"

He smiles that dazzling smile, which is one of the many reasons you're hopelessly in love with him. "Deal."

Once you step outside, your body freezes up in shock at exactly how cold it actually is. "When you said it was cold, I didn't think it would be this cold!" You shiver, despite having a sweater over your long sleeved t-shirt.

Tadashi pulls his gloves out of his long black coat. "Yeah, and the snow's really coming down." He takes a sideways glance at you. "I'd better get you home." He places one hand on the small of your back and helps guide you through the snowy air and the burning cold.

The bus stop is unusually empty. "W-When's the next b-bus?" you force through chattering teeth.

"Not coming," an old man says as be passes by. "Weather's too bad."

Tadashi purses his lips and nods politely at the man. "Thanks, sir." The man returns the nod and walks away. "Now what do we do? Your place is three blocks away, and mine is even longer. We'll never get home in this."

Your face lights up in pure joy. "We can if we run!" you suggest before taking off.

"Wait!" Tadashi calls. He sprints to catch up to you. "What's this supposed to do?"

"Warm us up! Besides, it's the quickest way home!"

"Good point!" he replies with a smile. As the snow picks up, he takes your hand. You don't say anything as you pulls you alongside him until he reaches your block. You slow down once you reach the front door of your apartment.

He slowly pulls his hand away from yours. You frown but pull your keys out. Once the door is unlocked, you pull him inside with you. You both let out relieved breaths as you shed your layers of winter clothing. The heat feels incredibly painful against your dry, cracked hands.

You rub them together and try to get them to warm up, but they don't. Tadashi sheds his own gloves. "Here," he says. Your face burns in embarrassment as he takes your hands in his and holds them against his mouth. He blows warm air on them. "I should've given you my gloves."

"That's not something you needed to do-"

"It's something I wanted to do," he says. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," you reply.

He nods and looks out the window. It's a full out blizzard now. "How am I supposed to get home now?"

"You're not," you say with a smirk. You pull your hands back. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll make a pot of hot chocolate for us." You walk into your kitchen and begin to pull out all of the ingredients.

"Let me help," Tadashi offers.

You shake your head. "Go warm up, Tadashi."

He chuckles. "You're the one who's cheeks are bright red. You need to warm up. Not me."

"What am I supposed to do?" you question. "I'll be fine."

As you put the pot on the stove, arms slowly encircle you from your left. You swallow thickly as your head slowly lifts to look at him. "Is this okay?" he asks softly. You reply with a nod. He pulls you against him. You lay your head against his chest and sigh in relief at the warmth. His hands run up and down your back to warm you up. You don't realize that he's staring at you until he says, "You're so beautiful." Your eyes widen as you lift your head and look at him. He immediately blushes and scratches the back of his head. "S-Sorry."

"No, it's okay," you assure him. "Thank you."

He smiles softly and nods. "Why don't I get some blankets while you finish the hot chocolate?"

You nod and reluctantly pull away from his embrace, turning back to the pot. He exits the kitchen swiftly. Once the hot cocoa is done and topped with three mini marshmallows, you return to the living room, where Tadashi is unfolding a blanket. He takes a seat on the sofa and you follow. Once you trade one cup for one blanket, you snuggle up next to him and lean your head on his shoulder.

"Thanks for the hot cocoa," he says. You tiredly hum a response. The back of his fingers brush against your cheek, leaving a trail of blush behind. "Are you warm?"

"Yeah," you say, snuggling closer to him. "Thanks."

"Anytime," he replies. You feel his lips plant a light kiss on your hairline. "I love you."

"I love you, too," you say. You were no longer annoyed at the winter weather. Instead, you're happily enveloped in the warm embrace of the young man that you truly love.

// My sister, @Wreck-It-Autumn, recently made a book of Big Hero 6 one shots. They're not up yet, but be sure to check them out when they are!

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