New Partner - Gotham - Jim x Harvey x Reader

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"HEY! GORDON, BULLOCK. CAP WANTS TO SEE YA." Shouted the desk Sargent as Jim and Harvey made their way into the precinct.

"What ya done this time guys?" The Sargent chuckled as both men's shoulders dropped; they'd only just walked in and already they were in the shit.

"Nothing that I know of.......... well there was that............oh no wait, we already got in the shit for that one." Harvey joked, remembering the last time he and Jim had to drag his asses in front of the boss.

"Don't worry fellas, I don't think this meeting is gonna be as bad as ya think." The Sargent said with a knowing smirk, causing the two men to furrow their brow.

"Okay, what the hell is going on?" Jim growled. He wasn't in the mood for this this morning. He and Harvey had just finished a stakeout on this suspected murderer and hadn't slept for what felt like days; and all he wanted was several large drinks and to sleep for a week.

"Look, I'd get ya ass in that office if I were you, the Cap has been waiting for ya."

Jim and Harvey shuffled off, stopping at the coffee machine to grab a dose of caffeine before they had to face the wrath of the Captain.

"Have you done anything I don't know about?" Jim asked Harvey, as he took a gulp of the weak brown liquid, grimacing at the terrible taste.

Both Jim and Harvey were good cops in their own way; a little reckless and unconventional, and maybe the lines between right and wrong, good and bad, got blurred sometimes, but they were good cops.

"Hey. That hurts." Harvey said, pretending to be hurt by Jim's insinuation.

"Anyway, the cap called us both in, so that means that we are both in the shit." Harvey said, crumpling up the cheap plastic coffee cup, before the pair made their way to the office.

Reluctantly Jim knocked on Captain Barnes' door.

"Come in!" Came back a voice.

"Well he doesn't sound mad, hopefully that's a good sign." Harvey said, as Jim turned the handle and pushed his way in.

"Ah, Gordon, Bullock, nice of you to grace us with your presence at last. Please take a seat." Captain Barnes said, indicating towards the chairs on the other side of his desk.

Now both men was worried, the Cap was never usually this calm when he was in his office, admittedly there was normally a good reason for the Cap to be pissed at them, but the smile on the Cap's face was making Jim and Harvey a little nervous.

"You two have been partners for a little while, now haven't you?" The captain asked, leaning back in his chair as he continued to smile at the two detectives.

"Er....... yeah, for a while." Jim replied, looking at the captain, and then at Harvey, confused as to what direction this conversation was heading.

"Well, I think that it's time that we spiced up your little duo and made it a trio." The captain smirked, as the two men began to protest.

Barnes raised his hands to quiet the remonstrating pair. "This is not up for debate gentlemen. Now, I'd like you to meet your new partner." Barnes said, indicating for someone that had been standing at the back of the room to come forward.

Harvey suddenly saw a hand before him, as he followed it up, his eyes fell on the face of a smiling woman.

"Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock. I'd like you to meet detective (y/f/n) (y/l/n), she's just transferred in from LA." Barnes told the pair, grinning as he saw the men stare wide eyed at the woman.

Neither Jim nor Harvey could think for a moment as they looked up at the smiling woman, she would definitely be the best looking partner that either of them had had, but still.

"Er, not to sound rude or nuthin but it gets pretty bad out there, are ya sure you know what ya letting yourself in for?" Harvey asked, watching as the woman's expression turned from a smile to a scowl.

"Oh, believe me "detective", I think I'm perfectly capable of handling myself."

Captain Barnes couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange, watching in particular the woman that no stood with her arms crossed defiantly.

"Yes well, I'm busy, so why don't you three go and get to know one another? Why don't you take (Y/n) for a cup of the best coffee in the city, cos god knows the shit from the machine, I wouldn't even wash my socks in it."

Shooing the trio out of the office, Jim and Harvey reluctantly showed the new detective to a coffee shop around the corner from the precinct that seemed to be entirely frequented by cops. As the three moved into one of the empty booths (Y/n) just had to ask.

"Are you two always so god damn grumpy or is it just me?" She asked the dower looking pair who just grumbled.

"Okay, let's cut the bullshit. I am here to stay whether you two like it or not guys; you don't intimidate me, you don't scare me, and you sure as hell ain't going to make me leave, because believe it or not, I've dealt with bigger and badder than you two; so you better get used to the idea of having me as your partner." She scolded, making the men look up from the coffees in their hands.

"Now, if you want to know what you're getting as a partner I'll tell you." (Y/n) said as she leaned over the table so that she was nearly face to face with both men.

"I majored in law and criminology in college coming top of my class. As soon as I graduated, I joined the academy. From there I started working for the DEA and stayed with them for six years until I moved to work with the Major Crimes Division in LA. Barnes is an old family friend, and when he heard that I was interested in a move to Gotham, he offered me a job. So here I am. I'm and excellent shot, I'm not scared to get my hands dirty, and I'm dedicated to my job." (Y/n) said, finally leaning back in her seat.

Both Jim and Harvey couldn't help but be secretly impressed, not only was the woman before them beautiful, but she also had brains to back it up; and both men were aware of the work that the DEA and MCD did, so for once they would have a partner that could look after themselves.

"Not bad I suppose." Harvey huffed, trying to seem unimpressed, as he tucked into his Danish.

(Y/n) couldn't help but laugh as she saw the slight sparkle in her new partners eyes.

"You know, I've known a lot of cops in my time, both good and bad, but I've learned something from all of them. I've done every dirty job you can imagine over the years, and despite Gotham's reputation, I'm ready for anything that this city can throw at me. I was nearly killed by a serial killer in LA, I've been shot at by drug dealers, and I was in hospital for a month when I got knifed while I was undercover." (Y/n) told Jim and Harvey, as she pulled up her shirt to show them the large scar on her abdomen.

"I've heard of your reputations, and whatever you do, I will back you both up all the way, I just hope that you will do the same for me." (Y/n) said with a smile, as both men stared at her in disbelief; to have someone come in and be so ready to do whatever it took in a city like Gotham, was a rarity; but maybe, just maybe, Jim and Harvey had found someone they could trust.

The two watched as she rose from the booth and made her way to the door, both of them incapable of taking their eyes off her ass as she walked away,

"Well! Are we gonna bust some heads boys, or are you just gonna ogle my ass all day?" (Y/n) asked with a smile as she waited at the door for Jim and Harvey to follow.

Gulping down the last of his coffee, Jim rushed out of the coffee shop to join her, closely followed by Harvey, who stuffed what was left of his Danish in his mouth. Maybe having a new partner wouldn't be so bad after all. 

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