The Jackal - GoT - Tyrion x Reader

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The big man would probably kill him if he knew. Seven Hells, she might even kill him if she knew. But he couldn't help himself. There was something about her. Something about the sister of the Hound that at once intrigued Tyrion, and then in the other hand scared him. A fact that the little man found strangely..........well, strangely erotic.

Clegane. It was usually a name that filled men with fear. That would make them tremble. Would make them run for their lives. And it was very true to say that the youngest of the Clegane siblings was no different. (Y/n) was as skilled with her sword as either of her brothers. Was as dangerous as either Sandor or Gregor. But behind that typical Clegane huff and puff. All that bravado of not giving or taking a shit, Tyrion could see that there was a passion. A subtle fire that burned behind her eyes. A fire that spoke of countless possibilities. Of heated nights under the sheets of his bed. Of sweat soaked bodies and heavy breath. Of the supple, forbidden flesh that lay beneath that tight armour.

To most that knew of her, she was simply referred to as The Jackal. Yet despite the rather dubious moniker, what lay beneath the helmet that she wore, was quite the most exquisite creature that the youngest lion had ever seen. Not that he had ever dared tell her that. For even though Tyrion hadn't been backwards about coming forwards for years, as far as women were concerned, (Y/n) was nothing like the whores he was used to dealing with. Nor did any of those whores have brothers the size of Sandor. Brothers that were quite willing to break in half anyone that even looked at their younger sibling, sideways. So, here he sat in quiet awe as he usually would, watching as the Hound and the Jackal practiced. The sounds of heavy clashing swords filling the otherwise empty arena. Tyrion always sure that the brother and sister fought as if their very lives depended on it. As if they were the worst of enemies.

Just like Sandor, (Y/n) had to deal with his awful nephew. Joffrey seeming to take as much delight in abusing the beautiful Clegane, as he did her older brother. Telling her that she was only in the Red Keep, only there protecting him because she was not something that any man would wish to marry. That if it wasn't for him taking pity on her, she would probably be dead, either in the gutters of the city, or on some unknown battlefield somewhere. Having her eyes plucked out by crows. The little lords respect for her growing, as she would just stand there in silence and take whatever the snivelling little shit threw at her. (Y/n) taking the abuse with a grace, and calmness that he had never seen in another.

"Ya got distracted. What's wrong with ya, girl?" A gruff voice suddenly came. The sound of Sandor's tone shaking the thoughts from Tyrion's mind. The young Lannister looking down into the arena to see (Y/n) on the floor. Her hand placed over the left side of her chest. The little lord sure that he could see blood seep through her fingers.

"There is nothing wrong with me!" Tyrion heard (Y/n) exclaim angrily in reply. Knocking her brother's hand away as he went to help her from the floor. The Jackal struggling to her feet, as she continued to hold her chest.

"Ya can't drop ya guard............"

"I know just as well as you do, that I can't drop my guard, Sandor. I'm not a fool. I just.............just........."

"Just what? I could have killed ya..........."

"You aren't that lucky, Sandor Clegane. Gregor has tried more than once to kill me, yet I am still here. And its nothing. Nothing that need concern you anyway. I better.......better go and take care of this." (Y/n) retorted, as she bent over to retrieve her sword. Neither her brother, nor the little man that had been watching the fight, noticing that her eyes had quickly looked up to where the young lion sat, before she made her way out of the practice area. Sandor merely rolling his eyes and shaking his head as he watched his sister disappear. Tyrion though, jumping down from his seat and making his way back into the castle in hopes of "accidentally" bumping into the youngest Clegane.

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