The scholar and the soldier - LotR - Boromir x Faramir x Reader

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(Y/n) couldn't help but watch the brothers and they laughed and joked with one another. Both of them were so perfect in their own ways. Faramir the scholar, a sweet man, with an even sweeter nature. A man more interested in his books and fighting fabled dragons, than he had ever been in real war. And then there was the elder of the two, Boromir. He was the warrior, the consummate soldier; headstrong, ready to rush into the fray if he could save his people. Yet no matter their differences, she loved them both.

Even from a young age, the brothers had done their best to outdo the other in her eyes. Well, Boromir more than Faramir. Boromir doing all his could to impress her with his skills with sword and bow. Faramir always agreeing that his elder brother was quite the warrior, before he would offer her his arm, and take her to the great library of Minas Tirith. The younger son of the Steward brining out some new parchment that he had discovered, (Y/n) unable to stop herself smiling at the enthusiasm with which he would tell her about it. The lady getting lost for hours with him, as they would search through the dusty tomes and scrolls for more knowledge. Boromir eventually coming to find her and drawing her back out into the fresh air. The calm and temperance of Faramir, replaced by the energy and fierceness of his brother. Yet as much as she loved the pair of them, her time to choose had come. Well.........Denethor had really given her no choice. And as the ward of the Steward of Gondor, how could she say no.

From the moment she had met Denethor, she had disliked him. Even when his wife had been alive, he had never been the kind of man that she would look at with respect. And when she saw how he would treat Faramir, because he was not shaping up to be the same as his brother, (Y/n) had grown to hate him. And after their earlier meeting.......she now despised him. Denethor telling her that it was high time that she were wed, and that she was to wed Boromir. Though as much as she had no issue with being married to his eldest son; how could she leave Faramir? She adored him, and she knew that it would break her heart if she could not also love him. The warrior without the scholar; the scholar without the warrior, was just something that she did not want to contemplate. Though what she was to do...........that was another question. The thought of leaving the White City so that she did not have to choose, of not seeing the two men every day; of not being able to love the pair of them, was just something that she did not want to think about.

Quietly, she made her way from the celebrations. Slowly walking the pale corridors until she reached her rooms. (Y/n) changing from her heavily embroidered gown, into a thin night dress that hung loosely from her shoulder; before she walked out onto the balcony and looked out over the ancient city. The words of the Steward, his decision, his order, still heavy in her mind and heart. Denethor letting it be known, in no uncertain terms, that there was no point in arguing with what he had said. Though (Y/n) knew, that in truth, he had done it, to further hurt Faramir. To once more show his younger son that he was lesser in his eyes, than Boromir. That because he had done nothing but disappoint, he would not be the one that was given her hand. The lady wishing that she had shouted at the vile old man. That she had told him that Faramir was as much a man as Boromir; that he should be ashamed of himself for treating his younger son how he did. That she would not marry one, for she wanted both. But she hadn't......and how could she say such a thing. The lady only able to imagine what would be said, if she had come out and confessed that. Confessed that she would happily give herself to both the brothers; share both their beds. Yet that was how she felt, that was what she truly wanted. Though deep down she knew that it would never be. That unless something were to happen to Denethor, then she would be wed to Boromir as soon as the Steward saw fit; and she would lose Faramir. Never to know what it was to be loved by her handsome scholar.

Slowly, she made her way over to the table; pouring herself a glass of wine, before taking a seat next to the fire, which had been lit by the servants. Her mind going over all the years that she and the brothers had known one another; of all the things that they had done together. A heavy sigh leaving her lips, as a sudden knock came to her door. (Y/n) getting to her feet and making her way to the ingress. Her eyes growing wide, as there stood the brothers. Her scholar and soldier smiling at her.

"You left the celebration." Boromir said, as he and Faramir looked at her. (Y/n) quickly pulling the night gown back up over her shoulder, as it slipped down her arm.

"I just had things to think about..........I was not in the mood for all the singing and dancing............"

"Is the thought of being wed to me, that bad?" Boromir interrupted. (Y/n)'s eyes widening, as she looked at him.

"Your........your father told you? I did not think that he would say anything just yet. And no, Boromir, being your wife would not be a bad thing. It is just that.........."

"That you want both of us............" Faramir this time interrupted. (Y/n) taken aback that it would be the scholar to voice her desires. The lady dropping her head, as a heated blush came to her cheeks.

"And it is that of which we need to speak to you, (Y/n). In hopes that you would listen to what we have to say." The younger of the brother's continued. (Y/n) finding herself nodding her head in agreement, before opening the door fully and allowing the two to enter. The lady finding it difficult to breath, as a heavy silence fell over the room.

"You will marry Boromir, as our father wishes." Faramir finally continued. A soft smile gracing his features, as she looked up at him.

"It is the only way to appease our father. To keep him out of our business, to stop him asking questions. For even though to the world, to father you will be my bride, we have agreed that Faramir will also share your bed." Boromir explained, as he and his brother moved to stand before the shocked lady. The lady that they had loved for as long as they could remember. The lady that neither had desire to lose. The news from their father, only pushing them to speak on the matter that they should have spoken of a long time ago.

"So...........?" Boromir continued, as he moved behind her. Placing his hands on her shoulders, as Faramir stood in front of her and cupped her heated cheeks in his palms.

"Do you agree..........?" Faramir asked. The soft smile that graced his beautiful features making her moan slightly. (Y/n) able to do nothing but nod in reply, before Boromir pushed the night gown over her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. The pair placing their lips to her heated naked skin. Happy to prove to the woman that they both love, just what a scholar and a soldier could do.

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