Quiet morning - The Hobbit - Elrond x Reader

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Elrond couldn't help but smile, as he looked upon the beautiful elleth by his side. His fingers softly brushing over her cheek as she continued to slumber. Even after all these years, her exquisite features took his breath away. Even after all their years of marriage, he still could not believe that he had been lucky enough to be her one. His lady, his bride, known the length and breadth of the land, as being one of the more wonderous creatures to ever step foot in Middle-Earth.

"You are watching me, hervenn.........." A sleepy voice suddenly said. The lord's smile getting a little wider, as his wife slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him.

"Can a husband not marvel at his wife when for once he has a quiet morning that he can spend in bed with her......?" Elrond enquired, feigning a hurt look, which just made her laugh.

A quiet morning.........A quiet morning......a quiet time was a rare thing in Imladris. A day when there were no visitors that had to be dealt with. When all the affairs of the realm had been taken care of. A day when the half-elf lord could just spend all his time with the love of his life.

"Well, when you put it that way, I suppose you can." The lady giggled. Squirming slightly, as he tickled her sides.

"You should be careful, meleth nin, your mannish side is showing. If anyone were to see you like this, they would come to think that perhaps you were not as scary as some believe you to be.........."

"I thought you liked my mannish side, (Y/n)........." Elrond cooed in reply, as he kissed the top of her ear. The soft touch sending an exquisite shiver down her spine.

"Oh, I do. And it used to make you such a rogue. I can still remember how even after having spent another day facing the forces of Sauron, you still had the energy to pull me into the tent and make love to me. Not that I could ever have said no; you were, and are, the most charming and beautiful of ellons.........."

"But, I am no longer a rogue.......?" Elrond asked. Holding his hand over his heart and once more feigning hurt.

"Well, you have mellowed a little over the years, meleth nin.........."

"Mellowed? Is that right...........?" Elrond tickling her again. The sounds of his wife's laughter filling the air, before she managed to wiggle out from under him. More laughter ensuing, as she moved around the room with him right on her heels. (Y/n) using chairs and tables to protect herself. Neither of them realising how much they had missed moments like this. Moments when it was as if they were young again, and had not had so many responsibilities to deal with, until this moment.

It was so wonderful for (Y/n) to see her husband smile; to see him laugh. Most saw him as serious. Some, as she had said, a little scary, and of course most of the time he had to be firmer, to be severe; he was the lord of Imladris and had the lives of their people to think of, after all. But despite what she had said, sometimes she would still see that roguish little glint of mischief in his eye. (Y/n) recalling all the times that she had had to stifle a laugh when her beloved would tease poor Lindir. The dark-haired ellon just giving them both a slightly confused look, before he would bow and leave the room. So, she was glad for this quiet morning; it some time since both of them had not had matters to deal with. Since they could just enjoy being with one another, and.....dare she say, be a little silly. Though she did have to think that whenever they were lucky enough to get time like this, a certain wandering wizard had a terrible habit of turning up and bringing trouble with him.

Suddenly she let out a squeal, as Elrond caught her by the arm and pulled her to him. (Y/n)'s legs wrapping around his waist, as he picked her up. The Lady of Imladris pushing some of his long dark hair back behind his ear, as he carried her back to the bed.

"Have I told you that I love you.......?"

"Not today, no.........." Elrond told her, as he placed her on the bed; her legs still wrapped around his waist.

"Then, I shall rectify that, immediately. I love you Elrond. I have loved you since the first moment I saw you; and will love you for the rest of eternity. You are all I have ever wanted; all I have ever needed. And I cannot help but think that I have to be the luckiest elleth in Middle-Earth.........." She told him. A gasp leaving her lips, as she felt his hand tug down the top of her long, thin nightgown. His fingers finding the soft flesh of her breasts, as his lips kissed down her neck to her shoulder. A moan leaving his lips, when he felt his wife's nails dig into the muscles of his back.

Suddenly a knock came to the door. The pair quickly moving apart, and fixing their dress, Elrond giving his wife an apologetic look, before he called for their visitor to enter.

"My apologies my lord, my lady." Lindir said, as he came into the room. (Y/n) doing her best to not appear so flustered, as the ellon looked at her.

"Yes Lindir.........?"

"We have received word that an orc pack has been seen coming close to our borders from the south, my lord........" The ellon informed his lord. Elrond looking at his wife.

"Go, my love. Lindir and I will take care of things here........" (Y/n) told him, bringing him in for a kiss, as he got up from the bed.

"But I do hope that we can finish this later........." She whispered, as she pulled away. Elrond smiling as he placed his forehead to hers.

"It would be my pleasure, my lady........." He replied, before making his way to dress. (Y/n) just hoping that whatever the reason the orcs had come so close to their borders, it would not mean that they would have to wait too long, for the next quiet morning. 

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