The wrong sister - PotC - Norrington x Reader

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Norrington suddenly sat up, as the cold water hit him. The former Commodore groaning as he saw a woman staring down at him. Another groan coming from him, as he fell back into all the pig slop.

Of all the people in the world, why did it have to be her. (Y/n) Swann, twin of Elizabeth; but the two sisters couldn't have been more different if they tried. The pair not identical in any way. Elizaeth everything that a lady was expected to be, polite, quiet, dutiful; and then there was (Y/n), a wilder woman Norrington had never known. And no matter what her poor father tried she had always been outspoken, a law unto herself that refused to be reined in. An incredible, windswept beauty that seemed to enjoy defying all that was expected of her from society. And he and this wild daughter of the governor, had never gotten along.

"You stink worse than you look, and that is saying something. I am surprised that the pigs aren't protesting about the stench." (Y/n) said, as she handed Gibbs the now empty bucket.

"Go away......!"

"I don't think so, Norrington. You signed up for a crew, and I am here to collect you." Norrington groaning once more, as he turned his head and spied what was left of his bottle of rum, standing up in all the muck. Slowly reaching out to grab it; only to find it kicked away. The former navy man glaring at (Y/n) as she came to crouch next to him.

"I think that you have had enough of that. Now get up.........."

"GO AWAY!" Norrington shouted, as he sat back up. The two just looking at one another. It becoming more and more obvious that no matter what he said, she wasn't going anywhere.

"You know something........this self-pity is a little pathetic. I know that we never got along because I am nothing like precious Elizabeth; and you probably still haven't forgiven me for punching you that time. But I would still say that you used to be proud man; and despite the pompousness and the aloof air that you liked to give off, I had a feeling that deep down, you actually had a good heart. Now, I don't know whether all this is because you were disgraced; that you can no longer call yourself Commodore. Or whether it is because the girl that you followed around for so long like a little lapdog, turned her back on you for a blacksmith and a pirate; and to be honest, I really don't care. You are not the first person to not be loved by someone you have lost your heart to. Now get up you rum soaked drunk." (Y/n) told him, as she got up and moved to make her way back to where Gibbs was waiting.

"And what would you know of love........." Norrington retorted, as he slowly struggled to his feet. The words stopping the daughter of the governor, in her tracks.

"Who could love you.........? Perhaps that is why you are so jealous of Elizabeth, because she was always loved, always wanted, by your father, by me, by Turner.........? And have no one. Elizabeth is everything you are not, everything that a man could want. And you are just the wrong sister. You know, a little part of me feels sorry for you; but the rest of me just thinks that it is you that is pathetic........" He continued, a smile coming to his lips, as (Y/n) turned to look at him. Gibbs racing over as the lady punched the man in front of her. Norrington ending up back in the pig slop, face first.


"You are going to need another bucket of water, Mister Gibbs." (Y/n) simply replied, before she walked past him.


"You missed a bit..........." (Y/n) hissed, grinding some dirt from her boot into the desk right in front of where Norrington was scrubbing. The two glaring at one another before she made her way to the other side of the ship.

"You know.........." Norrington rolling his eyes, as the figure of Jack loomed over him.

"When a woman hates a man as much as (Y/n) hates you, it usually means one of two things. Either she just hates you, or............"

"Or what..........?" Norrington interrupted. Not really in the mood for Jack's latest ramblings.

"Or.......she's in love with you, and you have been after the wrong sister all this time..........." Jack smiled. His smugness only increasing with the look of shock on the former Commodore's face.

"Just a thought.........." Jack added, before sauntering off.



"Not now Elizabeth........." (Y/n) sighed, as she turned her attention from the man scrubbing the deck, to the water.

"(Y/n) please........I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but we are still sisters, and I love you. I'm sorry that..........."

"Sorry for what, Elizabeth........?" (Y/n) countered as she turned to look at her sister.

"Sorry for always being so damn perfect; for always being father's favourite. For me having to watch while the man I loved followed you around like a lovesick puppy, until he could ask for your hand. And then, just to add insult to injury, you throw him to the side for Will as soon as you get the chance..........? Yet even now, he would still take you, over me.........So, which is it, Elizabeth, hmmm? What is it you wish to apologise for........." Elizabeth looking at her sister, able to see the hurt in her eyes; the tears that threatened to fall. (Y/n) just shaking her head, when her sister said nothing. The older twin making her way across the deck and up the stairs to come and stand by Gibbs side, as he held the wheel. (Y/n) casting out her gaze to the water that lay before them, hoping that whatever it brought, it would help her forget about James Norrington, and that he would always be in love with the wrong sister.  

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