Freyja's gift - Vikings - Ubbe x Reader

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I got some Valentine's Day stories in my head; so, I hope that you will enjoy some time with one of my favourite Vikings. And as I really, really, really dislike Margrethe, she does not exist in this story.😊

Ubbe had gone out early that morning. He had wanted to get to the market as soon as the stall holders had opened for the day. It was then when he would get the best that they had to offer; and anything less than the best, would not do. That, and he knew that his brother's would still be in bed. The thoughts of the teasing that he would endure if Hvitserk, Sigurd and Ivar were to find out that he was out shopping, for a woman, making his shudder. Ubbe telling himself that his brothers just had no idea what it was like to have someone like (Y/n) in their lives, and nor would they. Especially once he had done what he had planned.

The oldest son of Aslaug was sure that the beauty had been sent by Freyja herself. That she was a gift from the goddess, that was meant just for him. A girl, that though not of noble blood, held herself as if she had been raised to be a queen, but not just a queen, a warrior queen. The exquisite female standing by his side on more than one occasion, the pair exchanging glances before they had raced headlong into battle, shouting so loud that all of the nine realms would shake. Ubbe thanking the allfather, thanking the goddess of love, every time he had found her, safe and well. The prince pulling her into his arms and holding her tight, as they tried to get their breath. As their bodies screamed at them from the fight.

"Brother........." A cheery voice came. Ubbe doing his best to not groan as he turned and saw Ivar behind him. A smug grin pasted across the younger Ragnarssons face.

"Ivar..........." Ubbe replied, before thanking the merchant for the ring that he had just purchased. The older prince doing his best to not think that Odin had something against him that day, given that Ivar normally never dragged his backside out of bed until long after everyone else had been up for hours.

"What are you doing...........?"

"What does it look like I am doing.........?" Ubbe countered, as he turned and began walking towards the blacksmiths, hoping that he could leave his brother behind; but knowing that he would not be that lucky.

The most important thing that day, was for Ubbe to get the old sword and new shield that he had had made for (Y/n); her previous one, the one that had been her father's, having been broken in half by a huge bear of a man, at the last battle they had been in together. It the thing that had saved her from certain death, until Ubbe had run the man through with his own sword.

He had asked Flóki to help him find only the best wood; he had found the best man to paint on the design. Then all that had been left, were the metal embellishments. Ubbe leaving those, and the sword to the expertise of the man in the smithy.

"It looks like you are shopping............."

"Well done, Ivar. Your powers of observation are second to none." Ubbe retorted, as he quickened his pace; but Ivar somehow managed to be just as quick.

"Shopping is for women, for slaves to do........."

"Yes, well. Not this time. There are some things that you can only do yourself." Ubbe answered. Choosing to ignore his brother as Ivar let out a mock hum.

"I saw (Y/n)............" Ivar continued, nearly barreling into his older sibling, as Ubbe came to a sudden stop and looked at him.


"Just before I saw you. She asked if I had seen you........" Ivar's reply making Ubbe turn and quicken his pace once more. He had to get to the blacksmith. He wanted everything in place, before he saw her, fore he had determined that today would be the day. That he would finally ask her what he should have done, a long time ago. And although he would not need the old sword and ring until later, it would feel better once he had them. The prince sure that he had never felt this nervous before, even when there was a battle to fight; though it didn't help having Ivar on his heels, when he had hoped to do this, alone.

"You are going to the blacksmiths..........?"

"No Ivar, I am walking to England; can you not tell." Ubbe scoffed back. Ivar deciding that this was too much fun; the young prince well aware of what his older brother was up to. Ivar not blind to the fact that Ubbe had bought a ring and had taken one of their father's swords.

"So, you are finally going to ask (Y/n) to marry you? Good, it will mean I win the bet that I made with Hvitserk and Sigurd." Ivar said. Ubbe not wanting to stop again, but his feet had a mind of their own. The two brothers looking at one another; Ubbe rolling his eyes at Ivar's smug smirk.

"Go away........."

"No. I want to see (Y/n) again. I want to know what she says.........."

"(Y/n) doesn't like you..........."

"Yes, she does. She has told me many times that she likes me........"

"She was lying............"

"No, she wasn't. Now, if you want to get that sword back from the blacksmith before she finds you, you better hurry up." Ivar told his brother, before he led the way. Ubbe knowing that there was little point in arguing with his brother any longer. The older prince just accepting his fate and following after him.


"Ubbe!" A voice called out. Ubbe and Ivar looking at one another. Ivar deciding to help his brother; doing the best he could to assist Ubbe in concealing the beautiful new shield behind them, as they made their way out of the blacksmiths.

"I have been looking..........oh, hello again Ivar..........." (Y/n) smiled, as she looked at the youngest and oldest sons of Aslaug.

"See, I told you she liked me." Ivar grinned. Looking at his brother, before turning his attention back to the shieldmaiden.

"Where have you been, Ubbe? We were supposed to meet to practice. I have been waiting for an age............." (Y/n) continued. Ubbe feeling guilty of having forgotten; but in his defence, he did have more important things on his mind.

"What are you two up to..............?"

"Yes, Ubbe. What are you up to.........." Ivar also asked. Ubbe pulling the shield just behind his own back, as he glared at Ivar.

"Go away............"

"Ubbe. There is no need to speak to Ivar like that." (Y/n) chastised, folding her arms across her chest. Not at all sure what had got into the second son of Ragnar, that morning.

"Fine. Go away..........please.........." Ubbe said again, doing his best to smile, at his sibling. Ignoring Ivar as he stated that that was just further proof that the shieldmaiden did like him, before he thankfully disappeared.

"Ubbe, is everything alright.....?" (Y/n) asked, as she took a step closer. Her heart beating faster as it always would, when she would look up into those beautiful eyes.

"I......I was going to meet you; but then I remembered that you still had no shield, and you can't practice properly without a shield. So............" Ubbe explained, before bringing the new shield out from behind him. (Y/n)'s eyes growing wide as he presented her with the item.

"I also needed to get these.........." He continued, as he brought out the newly sharpened and clean blade from under his cloak, and the simple, yet beautiful golden ring from his pocket.

"But these are not for now. These are for when you and I marry........" The prince added. (Y/n) almost dropping her new shield to the floor.

" want to marry me...........?"

"Yes..........marry me.............?" Ubbe asked. The prince unable to stop himself from smiling, as (Y/n) rushed into his arms. The pair wrapping their arms around one another as best they could. The shieldmaiden simply saying 'yes, yes, yes', in reply, as tears threatened to make their way down her cheeks. Ubbe resting his chin on the top of her head and thanking Freyja for having sent this most glorious gift, to be his bride. 

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