Boogie woogie bugle boy - Avengers - Bucky x Reader

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(Y/n) looked at herself in the mirror. This was going to be a different party to the ones that Tony usually held; the billionaire deciding that as it was Steve's birthday, the event should be celebrated in the only way possible........1940s style. Each guest told to come dressed for the period; a big band having been organised, and the room where the festivities were to be held, was to be decorated in the way that it would have been, before the two old soldiers had gone to war. And despite Steve saying that he had wanted nothing big, there was no going back now. (Y/n) already able to hear the laughter of the guests, as they arrived at the compound.

"You don't think that it is a little much, do you.........?" (Y/n) asked, as she looked at Wanda and Nat through the mirror. She had spent what felt like hours at the hairdressers getting her hair coiffured into the most popular of styles, from when Steve and Bucky had been in their 20s. And she had even been able to find someone that had been able to make her a dress that was as equally period appropriate. The whole ensemble, originally making her more than happy; but as the minutes ticked by and she waited for the other girls to come to her room, she had begun to rethink everything. Begun to doubt herself.

"A little much, are you kidding. You look amazing (Y/n). If I didn't know better, I would think that we had gone back in time. He won't be able to take his eyes off you............."

"He, who.........?" (Y/n) interrupted Wanda, as she turned her gaze from her own reflection. A blush kissing her cheeks, as she looked at her friends.

Neither Wanda not Nat, nor anyone else in the compound knew why (Y/n) continued to pretend. Anyone with eyes could see that she had feelings for a certain old soldier, and that he felt exactly the same for her. The two never seeming to be happier than when they were in one another's presence. When they were sat on the sofa together, watching movies from the 80s. When they were on the battlefield; she, Steve and Bucky working together like they had always known one another. As if she had grown up in Brooklyn with them. Yet no matter how obvious their affections for one another were to everyone else; the two would still insist that they were just friends. The team putting Bucky's trepidation about admitting how he felt, down to his past; to what he had been and done. To a fear that he might have, that he could hurt her. But (Y/n)..........all Wanda had been able to tell the others was that she could feel a fear from her. That even though she had seen the thoughts that (Y/n) had for the former sergeant, she dreaded the notion of losing what they had, if Bucky didn't feel the same. But everyone had a feeling that tonight was the night. That a little trip back in time, might just be the thing that would finally bring the two together.

"I......I meant, they, as in everyone. Everyone won't be able to take their eyes off you........Now, are we going to this thing or not? I don't know about you, but I want to see if Tony is really going to be dressed as Patton." Wanda chuckled, as she and Nat got up and made their way over to (Y/n). Each taking one of her arms and leading her out of the room before she could take another opportunity to worry.


"Lookin good, punk." Steve chuckled, as he made his way into his friend's room dressed in a copy of his original pink and greens. Bucky looking at himself in the mirror. He was sure that the last time he had been dressed in a uniform like this, had been at the Stark expo in 43. A little part of him feeling the same pride as when had a first donned the dress uniform. Another part, a bigger part, finding it reminded him of how his life and he had changed since then. Of what he had been turned into after falling from the train, and what he had been made to do over the years.

"Bucky. What...........?" Steve continued, as he made his way over to the man that he not only saw as a friend, but also a brother.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Steve. What if it brings back more memories I don't want to deal with? What if it brings back things that mean I will hurt people...........?"

"It won't. You are not the Winter Soldier anymore, Buck. You are not HYDRA's assassin, any longer. You are James Buchanan Barnes, and despite my reservations about all this, I think that it will do us both the world of good. That, and (Y/n) is gonna love you in that uniform......"

"What..........what do you mean........?" Bucky finally turning to look at his oldest friend.

"Pal, please. We all know how you feel for (Y/n). I keep having to stop Tony and Sam from telling you both to get a room, every time they see you together. And according to Wanda, (Y/n) feels the same for you. So, I think that tonight would be the best time for you both to finally say something. Now, come on. I'm already missing my birthday party." Steve told him, before placing his arm around his friend's shoulder and leading him out of the room; before he had another chance to focus on all the awful what if's.


"Well hello ladies. All looking quite breathtaking I see......." The voice making (Y/n), Wanda and Nat all turn and start to laugh, as they saw Tony dressed as MacArthur, pipe and all. It obvious that the billionaire had changed his mind about his costume since Wanda had last read his thoughts.


"Oh, nothing.........." (Y/n) finally managed to reply, as she tried to hold back more laughter.

"It, er...........really suits you........" She continued. Tony just rolling his eyes before pushing between the three women to get to bar and ordering one of the 1940s cocktails that he had ordered to be served.

"So, what do you think?" The billionaire asked, as he turned to look at the party. The big band already playing the tunes of the period, and everyone dressed as though they had gone back in time, eighty years.

"Well, apart from your costume, I think everything is amazing. Maybe your best party ever. The only thing that we are missing, is a captain and sergeant who can tell you how good it really is............" A sudden attention grabbing cough coming from behind her. (Y/n)'s eyes growing wide as she turned to see Bucky, in his dress uniform. The sergeant smiling as he looked at her.

"Hi doll. You look................" Bucky began, doing his best to come up with the words to tell her how truly wonderful, breathtaking, glorious she appeared. Sure, that she looked like she belonged in one of the pictures he would go and see at the movie theatre, every Saturday. Neither he nor (Y/n) noticing that Steve, Tony, Wanda and Nat had left them both to it.

"And you..........oh, Bucky, you look amazing." (Y/n) managed to reply. It true that she had seen the old photos of him in his dress uniform; but to have him in front of her, was a very different thing. It unbelievable how handsome he was.

"Would you like to dance?" Bucky finally replied, offering her his hand as three ladies dressed in uniforms, stepped up to the old-fashioned microphone. The sound of a bugle filling the air before they began to sing.

"This was always one of my favourites. Come on............" Buck continued, quickly grabbing (Y/n)'s hand and pulling her to the floor. The words of Boogie woogie bugle boy, seeming to make the years roll back. Bucky swinging (Y/n) around, amazed that she knew all the steps. Others moving out of the way so that they could watch the pair move around the floor. A round of applause filling the room as the song finally finished, and Bucky and (Y/n) stood in the middle of the dancefloor, trying to regain their breath.

"How do you know how to dance like that.........?"

"Well, I actually love this period in history. And you and Steve aren't the only things I know about from the 1940s. I might even know more about it than you..........."

"Is that right? Well, why don't you and me boogie woogie off somewhere quiet and compare notes, doll?" Bucky replied, as he pulled her closer. (Y/n) smiling broadly, before placing her hand on his cheek.

"Lead the way, bugle boy." She told him. The pair ignoring the whistles and claps from the rest of the team, as Bucky placed (Y/n)'s hand on his arm and led her away, more than happy to find out just how much she really did love things that had been around in the 40s.  

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