There and finally back again - The Hobbit - Bilbo x Reader

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Bilbo looked over the Shire. He was home; he was actually home. After everything that he had been through, good and bad, Bag End was now only a short walk away. The Hobbit letting out a happy sigh, as he placed his foot on the lush grass of Hobbiton. Bilbo adjusting his heavy pack and the chest under his arm as he looked over the scene. It was as if nothing had changed, the sounds, the smells were just the same as when he had run out of Bag End that morning, with the signed contract flowing behind him. A smile coming to his lips, before he continued on his way.

There had been so many things that had kept him going during his time away; so many things that had pushed him to fight as hard as he could to not only help Thorin; but also, so that he could return to the Shire. The thought of being able to sit in his old chair, and smoke a pipe of Longbottom leaf, as he sat next to the fire. The idea of finally planting the acorn that had come from Beorn's garden, and watching it grow as big as the skin changer. Of being able to sit under it in the summer and remember all the good times that he had shared with the Company; and the friendship that he had had with Thorin. But more than just being back at Bag End, the thing that had made him want to come home more than anything, was a certain female hobbit. A female hobbit that he had once mentioned to the Company................


"So, laddie............" Balin said, as he took a seat next to Bilbo.

"We didn't see a Mistress Baggins in ya home............"

"What........?" Bilbo finding himself blushing slightly, as the rest of the dwarves looked at him.

"Oh, no, no. There is no Mistress Baggins........well, not yet, anyway." Bilbo explained, as he looked down at the bowl of stew in his hand.

"Yet? Ya mean there is a lady that ya would like ta be?" Kili now enquired, giving him a bright smile. Bilbo not sure where this sudden interest in his love life had come from; but he doubted that he was going to get out of this, without telling the dwarves something.

"Well........there is someone. Her name is (Y/n) Bracegirdle..........."

"(Y/n) Bracegirdle.........?" Gandalf suddenly interjected. A smile spreading across his lips.

"Now that would be quite a match. She has to be the prettiest hobbit in the Shire; and such a beautiful voice..........."

"Oh yes............." Bilbo agreed, as he pulled a small frame from his pocket and looked at the drawing of (Y/n)'s likeness. Fili, Kili and Bofur looking over his shoulders, to see the rendering, as Bilbo handed the frame to Balin.

"She has the sweetest voice that I have ever heard, and she dances as though she can walk on air. We grew up together; she has been my friend for as long as I can remember. Yet I have just never been able to find the right words to tell her how I truly feel. And her being the prettiest hobbit is one of the problem..........."

"Why would that be a problem?" Bofur asked, as he took the frame from the older dwarf, so he could get an even better look at the face of the female hobbit.

"Because every other bachelor in the Shire wants to court her too. Hobbits that do know what to say. And by the time I get home........if I ever get home, I am sure that she will be wed........" Bilbo sighed. Giving Bofur a smile, as he handed him back the frame and placed a hand on his shoulder. The hobbit giving the picture one last look, before pushing the frame back into his pocket.


(Y/n) sat on the floor in the now empty Bag End. She had tried to stop them from auctioning off all his things; she had told them so many times that Bilbo would be back, and he was not dead. But he had been gone so long now, that even she had begun to lose hope.

She had grown up with Bilbo; (Y/n) sure that even though he could be a little fussy, he still had to be the sweetest, kindest, cutest hobbit in the whole Shire. He the one that could make her smile on even the worst of days; could make her laugh, even though he didn't mean to. (Y/n) always hoping that he would eventually ask if he could court her. Yet one day, he was gone: without a word, without a note, without anything. Many of those first days after his disappearance, filled with her tears. (Y/n) praying every night that he would come back to her. That she would be able to confess her true feelings for him. Yet it had been over a year now, and she couldn't help but think that perhaps the auction, was a sign that she too, should move on. But then she heard something. A commotion from outside. The voice of Mister Grubb, filling the empty expanse and causing her to jump to her feet.

"This is most irregular. It's been more than thirteen months since the disappearance. If you are in fact Bilbo Baggins, and undeceased, can you prove it...........?" (Y/n)'s heart beginning to beat a little quicker at the sound of Bilbo's name.

"What........?" Another voice enquired in disbelief. (Y/n) wanting to run to the door and out of the house as she heard the familiar tone. Though fearing to, just in case it was not the hobbit that she hoped it was. The rest of the conversation from beyond the green round door, lost, as her mind began to race.


Bilbo pushed opened the door, slowly moving into the empty Bag End shaking the thoughts of his friend, Thorin, from his mind. Now, he was home; now he was really home. A familiar scent filling his senses, despite the fact that half of his belongings, had already been auctioned off. Yet there was something else, another smell that he knew. The scent of night flowering jasmine and honeysuckle, making his heart beat at a pace. Bilbo dropping the heavy pack from his shoulder before taking a few steps toward the sitting room. Sure, that his heart was about to burst as he saw (Y/n). Her eyes filling with tears, as she looked back at him; Bilbo positive that she had gotten even more beautiful since he had been gone.

"(Y/n)........" He said softly, as he took a step closer. His eyes widening, as she suddenly moved to right in front of him and punched him in the shoulder.

"Bilbo Baggins, where have you been? I have been worried sick. You vanish without a by your leave; no note, no letter, no nothing. For over a year I have been worrying about you, wondering where in the world you might be, and what trouble you might have gotten yourself into. And now, now you come back and..............." The rest of her scolding going unsaid, as Bilbo suddenly pulled her into his arms and kissed her. A small, astonished squeak coming from (Y/n), before she returned his kiss; her hands making their way up into his mop of hair. His smell filling her senses, as he held her close.

"Bilbo..........?" (Y/n) gasped, as the two finally moved apart.

"I am sorry, (Y/n). I am sorry I left you; that I didn't say a word. But I promise I will tell you everything; that I will tell you all about where I have been. Though for now, I just want to tell you one thing...........I love you (Y/n), and I want you to be mine.........." Bilbo said, as he continued to hold her close. The hobbit hoping beyond hope that she was not about to tell him that she was being courted by another.

"Oh, Bilbo. I love you too." (Y/n) replied. Her annoyance about him leaving her, gone, as she pulled him back in for another kiss. The two holding one another, savouring the embrace. A smile coming to his lips, as the prettiest hobbit in the Shire, lay her head on his shoulder. Bilbo sure that despite the treasure that he had brough back with him from the Mountain, the greatest treasure in the whole of Middle-Earth, was actually in his arms right now; and he would never let her go. 

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