The way to a man's heart - GoT - Sandor x Reader

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Sandor made his way down to the kitchens, there was to be a celebration that evening and that could only mean one thing, Lemon cakes.

It was not known by many, and Sandor would never admit it to almost everyone, but he had a sweet tooth, and a social gathering of the nobles would always ensure that the busy kitchen would bake the sweet treats which were a favourite of the ladies of the Seven Kingdoms, as well as the feared Hound.

As he got closer, he could already smell the scent of the sour fruit, which would have been brought in from Dorne, and he could only hope that a certain lady was the one responsible for cooking them, as he knew that she would always make a few extra just for him.

(Y/n) was one of the most popular cooks in the Seven Kingdoms, she could make lavish feasts from seemingly nothing, the greatest dishes from only the most basic food stuffs, and the fact that she was currently employed in the Red Keep was a coup for Robert, who himself had fallen in love with the woman's delicacies.

Sandor had to admit that he wasn't just going to the kitchens for the Lemon cakes, although they did give him a good reason to have to be in that part of the Keep; the real reason for going was that he would get to see (Y/n) herself.

There was something about (Y/n), it wasn't just the fact that she was beautiful, with a head of long pale hair, deep, dark eyes, and a healthy figure that was rounded in all the right places, it was also that she made him feel safe; in fact, in the kitchens talking to (Y/n) as he pushed sweet treat after sweet treat into his mouth, was the only place that he ever felt he could be something other than the Hound, a place where he felt he didn't have to constantly look over his shoulder, a place where he felt warm and could dream that this scene of domestic bliss, where (Y/n) would cook and care for him, and he would be out in the forest chopping wood for their fire, in a beautiful idyllic setting, a million miles away from Kings Landing, was reality.

As he rounded the corner, he saw the kitchen was a hive of activity, the lesser servants taking orders from the army of cooks, as young children ran back and forth doing the jobs that no one else wanted to do. Over the fire were two suckling pigs on the spit, being turned around and around by a young man who looked as though he had been beaten around the ear more than once for falling asleep while the pigs cooked; older woman, with ruddy cheeks peeled and chopped mounds of vegetables, as they talked incessantly, the noise sounding like a mass of cackling hens in a hen house; and there, amongst it all was (Y/n), her hair pulled back neatly and wrapped up tightly in a long length of pristine white material, the apron that covered her simple dress covered in flour, and her cheeks glowing a beautiful shade of red as she pulled out of one of the great ovens the sweet treats that Sandor had hoped would be baking.

"I wondered how long it would take you to get here." (Y/n) said with a chuckle as she looked up at the big man, the other servants trying to avoid any interaction with the Hound.

As (Y/n) noticed not only the uncomfortable looks of the others, but also of Sandor himself, she wiped her hands on the apron, and addressed him again.

"Good afternoon Ser Clegane, your special order is in the back room, if you will follow me, I will get it for you." (Y/n) said, turning on her heels as she headed to the small, private room at the side of the eternally warm kitchen.

"I'm sorry Sandor, I didn't mean to embarrass you." (Y/n) said apologetically, as he joined her in the room, closing the door behind him.

As soon as the key turned in the lock, (Y/n) was in Sandor's arms, the two kissing as he pushed the material from her head and ran his fingers through her long hair.

"Ya didn't embarrass me luv, I just get worried for ya reputation; what would people think if they knew you were with a man like me." Sandor said, as he pulled (Y/n) against him, her head resting on his chest.

"A man like you? You mean, a strong, brave and loyal man, who underneath that gruff and scary exterior, has a heart of gold; a man that I love." (Y/n) said, looking up into Sandor's sad brown eyes.

"What do ya see in me lass, I mean really. Ya beautiful and clever, and I swear that you could ave any man ya wanted, so why do ya want me?" Sandor asked, as (Y/n) pulled away, taking his hand as she led him to a small table with two chairs next to it that she kept just for them.

"You mean apart from the things that I've already told you? Well let's see......." (Y/n) began as she placed a large plate of Lemon cakes, and a big jug of custard in front of Sandor.

"You're just the right amount of handsome, I hate men that primp themselves like peacocks; when you're grumpy you make me laugh, because you pout without realising it, you always make me smile, even when you are trying to be all tough and mean, and you always make me feel safe and cared for; but most of all I love you because I know you love me, I know you never really say it out loud, but you tell me in other ways, ways you don't see." (Y/n) told him, his hand moving across the table to grip hers tightly.

"Aye, I love ya lass, I should say it more often, and I swear from now on I will." Sandor said, smiling as (Y/n) gave him a spoon so that he could devour his specially made Lemon cakes.

"I want everyone to know about us Sandor, I don't want to have to hide away and pretend that we aren't together; I want the whole of Kings Landing, the whole of the Seven Kingdoms to know that I love Sandor Clegane, and he loves me." (Y/n) told Sandor, as she sat on his lap, popping one of the small cakes into his mouth.

"Are ya sure lass? Ain't no going back if ya tell everyone were together." Sandor told her, his arms tightening around her waist as she placed another cake in his mouth.

"I'm sure, I would be proud to be known as Ser Clegane's lady; and I don't care what anyone else thinks." (Y/n) reassured him as she wrapped her arms around him, the two sitting in a comfortable silence as Sandor smiled to himself; it was true that (Y/n) would have won his heart anyway, but with her, a way to his heart really had been through his stomach.  

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