Outdo - The Hobbit - Dwalin x Reader

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"You're getting old, Dwalin." (Y/n) chuckled, as she removed the tip of her sword from in front of his face and offered him her hand. The large dwarf smacking it away and getting up from the floor by himself.

"Ya cheated........" Dwalin grumbled, as he brushed himself down. Looking up when he heard the dwarrowdam let out an unamused snort.

"Cheat? Cheat, really? I do not need to cheat to beat you. You are too big and too slow with your axes. I noticed that you weren't wearing your gloves as you would usually be, so I used that to my advantage. I smacked your knuckles with the flat of my sword which made you loosen your grip and allowed the axe to fall from your grasp. I do not see that as cheating in any way shape or form. In fact, you should take it as a lesson and thank me for making you aware of a possible weakness. But if you are going to act like a petulant child, just because I beat you, then I will bid you a good day, and take my leave." (Y/n) retorted, before pushing her blade back into its scabbard and turning to leave him. It more than obvious that she was not happy about the accusation.

(Y/n) had come with Dáin when he and his men had journeyed to assist Thorin at the Battle of the Five Armies. A female warrior that stood proudly by her Lord's side on the field of battle. The Lord of the Iron Hills, later able to introduce her to the injured king and the rest of his Company as (Y/n) Stoneheart, one of his best and bravest warriors. An exceptional dwarrowdam that could put many a male dwarf to shame with her abilities with a sword and even a bow. And since they had been introduced, (Y/n) seemed to have been doing her best to outdo Dwalin at every turn; whether it be fighting as they just had been or proving that she could drink more than he could; every step of the way, it was if she was trying to undermine him, and Dwalin, well, he had been doing the same to her. The youngest son of Fundin turning quickly, as he heard a laugh come from behind him.

"Ah, brother. I see you and (Y/n) have been doing ya best ta outdo one another again." Balin still chuckling as he walked over to where his younger brother stood. Dwalin simply crossing his arms across his chest and huffing at the comment; not seeing what was so amusing about the situation.

"Oh, brother, if only ya could see what tha rest of us see........."

"What, that that accursed female want's ta humiliate me.........."

"Humiliate you? Dwalin, (Y/n) is trying ta prove herself ta ya." Balin's statement causing his younger sibling to stop. His arms falling to his side and his brow furrowing.

"Prove herself............?"

"Aye. She's been doin it since she got here. Doin all she can ta get ya ta notice her. Ta prove herself worthy of ya.........just like ya have been doin with her" Balin chuckling again, as he saw the confused look on Dwalin's face. The elder dwarf shaking his head.

"Oh, Dwalin.......tha lass is in love with ya. That is why she chose ta stay in tha Mountain instead a returnin ta the Iron Hills with Dáin. That is why........." The rest of Balin's words going unsaid, as his sibling suddenly turned and left him. The pale haired dwarf just shaking his head and smiling, before going off to find Thorin.


(Y/n) slammed the door to her room behind her, muttering to herself as she threw her sword onto the bed. Cheat......of all the things, accusing her of cheating.......it was.......it was just not right. How dare he say such things. As she had said, there was no need for her to cheat, she had just used a weakness against him. And anyway, she had only done it, she had only done everything that she had done since she had chosen to stay in the Mountain, to prove to the big dwarf that she; though she may not be like other dwarrowdams, happy to hide herself away and let the men folk do the fighting, that she was worthy of him. That she was the right woman for him. Yet it was obvious now that she had gone about it all the wrong way. That to him she was just a cheat; so why should she stay? There nothing keeping her in the Mountain but this love for the large warrior that now seemed completely foolish. A love that it seemed would never be reciprocated. So..........(Y/n) quickly making her way over to grab her small bag, into which she pushed the few belongings she had with her; she would return to the Iron Hills, and do her best to forget about Dwalin. The dwarrowdam taking a look around her room, before slinging the bag over her shoulder with her bow and quiver. Placing the sword back into its sheath, before heading for the door. (Y/n) throwing open the ingress, to only find herself stopped in her tracks.


Dwalin quickly made his way through the halls of the Mountain. His brother's words still filling his ears. (Y/n) was in love with him......him. She had stayed, because of him, that everything she had done, was because she wanted to prove herself. The youngest son of Fundin realising that he had been doing the same. That every time he challenged her, that every time he tried to outdo her, it was because he wanted to prove himself worthy of her. To prove that he was dwarf enough to call her, his. His annoyance with the beautiful female, coming from the fact that he seemed to be failing in everything that he did. Though now, now he knew that he had to do something else. That he would have to let his actions speak in a different way. That he had to show her that he shared her feelings. Dwalin stopping as he finally got to her room; holding up his hand to knock, only to find the ingress open in front of him, with (Y/n) stood in the opening.

"Where ya goin........?" Dwalin asked, as (Y/n) pushed passed him, and he saw not only her bow and quiver, but her small bag slung over her shoulder.

"I am leaving, going home to the Iron Hills, where I belong. There is nothing keeping me here......."

"What about me.........?" The question causing (Y/n) to stop walking and turn to look at the large dwarf.

"What about you...........? It is more than obvious that you don't want me here. That you think I am little more than a cheat. So, I am going to see King Thorin, and then, I will be leaving for the Iron Hills, and you will not have to put up with me any longer......." (Y/n) retorted, before she turned again to continue on her way to find the king; Dwalin quickly catching up with her and grabbing her wrist, before spinning her around and pulling her into his arms. Her eyes growing wide, as she realised that the dwarf was kissing her. That Dwalin, the object of her affections; the reason for her staying, was actually kissing her; (Y/n) finding herself kissing him back, neither caring who might see them.

"Stay.........." Dwalin finally said, as they moved apart; the large dwarf resting his forehead on that of the dwarrowdam.

"Stay and let me court ya, lass. Let me prove that I deserve a woman like you........."

"I already know you do, Dwalin; but a chance to keep outdoing you, could be fun..........." (Y/n) chuckled, before kissing him on the nose. Dwalin rolling his eyes.

"But before that, why don't we go and talk more about you courting me......." She continued, before taking his arm and leading him back to her room. 

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