Dreamy - LotR - Éomer x Reader

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Meduseld was alive with the sounds of feasting and festivity. Men and women celebrating the first year of King Éomer rule. A full year of peace across Middle-Earth, and the first year of the Fourth Age. Much was needed to be rebuilt across the lands; Helms Deep was still not as it had been, before the attack of the creatures that had called the Dark Lord, master, at the Battle of the Hornburg; but all things would happen in time. Éomer promising to make the fortifications stronger than they had ever been, to ensure that if evil did ever try to rear its ugly head again; the fortified gully would be able to protect his people, as it had done so many times before. But such thoughts at this moment, were not in anyone's minds. All that mattered tonight, was to eat, drink, dance and make merry. And no one seemed to be enjoying themselves more than Éomer and his beloved queen, (Y/n); though seemingly for very different reasons.

(Y/n) was the younger sister of Aragorn. A Ranger, that just like her brother had sworn her sword to Frodo. That had come to Edoras with Gandalf and assisted with the evacuation of the people to Helm Deep, after Aragorn had brought back the information regarding the massing forces of Uruk-hai at Isengard. And from the moment that he and his men had come upon her, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, as they had searched for Merry and Pippin; the spear tips of the Rohirrim pointing at them, Éomer knew that he was lost. His heart already having wanted to stay with her, when he and his men had ridden away. The then Third Marshal of the Riddermark, never feeling so relieved as when he found that she was still alive, after the enemy forces had fled. Éomer finally able to ask his beautiful Ranger to wed him, at her brother's coronation. Their wedding firmly cementing the alliance between Gondor and Rohan. Between Aragorn and Éomer. And ever since their marriage, the female descendant of Elros Tar-Minyatur, she had been accepted as a true Rohirrim. Yet that didn't mean that his people still didn't like the idea of seeing what was one of the last Númenóreans was capable of. And that was why Éomer was currently laughing while watching his wife take part in a drinking contest. The men that had followed him as the Marshal of the Riddermark and now followed him as their king, cheering their queen with every tankard that she emptied. More bets changing hands, as another tankard was placed in her hand. Her opponent looking decidedly worse for wear, as he accepted his own mug. Éomer sure that his beautiful bride could have beaten both Legolas and Gimli, when they themselves had had the same competition in this very hall. A sudden cheer going out, as (Y/n)'s opponent fell backwards off the bench and began to snore loudly. The queen smiling broadly, as she gracefully rose to her feet and made her way over to join her husband.

"I don't think that Holdmer will ever ask to compete against you again, my dear wife." Éomer laughed, as (Y/n) took a seat on his lap and snuggled into his side. The whiskers of his beard, tickling her, as she placed her cheek against his. The king sensing that perhaps his queen had been a little more effected by the ale than it would appear. A soft giggle leaving her lips, as his fingers gently traced patterns in her thigh.

"Yes, and you must remind me to never accept another challenge like this from anyone. I can only imagine what your advisors are saying as they watched that.......though I am sure that if Gimli were here, he would approve." (Y/n) giggled again. Letting out a heavy sigh, as Éomer pulled her closer.

"Would my beautiful Ranger like to go to our room........?" Éomer enquired, chuckling as (Y/n) nodded enthusiastically.

"But let me walk out of here. I do not want it said that I cannot hold my ale." (Y/n) replied, as she slowly got to her feet; Éomer joining her and offering her his hand, as the pair managed to slip out of the hall. The king taking her into his arms as soon as they were far enough away from the revelries and carrying her to their room. Éomer unable to stop himself from smiling as she hummed happily into his ear.

"Did I ever tell you that I love you..........?"

"Everyday........" Éomer, replied, as he pushed his way into the room, and placed her on their bed.

"And have I told you that I am the luckiest woman in Middle-Earth and that I am married to the most wonderful and handsome of men.........?"

"Not as often.......but yes........." The king chuckled, as he pulled off his wife's slippers.

"But did I ever tell you that I have adored you since you first took off your helmet and glared at Gimli. That even though your men were pointing their spears at us, all I wanted to do was lose my fingers in your hair and kiss you............?"

"On our wedding night........." Éomer told her, as he got to his feet and removed his heavy jacket and boots, before climbing onto the bed by her side and pulling her into his chest.

"Well, have I told you how dreamy you are.........?" (Y/n) asked, her fingers found their way under the hem of his shirt and then into the hair on his chest. Éomer thinking for a moment, as he placed his lips to her forehead in a gentle kiss.

"No, I do not believe that you have ever told me that............"

"Then I will do it now........... Éomer..........?"

"Yes, my love...........?"

"You are dreamy............." (Y/n) told him, as she raised her head from his chest. Kissing his neck, before returning to her comfortable spot.

"And so are you, my beautiful little Ranger. Now sleep." Éomer replied. Blowing out the candle, before pulling her back to him. Promising himself that in the morning, he would show her just what kind of dreamy husband he could be. 

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