Bugs - Sherlock - John x Reader

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"It's not that I don't think that you can do the job Sherlock, it's just that Professor (Y/l/n) is one of the foremost experts in forensic entomology, and the professor's expertise could serve us greatly on this case." Mycroft told a rather annoyed looking Sherlock.

Sherlock had dragged John to New Scotland Yard after he had found out that the British Government had informed the Yard that they wanted the help of the professor, on the high profile case that Greg and the others were currently dealing with.

Sherlock had initially shrugged it off, it was true that he probably didn't know as much about the entomology side of forensics as he should, and at first believed that having a professor in on the case could prove to be informative; but after a few accidental comments from John and Greg, Sherlock had taken the fact that someone else being brought in was a slight to his intelligence, and that was why he and John were currently in Greg's office, demanding to know from Mycroft what was going on.

"Sherlock, I really don't care how much you complain, someone far above even my pay grade has called in the professor especially, and there is nothing you can do about it; if I were you, I would make the most of it, it's not every day that we get someone of the professor's calibre to come and help. Why don't you use it as a chance to broaden your knowledge?" Mycroft told him, before more or less shooing him and John out of the office.

John couldn't help but chuckle to himself as Sherlock sat next to him in the cab as they made their way back to Baker Street, his friend almost pouting like a spoiled child at the idea he, the great Sherlock Holmes, could be second best to anyone.

"This professor might not be too bad, and personally I look forward to actually learning something new; I don't know anything about entomology, I've seen my fair share of bugs and maggots on and in wounds but know nothing about what they can tell you as far as dead bodies are concerned." John said, trying to sound cheerful, hoping to lull Sherlock out of his impending gloom.

"I am perfectly capable of assessing the life cycle of the common Calliphora vicina, I do not require the assistance of anyone. Mycroft is simply doing this to undermine me." Sherlock griped, not noticing that the long suffering doctor next to him was shaking his head, slightly annoyed that Sherlock would never admit that even he was not an expert in everything.

"Well, I am looking forward to it, it will make a nice change to listen to someone other than you." John huffed, crossing his arms and looking out of the window, ignoring his friends confused looks.


John sat watching Sherlock look into the microscope in front of him, he had continued to stubbornly protest that he didn't need any help, but his complaints had fallen on Mycroft's deaf ears, so now here they were in the labs of Saint Barts, waiting for the professor to arrive, Sherlock looking through the samples that the currently absent Molly had gathered.

"Excuse me." A feminine voice said, causing John to spin around to see who had just entered the lab.

"I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. Mister Holmes told me to be here at 10, and....... well, I was told to ask for Sherlock and a Doctor Watson." The woman said, walking further into the lab, the mention of his name causing Sherlock to look up from the microscope, grumbling slightly before he turned his attention back to the glass slide.

John's eyes grew wide, whoever the woman was in front of him, there was definitely something unusual about her. She was exceptionally beautiful, her features were soft, her bright green eyes were piercing, and the smile that she was giving him was making his heart beat violently in his chest.

"I-I-I'm John, er Doctor Watson, this is Sherlock...... how....how can I help you?" John asked, getting up from his seat, and making his way over to the woman.

"Oh, thank goodness I am in the right place, I'm Professor (Y/l/n), I've come to help you with this case that you are working on." The Professor said, offering John her hand, as she looked over at Sherlock who was making it more than obvious that he was ignoring her.

"I'm sorry about him, he's always like that. He doesn't like the fact that Mycroft brough someone else in to help with the case." John explained apologetically, finally letting go of the professor's hand.

"I must admit that I wasn't expecting someone like you." John said hesitantly, as the professor began to chuckle.

"Let me guess...... you were expecting some crazy looking old man, with wild hair, that smelled like tobacco?" The professor said, smiling as John nodded weakly.

"Don't worry, I get that all the time, most people don't expect a woman to be interested in bugs; but I just happen to be a little strange." She said, laughing as John's cheeks glowed a sweet shade of pink, Sherlock huffing at the pair's conversation.

"And my name is (Y/n), even though I worked long and hard to get my doctorate, I sometimes find the title a little too formal, especially when dealing with such a handsome colleague." (Y/n) said, smiling as John gulped and nearly fell backwards.

"So, John, why don't you take me to have a look at the body, and then to the larvae and insects that have been collected?" (Y/n) said, walking off in the direction that John indicated.

"You see one intelligent woman that shows the slightest bit of interest in you, and you turn into a lovesick schoolboy. Interesting." Sherlock mussed, never looking up from the microscope, smiling subtly as John scurried off to find where (Y/n) had gone.

As John stood behind the glass viewing window, watching (Y/n) and the mortuary technician go over the body, he couldn't help but be fascinated by how she went over the corpse, informing him of new techniques that she used to make sure that she extracted every last species that may have found their way on to the deceased.

"So....... Bugs?" John asked hesitantly, looking over (Y/n)'s shoulder, and watching as she looked at a particular larva under the microscope.

"You want to know why a nice girl like me, would spend her life studying bugs that come off dead people, right?" (Y/n) asked, looking up from the microscope and into John's eyes.

"Well, apart from the fact that they can change from the ugliest grub, larvae, or caterpillar, into amazing butterflies, and beetles; there is also the fact that they are the most successful creatures on the planet, making up two-thirds of the 1.5 million species on earth. They live on every continent, including Antarctica, and they predate the dinosaurs by 170 million years. As far as my work is concerned, these little critters can tell me how long a person has been dead, if the body has been moved, the time of year the deceased passed, and I can even do toxicology analysis on them." (Y/n) said, smiling as John seemed to be fascinated by what she was telling him.

"Er....... (Y/n), how long will you be in London?" John asked, watching as she changed the slide in the microscope.

"I'll be here until I've finished my work I suppose, so...... it will be at least a few more days." (Y/n) said, noting down her findings as she spoke.

"I was...... I was wondering if you would like to go out for a drink this evening...... with me, if...... if you aren't busy of course. We can discuss work if you like, or anything else you want." John said, gulping as (Y/n) looked up and smiled at him.

"Why, Doctor Watson, I would love to go out with you this evening; but instead of discussing work you can tell me all about yourself; work is work, and I would much prefer to learn more about you." (Y/n) said, reaching up and kissing John softly on the cheek, giggling as he began to blush again.

"Now the quicker you let me finish this, the quicker you'll be able to take me for that drink. So, if you and Mister happy over there could find something else to do for a couple of hours, when you come back, I'll be ready to go." (Y/n) told him, laughing as John suddenly rushed over to Sherlock, grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the door.

"Couple of hours...... I'll see you in a couple of hours." John called out, as he pushed a disgruntled Sherlock out of the lab.

John knew that he was never gonna hear the last of this from Sherlock, but as he pulled him behind him, he couldn't help but smile; maybe bugs could become his new favourite thing. 

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