All at sea - GoT - Euron x Reader

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(Y/n) lay in her small sailboat looking up into the vast expanse of perfect blue sky; such weather was rare for the Iron Islands, and she was going to take full advantage of the glorious afternoon warmth. (Y/n) sighed happily as she listened to the water lap against the hull of her small vessel, cheerfully allowing the sea to take her where it may; she had to get away from home, once again her mother had been talking of marriage and of all people it was to Rohar Grigg, and (Y/n) could take no more.

(Y/n) couldn't stand Rohan, to her he was no Ironborn, he was a snivelling mother's boy who seemed to know nothing or care nothing for the sea; but he was from a good family, and (Y/n)'s mother was determined that her daughter should marry well, much to the chagrin of not only (Y/n) but also her father.

Much to the annoyance of her mother, (Y/n) had refused the match over and over again, she was her father's daughter, and wanted nothing more than to see the world from the deck of a great ship, she wanted adventure and the love of a strong Ironborn, a man that could give her everything that Rohar Grigg could not, but her mother was determined that despite all protests, (Y/n) and Rohar were perfect for one another.

(Y/n)'s father had been one of Quellon Greyjoy's most loyal men, and had taught her how to fight and sail, to fish and navigate by the stars, and as much as she loved her parents and the fishing village in which she lived, just like her father, (Y/n) thirsted for more, a life that she had only been told about by others, and with her mother's continued insistence on marriage, (Y/n) had decided that it was time to leave, and make her way in the world.

The night before, with her father's assistance, (Y/n) had packed her small boat with provisions, furs, and the sword that her father had gifted to her on her last name day, and had pushed off from shore hoping that the Drowned God would look down on her and bring the winds to take her to a new life; but the Drowned God did not appear to be on her side, and she now found herself floating aimlessly in the doldrums waiting for the wind to fill her sail. There was part of her that did not mind, she was at sea, the only place she truly felt at home, and it was better than having to sit and listen to Rohar's and her mother go on about wedding plans.

Suddenly a great sound split the silence of the surroundings, it was a sound she knew well but had never seen in full flight, it was the sound of the oars of a ship from the Iron Fleet. Jumping up onto her seat, (Y/n) grew wide eyed as the huge ship came barrelling towards her, seemingly not seeing or caring that her small boat was in the way, and before she could call out, (Y/n) found herself in the cold waters, her great coat dragging her down to the depths. As she felt the last breaths leave her lungs (Y/n) clung to her father's sword and prayed that the Drowned God would take her to his side.


Euron looked at the woman that lay unconscious in his bed, unable to take his eyes from her form; he had been sitting by her side since he had instructed his crew to drag her body from the depths, something he would not normally have done.

He had heard the sound of The Silencer hit something as the enormous vessel sped its way back to Lordsport, the splintering of wood, and the scream of a woman strangely still audible over the thunder of the rowing fleet. Normally Euron would have taken no notice, if some fool was in the way then they would pay the price, the Iron Fleet stopped for no one; but there was something that had made him rush over to the side of the ship, something that had made him watch the nondescript body sink below the surface of the water, and something had made him instruct some of his crew to rescue the body from the water, and as soon as she had been brought onboard, Euron knew that only the Drowned God could be responsible for the beauty that lay half dead on his deck.

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