My sweet kraken - GoT - Theon x Reader

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"(Y/n)!" Theon called out, as he made his way through the corridors of the castle. He knew that he sounded a little whiney, but he couldn't help it. She had been with Sansa and Arya all day, and not that he would admit it to anyone, but he was jealous. He hated sharing (Y/n) with the others, even the girls.

(Y/n) just like him, was a ward of Ned; but whereas he was in the north because of his father's ill-fated rebellion, she was the daughter of Benjen Stark. Ned's younger brother marrying (Y/n)'s mother when they were still only young. His wife's death not long after their daughter's birth, one of the reasons that Benjen had joined the Watch. Catelyn taking the child as if she were one of her own, when Benjen had journeyed to the Wall. And it was for this reason, the fact that she had been abandoned, that Theon believed that she was the only one that could truly understand him. The she wolf always being there for him when he needed someone. The pair only becoming closer, as they had grown. Theon attracted to her spirit, and the way that she would tease him. And it had got to a point, that, for him at least, he didn't want to be without her; no matter what he might like Robb, Jon, and the rest of the world to think. Despite all his boasting about being with other girls, Theon knew that there was no other girl for him. No other girl than the one that called him her sweet little kraken.

"(Y/n)!" He called out again, as he opened the door to her rooms, and stuck his head inside. A smile spreading across his face, as he caught a glimpse of her changing in the mirror.

"In here, Theon. I'll be out.............." (Y/n) began; unable to finish what she was saying, as she found a pair of arms wrapped around her, and a chin placed on her shoulder.

"I didn't want to wait..........." Theon explained. (Y/n) chuckling, as she saw his pouting reflection in the mirror. The daughter of Benjen shaking her head slightly, as she finished tying the laces of her bodice.

"What is wrong with you..............?"

"I missed you.............." Theon replied in a babyish voice, as he snuggled his chin a little further into the dip of her shoulder. The stubble on his cheeks, tickling her skin.

"Missed me? I haven't been anywhere; I was just with Sansa and Arya. I wasn't difficult to find. Anyone would think that you hadn't seen me in moons. You saw me when we broke fast this morning." (Y/n) told him, as she continued to look at the reflection of the youngest son of Balon Greyjoy.

She couldn't help but smile, as Theon gave her his best puppy dog look. She knew what he wanted; he wanted to lay with her on the bed. To have her hold his head to her chest and run her fingers through his hair, while she listened to him talk. He wanted her to give him those butterfly kisses that she would lavish on him, when he was upset. He just wanted to be with her.

If most inhabitants of the castle were asked, they would probably say that they knew there was something between the pair; but what that was, they weren't quite sure. In private, when it was just the two of them, Theon would always be like this, needy, sweet, soft. But in public, the young kraken would try and play it off. He would try and hide his want to be with her; to be the only one that had her attention, just so that he wouldn't be teased by the others. And even though Robb had caught Theon in his off-guard moment when he had come upon (Y/n) lavishing his friend with attention he desired, on more than one occasion, Theon would still try and play it off. Not that the daughter of Benjen minded, (Y/n) knowing that it was just Theon being Theon. And that no matter what he might say, he would always come back to her. He would always fall to his knees and place his head on her lap, so that she could run her fingers through his unruly mop of hair.

It was a strange thing really. (Y/n) was a true wolf, surrounded by her family. She was loved by her aunt and uncle, by her cousins; all of whom she loved in return. Yet the fact that her father had left her to go to the Wall, always stuck with her. It had drawn her to Theon, even from a young age. The two finding something in the other that they could cling to. Each swearing to not abandon the other, no matter what may happen.

"Why have you missed me...............?" (Y/n) asked, as she turned in Theon's arms, and took his face in her hands.

"I just have. You have been busy all day..............." Theon retorted. Nuzzling his face into the palms of her hands.

"What do you want to do.......?" The she wolf continued. A smile coming to her lips, as Theon's eyes fell on the bed. (Y/n) slowly moving her palms from his face so that she could take his hand, before leading him to the bed. Theon smiling at her as she told him to lay down. The Greyjoy prince holding out his hand for her to take; gently pulling her down onto the bed with him. Theon resting his head on her chest, as he drew her too his side.

"Now, my sweet little kraken.........." (Y/n) began, as she heard the prince sigh happily, as she felt him relax under her gentle caresses.

"Why don't you tell me why you are jealous of Sansa and Arya.............?"

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