Camping - Avengers - Bucky x Reader

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"Remind me again. Whose bright idea was this.........?" (Y/n) asked, as she finally pitched her tent. Everyone pointing to a sheepish looking Clint.

"What's wrong, sweetheart, the great outdoors not good enough for you......." Tony replied, as he sat outside his huge tent. (Y/n), nor anyone else sure how he had fit something that size in the back of the truck.

"Says the man that is basically glamping. And I like the great outdoors fine; just as long as I have a nice bed, room service and I don't have to shit in the woods like a bear." (Y/n) retorted, as she looked between the billionaire's palatial shelter and her pathetic excuse for a tent. Wishing that she had never let Clint talk her into this; still having no real idea how he had. It was true that she loved the outdoors, going for walks on nice crisp mornings, and hearing nothing but the sound of nature and the beating of her own heart. Yet there was a big difference between the occasional walk in the woods, and actually camping in them. She had never been one for bugs, and she was sure that she had already been bitten several times. That, and as she had just said, having to dig holes so that you could.......well, shit in the woods like a bear; had never been at the top of her bucket list. (Y/n) suddenly letting out a squeal as she felt something crawl up her leg, which resulted in several other members of the team, almost doubling over in laughter.

"You are not telling me........." Sam finally managed to say, as he wiped his tears of laughter, from his eyes.

"That big, bad (Y/n), is scared of bugs.........." The comment bringing on another fit of laughter.

"Laugh it up, bird brain. But one more snigger out of you, and I'll be leaving the bugs something to feast on." (Y/n) warned, as she brushed off her leg, sure that she could still feel little legs crawling on her skin. Rolling her eyes, as Sam came to stand next to her, and placed his arm around her shoulder.

"Don't be like that, beautiful. And I am sure if you ask him nicely, Barnes will be more than happy to help protect you from the bugs and anything else there might be in the woods." Sam said, as he nodded over to where Bucky and Steve were stood next to their own tents, talking. The Falcon suddenly letting out a loud 'OOF' as (Y/n) elbowed him in the stomach.

"You say one word to Bucky, and I swear that me leaving you for the bugs to feast on, will be the least of your worries." This second warning far sterner than the last. Sam still holding his stomach, as he made his way back to a laughing Clint. Leaving (Y/n) to turn her attention back to her poor excuse for a tent, and wondering how she could make it livable for the next two nights. That, and wonder where the closest hotel might be.


"I don't think (Y/n) was ever a girl scout." Bucky chuckled, as he and Steve turned their attention to her. Watching as she looked at her tent and crossed her arms.

"I think you could say that. But you could always go and offer her some help." Steve replied. A broad smile on his lips, as Bucky turned to look at him.


"Come on Buck. I've seen the way you look at her. And I know that you got Clint to talk her into coming. There is nothing wrong with wanting a little happiness; to try and have what we missed out on. And after what you went through, pal; I think that you deserve it, more than most." Steve continued, patting his best friend on the shoulder, as they both looked back over to (Y/n). Who had just kicked one of the tent poles, and the whole thing had fallen down. Bucky unable to stop himself from smiling slightly, as the beautiful woman threw up her arms in sheer exasperation.

"But.......but what if I hurt her, Steve? And she deserves better. I'm too screwed up.........."

"Buck, we are all screwed up in one way or another, (Y/n) included. And this is (Y/n) we are talking about; I swear that she is indestructible. I don't think you could hurt her, not physically, anyway. Though unless you go over and help her with that tent, she might just do something physical to Clint." Steve told him, before pushing him forward, towards (Y/n).


"Need help.......?" A voice came. (Y/n) turning around to find Bucky.

"Well........." (Y/n) began, as she fought back the blush that threatened to bloom on her cheeks.

"You can either help me somehow make this tent something that will not fall down at the sound of a rabbit's fart. Or, you can hold Clint while I shove this tent pole..........."

"You could always take my tent........" Buck interrupted, catching (Y/n) off guard.

"What........? Oh, no, that's nice of you Bucky, but that's not fair to you. I should never have agreed to this in the first place. I was never really big on all this camping thing. The closest thing I have really ever got to it, was a night in the back garden of my parent's house when I was a kid. Well, I say night......I really only lasted until it started raining........." (Y/n) chuckled. Her heart beating faster, as Bucky moved closer.

"Well, I'm glad you did come. And I am glad that I got Clint to talk you into it........"

", got Clint to.........why..........?"

"I hoped that it would mean we could spend some time together, away from everything. That I could get you away from these guys........." Bucky explained, as his flesh hand reached up and rubbed the back of his neck.

"You know.......that tent of yours looks big enough for two; I don't mind sharing if you don't. And we could go for a walk if you like, it's still early. And the genius says that there is a waterfall near here. So......maybe we could swim too........." (Y/n) quickly replied. She and Bucky now smiling at one another.

"I don't mind sharing at, all doll. And a swim sounds great." Bucky replied, as he helped (Y/n) to gather her things so that they could take them to his tent. (Y/n) having to think that she just might come to enjoy camping, after all.   

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