Chase - HotD - Aegon x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way back to her rooms, stopping as she opened the door and found her oldest brother sitting in one of the chairs. It obvious from the slightly bleary look in his eyes, and the empty jug of wine, that had been full before she and her maids had gone for a walk in the gardens, that he had been waiting for her for some time.

"My lady........?"

"It's alright, Ayara. You and the others can go. I will call for you when I need you." (Y/n) replied. The maids curtsying, before leaving the two siblings, alone.

"What is it you want, Aegon.......?" The princess continued, as she closed the door behind her, and made her way into the room.

"Is that anyway to speak to your brother, (Y/n)........?"

"It may not be the way to speak to a brother, but it is the way I speak to drunken shits, like you. Now, I ask you again.......what is it you want, Aegon.......?" (Y/n) quickly retorted, as she grabbed the jug from his hand, and threw what was left of the wine, into the fire. The flames hissing and spitting angrily, as the liquid fell onto them.

She was used to things like this. As soon as Aegon had found out that his cock was not just for pissing out of, he had been a pest. Her older brother often to be found waiting in her rooms for her; more often than not, naked in her bed. And his marriage to their sister, had not stopped him. Helaena never being strong enough to deal with a boy like their brother; never often sound enough to protest at all the whores and maids that Aegon would either pay to fuck or force his attention on. (Y/n) having no idea how many of her oldest brother's little bastards could be found on the streets of the capital. No idea how many poor girls her mother and Grand Maester Mellos, had forced to drink Moon tea, and then paid off. Yet despite all that he had done and tried, (Y/n) was thankful not to find herself on that long list of her brother's conquests. Happy to have never fallen for his dubious charms. Though it seemed he now took her as a challenge. Aegon never liking to be told, no. To not be given exactly what he wanted; and since she had a habit of telling him no, every chance she got; as she enjoyed not giving him anything that he wanted, Aegon had become more fervent in chasing her. And the announcement that she was to be married to Aemond, had not helped any. (Y/n) just grateful that Helaena, had had to suffer being wed to Aegon, and not her.

"Can I not just want to talk to my beloved sister..........?"

"Talk? Please Aegon, we both know that the last thing that you want to do, is talk. If I wanted a conversation, I would go and find our brother; at least then I would get something more than your usual ramblings which end up as a pathetic attempt to get me into bed." (Y/n) retorted, as she took a seat across from him.

"Don't you have better things to do Aegon? Other people to bother? I am sure that you haven't been through all the whores in Kings Landing, yet. That there must still be one or two poor naïve maids that will actually believe you when you claim to love them; before you get them pregnant and throw them away as if they were nothing but rubbish. I myself, need to change so that I can go and see Aemond and mother. There are still preparations to be made, before the wedding.........." The princess continued, as she got to her feet. A smile making its way onto her lips, as Aegon slammed his cup onto the table.

Aegon had made it quite clear when the marriage was announced, that he was not happy; wanting to know why he, as heir to the throne, had been wed to Helaena, a girl that gibbered incoherently most of the time, and Aemond got to marry (Y/n). (Y/n) having been stood there with Aemond and Helaena when Aegon had described his sister-wife, quite unfavourably to her. When he had insulted Aemond. (Y/n) as annoyed at the petulant shit, as Aemond was. Helaena, as with most of the time, seeming to be in a world of her own. Yet it was what it was, and just as their mother and grandfather had told him, there was nothing he could do. Though that didn't mean that he had stopped trying.

"Why do you want to marry him? Aemond is nothing, it is I that will be king. And I doubt that he even knows what to do with his cock........"

"Yes, Aegon, you will be king, and Helaena will be queen. Need I remind you that you are already married; and I cannot imagine that anyone would allow you to leave our sister, so that you can marry me. And I will be no man's whore, especially not yours. And as far as Aemond and his cock is concerned, that is between he and I..........." The princess retorted, as she made her way around the room; suddenly finding herself turned around and pushed up against the wall.

"I could show you what it is a real man can do for a woman; and then when you see that Aemond cannot satisfy you, you will beg me to let you be my whore......." Aegon suddenly doubling over and grabbing his most treasured possessions, as (Y/n) brought up her knee and made it quite clear that she was not interested.

"You cannot do that to me.......I am........."

"Yes, I know, Aegon; you are going to be king. But I think that you will find that I just did. Now, as I said, I need to change so that I can meet with our mother. So.........." (Y/n) said, as she made her way to the door and opened it.

"If you don't mind..........." Aegon wincing, as he slowly got up from the floor and reluctantly made his way passed her.

"This is not the end, (Y/n)........."

"No, Aegon, I didn't think it was. But for now........." (Y/n) pushing him the rest of the out of the room.

"The king to be, can go and find himself someone else to annoy." Aegon finding the door slammed in his face. Finding himself alone in the long corridor; finding a smile come to his lips. Aegon deciding that there was nothing like the thrill of a chase, and he would chase his beautiful sister, until she was his.  

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