Roses - Guardians of the Galaxy - Peter x Reader

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Why is it that a single flower can say so much? Every emotion, from love to sorrow and regret, can all be expressed in one perfect bloom. Whether they are the brightest red, or the purest white; a rose seems to be able to speak louder than any other. And can even say things we can't.

"Do you think that she'll like them?" Peter asked, as he looked between the beautiful blooms in his hands and the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Pete. I am sure that she would love them. And I know that she would be proud of the man that you have become. So, stop being nervous. Now, let's get you there, before you change your mind." (Y/n) replied, as she took him by the arm and led him out of the hotel.

For so long, Peter had put this off. Since his mother's death, and him being whisked away to space by Yondu and the other Ravagers, he hadn't really had the time to do this. Even if he had known where she was. But now, now he knew that he couldn't put it off any longer.

The Guardians had returned to Terra only a few days before. But as soon as they had landed, (Y/n) had insisted on packing Peter into a car and making the long journey from upstate New York to Missouri. (Y/n) telling him, that the more than one thousand mile drive, would give him some time to think about what he wanted to say. And also, time for them to catch up. The Avenger telling the Guardian that he always spent far too much time in space, and that she missed him when he was gone. Peter reply that that was the point of being a Guardian of the Galaxy. And that without Star Lord, the galaxy would probably fall apart. Though he did admit that he always missed her too.

Peter had first met (Y/n) when he and the others had made their way back to Terra, some time ago. (Y/n) being a brand new member of the Avengers that Peter couldn't help but find himself drawn to. An Avenger that was not only smart and funny, but also completely bad ass and ever so slightly crazy. And just to put the icing on the cake, she also loved the same kind of music that he did. Peter finding himself dancing and laughing with her into the small hours of the night, as the rest of the compound and the Milano, slept. And on those long nights, he had found himself telling her everything. About how he was taken by Yondu. About being brought up a Ravager. About his life in space. And most importantly, he had told her about his mother and why he loved his music so much. (Y/n) always listening patiently. Smiling and nodding when he needed her to and taking his hand when he had been fighting back the tears.

Even then, she had told him that he should go and see her. That he should go and find his mother and talk to her. A notion that Peter had dismissed as a little crazy, given that he had no idea what had happened to his mother. And even if he had, talking to a headstone, or whatever, would be stupid. But (Y/n) had insisted. Telling him that she would help him. That while he and the rest of the Guardians were off saving the galaxy, she would find his mom and together they could go and pay their respects. So, here they were, leaving some pokey hotel in Missouri, after three days travel. Peter feeling ever so slightly.......well, ever so slightly scared.

(Y/n) had done everything she had promised him, and more. Using all her available resources to finally locate where his mother had been laid to rest. (Y/n) informing him, via the interstellar communicator that Stark had come up with, that his mother had been interred in the cemetery next to the hospital in which she had died. That unfortunately, she had been buried with little ceremony and no headstone. But that she had been able to twist Stark around her little finger just enough so that now, a beautiful white marble headstone showed where his mother rested.

"I hope you like the headstone. Pete. I know I should have asked you about the wording, but you were all off fighting some crazy space monster at the time. And the stonemasons needed to know. So, as you had told me so much about her, I sort of gave them what I thought would be right." (Y/n) told him, almost apologetically, as she drove from the hotel to the cemetery. Peter watching as the fields of golden wheat flew by outside the window.

"I trust you, (Y/n). Whatever you told them, I'm sure that its perfect." Peter assured absentmindedly. His eyes suddenly turning from the outside world to the woman next to him, as he felt her take his hand.

"Are you sure that you want me to come with you? I mean, wouldn't you prefer to talk to her on your own?" (Y/n) asked. The Avenger smiling as she felt Peter tighten his grip on her hand.

"No. I think that its only right that you come with me. Plus, I want her to meet you. You've done more for my mom than I was ever able to." Peter replied, the rock that had been sitting in the pit of his stomach now turned into a boulder, as (Y/n) drew the car up to the gates of the cemetery.

"Hey! You know that's not true. You've saved the galaxy more times than I care to imagine. So, without you, there might not even be a Terra left, and therefore a grave to visit. So, you have done more for your mom than you know, Pete." (Y/n) replied, as she pulled into the small car park, and opened the door for the reluctant Guardian. Peter gripping at the bunch of roses in his hands like his life depended on it, as (Y/n) led him to the grave site.

"Here she is, Pete." (Y/n) told him, as they stood before the large piece of white marble. Peter reading the words that (Y/n) had chosen. Words that said more than he ever could.

Here Lies

Meredith Quill

Beloved mother of

Peter Jason Quill

A woman, without whose sacrifice, the galaxy would have been lost.

We will forever be grateful.

"It.....its perfect, (Y/n). Thank you." Peter sniffed. Wiping his eyes on his shirt sleeve.

"I thought that she deserved it, Pete. I'm so glad you like it. And I hope that you don't mind, but I made a copy of one of your tapes, so that you can leave it with your mom. Then, next time you're off in space listening to your music, you can imagine that she's listening too." (Y/n) told him, as she pulled the tape from her pocket and handed it to him.

"No. I think that you should give it to her, (Y/n). Then all three of us can listen to it." Peter replied, as he took (Y/n)'s hand and led her to the in front of the grave.

"Er......Hi mom. It.......its me, Peter. I know, hard to believe, huh? How did something as ugly as me, come from something as beautiful as you." Peter chuckled, as he lay the roses on the grave.

"Oh. I'd like you to meet......this is (Y/n). She's the one that got you the stone. Well, Stark paid for it, but (Y/n) talked him into it. I thought that you would like to meet her, cos she's, my girl. Well, what I mean is......I want her to be my girl. I just haven't asked her yet. I just hoped........" Peter said, as he looked between the stone and (Y/n).

"Hello, Misses Quill.It's a pleasure to finally meet you. And yes, I am Peter's girl." (Y/n) added,as she kissed Peter gently on the cheek. A big smile coming to his lips as heand (Y/n) continued to talk. Both of them filling his mom in on what hadhappened since he had had to leave Terra. Peter pulling a single rose out fromthe spray and handing it to (Y/n). The perfect bloom telling her all that sheneeded to know or would ever need to know, about how Peter felt for her.

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