For the love of a daughter - GoT - Roose Bolton x Reader

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The Dark Angel of Dreadfort, that was what everyone called her; (Y/n) Bolton was the second child of Roose, sister of Domeric, and the one true lady of the House of Bolton.

Even from a young age (Y/n) had always seemed to be able to cast a spell over the hearts and minds of any man that had ever met her, this included Domeric, her half-brother Ramsay, but especially her father, whom she seemed to bewitch more than anyone else.

(Y/n) was her father's daughter in many respects, she was calm and calculating, cautious and intelligent, and like him she could be ruthless and easily capable of unspeakable cruelty, a characteristic which made particularly Ramsay, love her. She was never above sadistically toying with others, enjoying a game of cat and mouse, watching the other person squirm and cower, until she would grow bored and have them taken away.

But her cruelty was hidden by her beauty, tall, elegant and dark, she would always wear black, her gowns made to show her every curve at the insistence of her father; Roose had always maintained that his daughter should leave her neck and shoulders showing, everyone knowing that Roose only insisted on the designs so that he himself could see as much of his daughters bare flesh as possible.

Everyone knew of Roose's obsession for his daughter, an obsession that had only got stronger as she had grown into the stunning beauty that would prowl the corridors and dungeons of the Dreadfort at night; the haunting beauty that would follow her father into battle, standing by his side as he fought for the King of the North. The beauty that would stand by his side too during his disagreements with Robb, proving a distraction, and a useful weapon against the young king, a simple smile from the young Bolton making Robb forget anything and everything.

Roose had started to grow jealous, as his newly legitimised heir and (Y/n) had begun to grow closer; now that her much loved Domeric was dead, (Y/n) had no brother and no lover, and it was obvious that Ramsay now wanted to take over both roles.

Roose had discovered the relationship between his two children when he had heard rumours from the servants, and had stormed into (Y/n)'s chamber to find the siblings in the throws of passion; but instead of their fathers sudden appearance stopping what they were doing, it had seemed to spur the two on, especially (Y/n), who seemed to enjoy the sight of her father watching as Domeric took her. She had seemed to enjoy it even more when Roose had moved to a chair, so that he could take his hardening cock in his hand, his eyes roaming every inch of the young woman's flesh as he pleasured himself at the sight before him, a situation that became a common occurrence until Domeric had passed away.

But now that is true heir was buried under the Dreadfort, Roose determined that the only one to take Domeric's place in (Y/n)'s bed would be him, not his bastard son.

Roose roamed the halls looking his daughter, after all the years of wanting her, after all the times he had watched his son have what should be his, Roose was finally going to force the issue.

As he walked into the courtyard his blood began to boil as he saw Ramsay with his arms tightly around his sisters waist as he seemed to be instructing (Y/n) on how to shoot a bow and arrow; but the pretence fell away quickly as soon as Ramsay's lips met with her long pale neck, (Y/n) giggling as her brother whispered things into her ear.

Suddenly Ramsay found himself violently pushed up against the stone walls of the fort, his father's hands around his throat, Roose's grip getting tighter and tighter.

"Stay away from her, do you hear me? If I ever see you touch her again, I will kill you myself." Roose roared, his face hovering over that of his sons, Ramsay incapable of doing anything but gasp for air as he desperately tried to pull his father's hands away from his throat.

"FATHER! LET RAMSAY GO." (Y/n) yelled, as she forced him away from her brother, slapping her father across the face before falling to her knees by Ramsay's side, bringing his head to her breast as she softly cooed over the gasping man.

Roose was not a man to publicly express his emotions, but as the woman he had wanted for so long, gently kissed another, Roose could keep it in no longer.

"Why (Y/n)? Why will you love your brother's when you know that the only one that deserves you, that loves you is me. I would give you anything that you ask, anything you desired, if you would just love me; but you would prefer a bastard that can give you nothing." Roose bellowed, before storming back into the fort, leaving his children behind.

Roose made his way to his chambers, the day had been long, and anyone that had had the misfortune to come across the lord after his confrontation with his offspring had felt his wrath.

Pushing through the door he was greeted by a sight that he thought he would never see; on his bed, as naked as the day she was born, was (Y/n), staring up seductively at her father, her fingers softly brushing over her pale skin as her father moved closer.

Kneeling up on the bed she beckoned her father over, her hands making quick work of removing his upper garments, before she took his hands and placed them on her soft flesh, letting out a wanton moan as Roose's hands roughly massaged her breasts.

"Give me what I ask for father, and I will give you everything I gave Domeric, and more." (Y/n) whispered, her head falling back as Roose took one of her hardened nipples between his teeth.

"Anything, I will give you anything." Roose groaned, as he felt his daughter's hand rub his ever hardening cock.

Pushing him away, (Y/n) smiled wickedly as her father fell to his knees, seeming to beg his daughter for her favour.

"I want the north father, give me the whole of the north to do with as I wish; give me that, and I will be yours." (Y/n) told him, helping him rise to his feet before slowly removing his pants, Roose gasping as (Y/n) took him roughly in her hand.

"It is yours, if you asked for the whole of the Seven Kingdoms, I would give them to you." Roose told her, as she pulled him into his bed, wrapping her legs around him.

"Then father, love me." (Y/n) purred, as Roose finally sheathed himself in her warmth.

Roose would do whatever it took to give (Y/n) what she desired, he would give her the north, the House of Bolton would rise, and all that for the love of a daughter.

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