Yes Master - Avengers - Loki x Reader

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Loki smiled as he made his way back to his rooms in the Avengers compound. He had heard the team return from their latest mission, and he knew where she would be. He knew that despite the fact that she had probably been through hell. That despite the fact that she was probably battered and bruised. He still knew that given the amount of time that they had been forced to spend apart, that there was only one place that (Y/n) would want to be. And that was with him.

They had never told the rest of the team, even though they both had a feeling that the others knew. But he and (Y/n) had been together for some time. And despite how he may deny it if he were asked. Despite how many times he had said that it would never happen, Loki had to admit that he had fallen in love with the beautiful Midgardian.

For Loki, (Y/n) was everything that he had ever hoped for in a woman. To the rest of the world, she was intelligent, strong, brave and highly skilled. A force to be reckoned with. And the god of mischief adored her for those facts alone. But it was what she was behind closed doors. What they were together when they were alone, that made Loki not want anyone else.

When they were away from the others, (Y/n) was his. His to do with as he wished. His to use and abuse. To love and adore. To punish and praise. She was his slave, and he was her master.

When she knelt before him, a wicked twinkle in her eyes, and a soft seductive smile on her lips, Loki felt weak at the knees. She made him feel things that he never though possible. Allowed him to hope for a better future. A future that he knew would only be happy if (Y/n) was by his side. She made him stronger than he could ever be by himself. And whether she was a Midgardian or not. (Y/n) was the only thing he wanted and needed.

Slowly he pushed open the door to his rooms. A wicked grin pulling at his lips as he saw (Y/n) already waiting in his bed. His black silk sheets pulled around her naked form. The Avenger licking her lips as she looked him up and down.

"I need you." (Y/n) cooed softly, as Loki closed the door firmly behind him. Removing the jacket of his Midgardian suit as he turned back to look at her.

"You need me, what?" Loki enquired, as he pulled off his black tie, and waited for a suitable reply.

"I need you........Master." (Y/n) replied. As Loki walked to the side of the bed and placed his hand under her chin. Angling her face up so that she could look deep into his eyes.

"That's better. How much do you want me?" Loki continued. Trying to fight back the urge to rip the rest of his clothes off and take (Y/n) there and then.

"I want you so much, Master. More than you will ever know. I've missed you. I've been bad, and I need to be punished. I need you to punish me." (Y/n) replied, as she took Loki's hand and began to twirl her tongue around his fingers. Loki feeling his heart pounding as she nipped and licked at his flesh.

"Well then. If you have been bad. You deserve to be punished. Get out of the bed and stand before me." Loki growled, his eyes growing wide as (Y/n)'s naked body emerged from under the sheets, and dutifully stood before him. Loki knowing that it didn't matter how many times they had done this. How many times he had felt her naked form against his. No matter how many times they made love, and she screamed out his name in ecstasy. Each time was better than the last. Each time was like the first time all over again.

"Undress me." Loki ordered. (Y/n) obediently reaching up and slowly, ever so slowly began to unbutton his black shirt. Her lips kissing the pale flesh of his chest, every time a little more was revealed.

"How bad have you been, (Y/n)?" Loki asked, as he combed his fingers through her hair and yanked her head back so that he could attack the flesh of her neck. His teeth biting at her skin as (Y/n) moaned wantonly.

"How bad has my little slave been? How much do you need to be punished?" Loki continued, as his hand groped at her breast. The sounds of (Y/n) groaning now filling the room. Neither of them caring if the whole compound could hear.

"I've been so, so bad. Only you can make me a good girl again. I need you to punish me in any way that you want." (Y/n) told him as she fell to her knees before the Asgardian. Her fingers making light work of his belt and the button on his trousers.

"Take me Master. Show me what the god of mischief can really do." (Y/n) beseeched, as she delicately pulled down the zipper.

"Oh no. Not yet my bad little slave. I am going to make you wait. I am going to make you beg. Make you plead. And then, and only then will I sate you desire." Loki hissed, as he wrapped his fingers around her throat and pulled her up from the floor, before pushing her back onto the bed as he crawled on top of her, and softly growled in her ear. (Y/n) whimpering as he pushed himself between her legs.

(Y/n) loved Loki like this. She loved him strong, powerful and masterful. She loved him wicked and cruel. She loved the feel of his cold skin against her warm needy flesh. The rest of the time she had to be so strong. She had to be in control. To hold her head and emotions when the world around her seemed to be falling apart. But with her god she could surrender. She could allow herself to be weak. She could allow herself to fall, because she knew that Loki would always be there to pick her up. Even though he never said it, (Y/n) knew that he loved her as much as she loved him. That despite their different worlds, their different lives. Their different beings. That what they had was something more than mere lust and desire. It was fate. And they were fated to be together.

"Tell me that you want me that you want me as your king. Tell me that you want me to punish you, as your lord. Tell me that you will always bow before me. That you like the whips and chains. That you like being bound. That you want to be used by a god." Loki whispered. His words sending electricity pulsing down her spine. Every nerve, every muscle aching as his breath fanned across her naked flesh.

"I want all of it. All of it and more. You're my king, my lord, my god. And I will always bow to you." (Y/n) mewled, as Loki pulled off his shirt. His arms caging her like a wild animal as her legs wrapped themselves around his waist. Her hips bucking up as her body pleaded for satisfaction.

"Then my needy little slave. Let me show you what it is to be punished by a frost giant." Loki chuckled. The sounds of their love drifting through the compound. Neither master nor slave caring about what they would have to explain tomorrow. 

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