Grease Monkey - Avengers - Scott Lang x Reader

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"Er........Cap.....Steve.....I mean.....Rogers.......America." Scott fumbled out awkwardly as he came up behind Steve. Steve rolling his eyes as he turned to look at him. The captain still not sure why after all this time, Scott seemed to struggle to get a sentence out, when talking to him, that didn't sound completely embarrassing and clumsy.

"How many times have I told you, Scott. You can just call me Steve. Now, how can I help?" Steve asked. Doing his best to ignore Bucky's slightly amused chuckle from the background.

"Oh, er.......thanks Cap.......Steve. I was just wondering if you might know where (Y/n) was. I have been looking for her everywhere. I need, I mean I need her help." Scott asked. The ex-criminal trying his best to fight back the embarrassed blush from his cheeks, as he noticed both the Captain and Sargent smile at one another.

"Well. I would suggest that our resident grease monkey has probably got her head stuck in one of Stark's cars in the garage. I did overhear him say that there was a misfire in one of the cylinders in the old mustang. Knowing (Y/n), she is probably fixing it for him." Steve explained. The captain doing his best not to laugh as it suddenly seemed to become obvious to Scott that that was the first place that he should have looked for her.

"Oh, yeah. Derrrrr. I'll just Er, thanks.......Steve. Captain." Scott blurted out, before hurriedly making his way to the door.

"I don't know if I have ever seen a guy as lovestruck before. And I'm not sure whether it's with (Y/n) or you. You seem to have that effect on a lot of people, pal." Bucky chuckled as he came up behind his old friend. Steve rolling his eyes again at the comment.

"Though I do seem to remember that you had that same goofy look on your face every time Daisy Henderson got close to you, when we were twelve." Bucky added. Making it now Steve's turn to fight back the blush from his cheeks.

"I did no such thing. Daisy was just......she was just........."

"She was just your girlfriend. We all knew. Always off in the corner of the school yard together. You weren't fooling anyone." Bucky interrupted. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he left the room. Followed by Steve doing his best to convince his friend that he had only ever liked Daisy Henderson for her rather extensive baseball card collection.


"Er, (Y/n). I...........No, that sounds terrible. Be more forceful, not so hesitant."

"Hi, (Y/n). It's me, Scott......... Oh dear god, don't say that. She knows who you are, dumbo.

"(Y/n). I'd like to talk to you.......No, that sounds like you're trying to sell her something.

"What about.........Hi gorgeous. Fancy a date with an ant? .......Oh god! I hate my life. You would have thought that this shit would get easier as you got older."

"Okay. Okay. Wait....... What you come here often?.........No, no, no, that sounds like a line from a 70s movie. Any moment that terrible Bom Chicca wah-wah music is going to start in the background, and I am going to spontaneously grow one a those huge porn moustaches." Scott groaned to himself as he slowly made his way to the garage. Trying to come up with the best way to ask (Y/n) if she would like to go for a coffee with him.

He couldn't understand why he was finding it so difficult to come up with the right words. He and (Y/n) already got on well. Spent quite a bit of time together. And she seemed to like him, as much as he knew that he liked her. So, why was it so hard? She was the most down to earth woman he had ever met. The most practical too. Hell, she spent most of her life in a singlet and overalls for goodness sake. Her hair twisted up into a messy bun on the top of her head. And her face, he was sure, constantly covered in engine grease and grime. Though that was what made Scott love her all the more. She didn't feel the need to get dressed up to impress anyone. She was who she was. Happy in her own skin. She had often told him, that if you can't love yourself, then how is anyone else going to love you. That she didn't need a face full of makeup, expensive dresses and high heels, to help her care about who she was. And if a man couldn't appreciate her real beauty without all that nonsense, then they weren't the man for her. And Scott really wanted to be the man for her.

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