Gift - Vikings - Ecbert x Ragnar x Reader

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Ragnar sat across from Ecbert. The king of Wessex and Mercia smiling as he watched his foe and sometime ally, never let his eyes leave the young woman that had sat with them all evening at the table. The Saxon king merely telling the Viking that her name was (Y/n), as they had sat down to eat.

He had of course had her join them to distract Ragnar. Ecbert not blind to the fact that the pagan king had a penchant for beautiful women. And there was no more beautiful woman in his entire kingdom, than the one that sat with he and Ragnar, now.

"Breathtaking, isn't she...........?" The son of Ealhmund of Kent suddenly said. Ragnar turning his attention to his cup, while the lady looked up from the sliced apple on her plate.

"It is alright to stare. I cannot blame you; I cannot blame any man for wanting to look at such beauty. If there is a more perfect woman in the whole of Albion, I am yet to meet her. In fact, I believe that if God has sent an angel to walk amongst us, then it is (Y/n)." Ecbert continued, as he reached out and took some of her long hair between his fingers and brought it up to his nose to smell; closing his eyes and sighing as he took in her scent. Ragnar slowly turning his attention from his cup to the lady. His eyes staring right into hers.

They were wonderous, a vision. The orbs conveying a multitude of emotions and desires, yet still concealing them all. Carrying in them both sin and virtue, war and peace; love and lust. And now that Ragnar was looking at them, he couldn't look away.

He had guessed what the Saxon king was up to, from the moment that he had presented the lady. Yet as much as Ragnar had tried to keep his mind on the conversation with Ecbert, he had been unable to completely forget about the woman who had been dining with them.

"She is a princess, if you hadn't already guessed that. The daughter of the King of Sussex, sent to my kingdom to further her education in the ways of court. And she has most certainly has done that, haven't you my angel.....?" (Y/n) nodding and smiling at the king's words, yet never turning her attention from the feared Northman.

"For you see, despite the fact that she was raised to act, talk, walk and think like a lady, a princess; she fucks and sucks cock, better than any whore in the whole of the seven kingdoms, and I should know; she has given me more pleasure than I could ever tell you, since she has been with me. A woman that is the best of both worlds, aren't you, my beauteous child......."Ecbert continued with a chuckle. It obvious that Ragnar was slightly taken aback by the comment. Or perhaps it was the fact that (Y/n) had not protested that had made the Viking raise a brow. It not the usual way that a Saxon lady would expect to be spoken about.

"Though perhaps I should let you find out for yourself. Perhaps I should make her my gift to you until you return to the settlement. A show of good faith between us." The king mused, before holding out his hand for (Y/n) to take. The princess, slowly placing her palm into his, before getting up from her chair and moving to take a seat on his lap.

"What do you think, (Y/n)? Would you like to be my gift to my friend, Ragnar? Would you like to show him what you can do. How that talented mouth of yours can make a man, feel...........?" Ragnar shifting in his seat, as the lady smiled at him. His cock already hard and begging for her attention. Crying out to be released from its confines and find itself sheathed in the warmth of her womanhood, or between her luscious lips.

"I think that I would like that very much. If that is what you and King Ragnar would like.......?" (Y/n) replied. The smile on her face telling the Northman that she was not just saying the words because of Ecbert. That she did in fact, mean it. A soft groan leaving Ragnar's lips, as his hand moved over his aching cock.

"Then it is settled. (Y/n) is my gift to you, while you are under my roof. Take her and enjoy the rest of the night. And do not concern yourself with being gentle. I have found that this angel, likes it rough. In fact, the rougher the better." Ecbert explained, as (Y/n) rose from his lap and made her way around the table, holding out her hand for Ragnar to take. The emotions and desires that had once been expertly concealed behind her exquisite eyes, now there for all to see; and Ragnar could wait not longer. The King of Kattegat taking the offered hand and getting to his feet.

"And maybe, before you leave to return you your people, you would possibly enjoy sharing her with me. I feel sure that that is something we could all enjoy. But for now, she is all yours, Ragnar........." The King of Wessex and Mercia getting to his feet and brushing down his robes before heading for the door.

"(Y/n)........." The princess and Ragnar turning to look at Ecbert as he stood in the doorway.

"Make sure to show him that it is not just Northwomen that know how to pleasure a man, and give him all his heart might desire........" Ecbert smiling again, as (Y/n) nodded before dropping to her knees in front of the Viking. A small chuckle leaving his lips, as she made light work of the drawstrings that held together the pagan's breeches, and he saw Ragnar grab at her hair, before the door to the room closed. The sounds of the Northman's moans, following a still smiling Ecbert, down the long, dark corridor. 

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