Rendezvous - Peaky Blinders - Arthur x Reader

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Arthur slowly brought the car to a stop outside the front of the very grand hotel. It wasn't the first time that he had been there, and the doorman nodded at him in recognition as he made his way up the few stairs up to the entrance. The oldest Shelby pulling the cap from his head, as he made his way into the extravagant interior.

If asked by the family........well, really it was John that did all the asking, why he would come down the stairs one day every week, dressed in his best suit, his shoes shined to the point that they looked like mirrors; Arthur would usually tell him to fuck off and to stop being so nosy, before he made his way out of the house, leaving the family to just smile at one another, knowingly.

He knew that they would know what he was up to. He knew that they would know that the only reason that he would dress up like that, was because of a woman; but he wasn't about to tell them anything just yet. Not that he didn't want to tell them; not that he didn't want to shout it from the rooftops that he was with the most beautiful woman in the world. But there was a kind of thrill in having these secret rendezvous; of meeting up in the same hotel room every week and doing nothing but make love all day. Something about just having her to himself, and not having all and sundry sticking their nose in his business and possibly ruining things. Because that was the last thing that he wanted.

Arthur was sure that under other circumstances, their paths would never have crossed, never mind he would get the chance to meet her like this, every week. He would get the chance to climb into the large bed with her, and not leave until the sun rose the next morning. The smile that he would have on his face as he made his way back to the house, bigger than any that should grace a man's lips.

It was true that he had had the pleasure of many a woman; sometimes, more than one at once. Yet these interactions normally meant very little. They were just a fuck, nothing more, nothing less. A liaison that lasted for as long as it took for him to find his release; but this, with her, was no simple fling; no simple one-night thing, no one time roll in the hay. No, she was so much more than that. She was the one thing that made him feel stable, secure. She was the one that calmed the demons and cooled his temper. Arthur never feeling better than when she held him in her arms; than when she kissed him. And he had certainly never felt better than when she had her legs wrapped around him, and her fingers gripping into the muscles of his back, as he slowly pushed himself inside her. Her moans, pleadings and the sound of his name slipping from her lips, as she came undone beneath him, making his heart swell with happiness; and the knowledge that he, and only he, was with her; the only one that was making her feel this good, filled him with a.......well, sense of pride. Filled him with a feeling that he had never really thought he would have.......... love. For that was what it was, that was the only thing that it could be; and now he knew what it felt like, he didn't want to lose it. He didn't want to lose her.

No one looked at him sideways, as he made his way to the elevators; pressing the button and waiting for it to make its way down to the foyer. He could already feel his heart pound with anticipation; already feel his body react to the thought of seeing her again. Arthur hoping that this time he could persuade her that they should meet up more than once a week. In fact, if he had his way, she would be with him every day, and in his bed every night. He would be able to walk arm in arm with her down the streets of Small Heath and show her off to the world; but that was a conversation for later. Now, all he wanted to do was get to their usual room, remove his clothes, and feel her body against his. Arthur drumming his fingers impatiently on his thigh, as the lift made its way up to the third floor. The loud ping, before the door slowly moved open, making his nerves tingle, and the breath catching in his throat.

Quickly, he made his way down the corridor, stopping as he got to a familiar door. Arthur straightening himself, before pushing his way into the room. A large smile coming to his lips, as there in the bed lay the woman that he had come to see. A woman that appeared to be naked, the only thing stopping him from seeing all of her, a simple white sheet, that was pulled up around her.

"What if I had been someone else..........?" Arthur asked, as he closed the door behind him; making sure that it was locked, before he took off his overcoat and threw it over the back of a chair.

"Then they would have got a pleasant surprise." She chuckled in reply Her teeth biting into her bottom lip, as she looked him up and down. Always liking how he appear when he came to meet her; but always preferring it when he was naked and in bed with her.

"(Y/n), I mean it............"

"Arthur, no one else would come in. But if they did, then they would get more than they bargained for. I might be naked, but that doesn't mean that I am incapable of ridding myself of unwanted guests.........." (Y/n) told him, before throwing back the sheet to reveal that she was in fact, wearing nothing, other than a smile.

"Now, are you going to stand there all day, fully clothed; or are you going to strip and join me in this bed?" She continued. Laughing as Arthur quickly began to remove his clothes; his best suit and shiny shoes thrown to the side without a care, before he jumped onto the bed. Her arms wrapping around him, as he nestled himself between her legs.

"I love you............" Arthur suddenly said, as he looked down at her. (Y/n) seeming taken aback for a moment, until she reached up and brushed his hair back from his face.

"I love you too, Arthur Shelby. You and our little rendezvous. Now, come here........." She replied, before pulling him down so that she could kiss his lips. 

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