Anyone but Sherlock - Sherlock - Sherlock x Reader

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"Please Greg, Mr. Holmes, don't do this to me, not him, anyone but him." (Y/n) complained, looking up at the two men in front of her, Greg smirking as she groaned.

"Bring back Jack the Ripper and I'll work with him, anyone but Sherlock." (Y/n) said, placing her head in her hands, as she ignored Greg's reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Well, you could always work with Anderson and Donovan." Greg told her, chuckling as (Y/n)'s head flew up, her eyes glaring at the senior detective.

"Ok, anyone but Anderson, Donovan and Sherlock." (Y/n) groaned, wishing she could punch Greg to stop him laughing.

"He's really not that bad (Y/n), I promise you'll be fine. I'm sure you two will get on like a house on fire." Greg said, trying to stifle any further sign of amusement at the current situation.

"I assure you Detective (Y/l/n) that there is no one more suitable to deal with my brother than you, that and I need Lestrade on another case." Mycroft told her, as (Y/n) looked up at the older Holmes, sighing heavily as she rubbed her temples with her fingers, trying to hold back the headache she knew was to come.

The case seemed pretty straightforward; the body of an up and coming actress had been found earlier that morning, but it was the fact that the young woman was the mistress of a very important political figure that made Mycroft want the case cleared up as quickly and as quietly as possible, the last thing that the British Government needed was a sex scandal, so (Y/n) was stuck with having to take that case, and deal with Sherlock, which was a headache that she usually happily left to Greg.

(Y/n) knew all about Sherlock, she had heard the horror stories from not only her boss, but also Anderson, Donovan, and she had even had the chance to meet the long suffering, yet delightful Doctor John Watson; but until now she had been able to avoid Sherlock, although it now appeared that she had little choice but to accept that she was going to have to put up with him, and in a strange way he was the lesser of the two evils, for she would rather work with the Devil himself than work with Anderson and Donovan.

"If it will help Detective, I know that the next round of promotions are coming up soon, and a word from the British Government would certainly help with your application." Mycroft said, as (Y/n) stood up, crossed her arms, and glared at the tall man before her.

"My work should speak for itself. I don't need your help to get a promotion, I'm an exceptional detective, and I work damn hard; I've dedicated my life to my job, and if that's not enough to get me a promotion, then nothing will be." (Y/n) said defiantly, as she continued to glare at the uncharacteristically shocked looking Mycroft.

"You are right detective, I have read your file, I've seen your commendations and your arrest record, and it is quite impressive; but believe me, sometimes with these things its not what you know, its who you know." Mycroft told her as she looked at Greg, who nodded with and apologetic smile.

"Fine!" (Y/n) said, throwing her hands up in the air.

"But I warn you, one wrong word from that petulant child, and I swear he'll regret it." (Y/n) growled, before grabbing her coat and making her way out of the door.

"Well, what do you think Lestrade?" Mycroft asked Greg, who was shaking his head.

"I think that if Sherlock doesn't watch his p's and q's, then that crime scene might just turn into a double murder." Greg said, shrugging as he followed Mycroft out of the office.

"Yes, I know; and that is exactly why she's perfect." Mycroft told him with a wry smile, as the two men exited New Scotland Yard.


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