Our American Cousins - Sherlock - Mycroft x Reader

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The Anglo-American summit was in town and that could only mean one thing, Mycroft Holmes was in his element.

The British government had been planning for some considerable time to ensure that the highest security was in place for when the leader of the free world arrived on their doorstep, and as the Prime Minister and members of the cabinet waited to greet their counterparts from across the pond, Mycroft stood in the shadows quietly feeling proud of his efforts.

During the time it had taken to organise the political circus, Mycroft had been in his perfect milieu, he was after all the government, and if he wasn't involved then he knew that the whole thing would never work, and there was no way that a Holmes was going to look bad in front of anyone, especially not the Americans.

As the time for the American's to make an appearance had drawn closer, Mycroft had been informed that he had a new counterpart, a certain person by the name of (Y/l/n), who he discovered had been doing just as much work on the American side as he had on the British side to ensure that the meeting of the two leaders would go as smoothly as possible.

Normally Mycroft would scoff at the thought of anyone being able to do what he did, his superior mind believing that an American could never be as efficient as he was, and that this (Y/l/n) was most likely some overweight, burger scoffing, coffee drinking buffoon from some hellish, swampy backwater; but given their knowledge and how the summit had been planned out like a military campaign, he had found himself strangely pleasantly surprised that this new counterpart may actually be slightly closer to his level than any other of their predecessors; so as he waited with everyone else for the President to make his appearance, Mycroft was intrigued to meet the person that he only knew from official emails.

Suddenly, people began to scurry outside the front of the venue, alerting Mycroft to the fact that the Presidents car was on its way, the older Holmes moving from his spot to better see the American leaders cavalcade as it came to a halt, a number of very large men with earpieces surrounding the car as one of them opened the door so that the President could climb out.

As the Presidential entourage came through, the two leaders shaking hands and posing for picture in front of the throng of the world's press, Mycroft caught sight of a figure slowly moving to stand quietly in a corner, and as he averted his gaze from the two political heavyweights, he realised that the figure was a rather distinguished looking woman in a perfectly pressed, and finely tailored Saville row suit that fit her every elegant curve immaculately.

He couldn't help but be slightly fascinated as he watched the woman stand in a quiet corner just like him, watching the proceedings intently, a small subtle smile pulling at the corners of her lips as she removed her dark glasses to reveal a pair of bright green eyes that Mycroft could see vividly, even from across the large room.

"Parker." Mycroft whispered, catching the attention of one of the many lesser civil servants that were darting around in the background.

"Yes, Mr. Holmes?" The young man asked, as he slowly positioned himself next to Mycroft.

"Whom might that be?" Mycroft asked, discreetly gesturing over towards the woman.

"Oh, yes, that's Colonel (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n), the Colonel is your new counterpart sir." The young man told him, before scurrying off and leaving Mycroft to gaze at the woman as he caught her eye, the two nodding at one another respectfully.


The first day of the summit had gone well, and all that remained was the evenings celebrations, a black tie affair; and as Mycroft put the finishing touches to his tuxedo, he couldn't help but be interested as to what the night and his new counterpart could bring. The two had been watching one another all day, and now the night was here, Mycroft would finally have the chance to meet the more than impressive Colonel.

Making his way down to the grand ballroom, Mycroft found that proceedings had already begun, the only things missing were the two world leaders, and the mysterious lady, a fact that was changed moments later as a round of applause sounded throughout the room, the President and Prime Minister, greeting the massed dignitaries as they made their way to the head table; but for once Mycroft found himself not concerned with the two men, but with the woman that had quietly followed the President, her long black strapless silk dress clinging to her body like a second skin, a sight that sent the normally cold and stoic Mycroft's heart racing.

The evening had progressed and now all that was left was for the gathered diplomats and politicians to dance the rest of the night away, and all Mycroft could think about was finally being able to introduce himself to his counterpart.

A sudden cough alerted (Y/n) to the fact that someone had quietly slipped up behind her and turning around she came face to face with the man that she had been looking at for most of the day.

"Ah, Mr. Holmes, so nice to finally make your acquaintance." (Y/n) said, offering Mycroft her hand, the touch of her fingers on his skin causing Mycroft to feel slightly flustered, a condition that he was definitely not familiar with.

"Colonel (Y/l/n), I assure you that the pleasure is all mine; could I interest you in a dance." Mycroft asked, as he held her hand softly and cautiously led her to the dance floor, Mycroft bringing her into his arms as the music began to play.

"You know, the only other (Y/l/n) I've heard of, is General (Y/l/n)." Mycroft said, looking down into (Y/n)'s eyes as the two moved effortlessly around the floor.

"The General is my father, and an advisor to the President; and if you do a little more research you will find that my mother is a Senator." (Y/n) said, chuckling softly as Mycroft dipped her dramatically, before bringing her back up, their bodies now closer than they had been before.

"Quite a pedigree." Mycroft told her, as they continued to softly sway, the men and women around them doing the same.

"Quite a lot to live up to; but I have never been accused of letting the side down, nor do I intend to let the President down when it comes to dealing with you, Mr. Holmes. So, no matter what you thought of my predecessors, I can assure you that I am a very different creature." (Y/n) said, gripping Mycroft's hand tighter as he spun her around, the band beginning to play a new tune.

"And I can assure you that I will be doing my utmost to ensure the best for the British Government." Mycroft assured her, slowly releasing her as the music came to a stop.

"Then Mr. Holmes, this could turn out to be a very interesting relationship. What say we leave the dancing, and you and I go get a drink and discuss our new en tant cordial?" (Y/n) said, smiling as she offered Mycroft her arm.

"It would be my pleasure." Mycroft smiled back, as he took (Y/n)'s arm and led her away from the ballroom and out to the bar, the oldest Holmes realising that this new American cousin could bring more to his life than he could ever expect. 

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